Sometimes a Thread Moves So Fast.....


Literotica Guru
Sep 24, 2001
I miss acknowledging a poster.

Or if I am a poster in a thread like that, I feel lost in the shuffle.

How about you? Do you hurry and post to something as soon as it's put up on the board?

Or do you read, think, and come back to it later?

If it's a thread that I really care about, I'll go back to what I missed, read it all and make the required posts answering questions or talking to someone.
Only thread I religiously check is my Buffy thread. I intend to keep it going as long as the show does.
I try to keep up with every thing said on some boards. Especially try to answer a question or remark adressed to me. In my own thread it really isnt difficult.

I sure feel lost, or even ignored, if noone cares to react on my posts.
Cibo said:
If it's a thread that I really care about, I'll go back to what I missed, read it all and make the required posts answering questions or talking to someone.

Morning, Cibs....

I'm still in lust, darlin' :D
mokum13 said:

I sure feel lost, or even ignored, if noone cares to react on my posts.

I was wondering how many people feel like that. That's why I try to respond to most everyone. If I don't catch you in one thread of mine, I'll try to in another. If someone has taken the time to read what I started, then I feel I should let them know it was appreciated.

No, I didn't forget you, Rasta. :)
Heya JL...and lust huh? :D

And that's how I feel mokum too if I asked someone a question or gave them a compliment or what not and they don't acknowledge me at all.
I try to acknowledge most anyone who posts to me. Sometimes, when the thread is moving fast, I miss someone's reply. I don't think anyone ever really takes it too personal. Then again, it's not often you find me posting on the more serious of subjects. Some of the most fun I have had in threads, are in the ones that move rather quickly. A group of friends that play and banter well together. On occasion, I will read, then come back later with a more thought out post.

Morning, JL:heart:
I try to reply to a post made to me, but I to get lost in the shuffle sometimes.
Roll-One said:
I try to reply to a post made to me, but I to get lost in the shuffle sometimes.

Hiya, R-O :)

Mecha, darling......long time no see.:kiss: :kiss:

I go to bed too....occasionally.
juicylips said:
I miss acknowledging a poster.

Or if I am a poster in a thread like that, I feel lost in the shuffle.

How about you? Do you hurry and post to something as soon as it's put up on the board?

Or do you read, think, and come back to it later?


Nobody ever notices my posts/replies.

Sometimes I feel lost in the shuffle but the board moves sooooooo fast that feeling like that is inevitable.

If I don't answer right away, chances are I'll get side tracked and never get back to that thread.
When I have a thread I try to acknowledge the people who've taken the time to contribute. But you're right. Sometimes it does move fast and I'll scroll through later and notice a post that I completely missed earlier. This has happened to me 2 or 3 times this week. One was a post by Trish (Sorry!). I thought "Now how did I miss THAT???" Oh well...
I hate to miss something posted to a thread that I am keeping track of. But, with my job, I am going to miss two weeks worth each month so I have had to get over that even though deep down it does bother me a bit to miss anything here.

Short of winning the lottery or inheriting a bazillion dollars, I guess I had better just get over it and try to catch up on what I have missed while at w o r k :)
someplace said:
When I have a thread I try to acknowledge the people who've taken the time to contribute. But you're right. Sometimes it does move fast and I'll scroll through later and notice a post that I completely missed earlier. This has happened to me 2 or 3 times this week. One was a post by Trish (Sorry!). I thought "Now how did I miss THAT???" Oh well...

Happens to me...a lot! Early in the morning when I first start posting a thread it will sometimes just fly off my fingers and I will scroll back a few hours later and ...yep...someone was posting as I was and I totally missed their contribution.
someplace said:
One was a post by Trish (Sorry!). I thought "Now how did I miss THAT???" Oh well...

Oh my goodness ............ no need to say sorry! This board moves fast and I know how hard it can be to keep up. I'm always lost anyway.
PTrish....been wanting to tell you that I love your sig line and it is very appropriate for Lit.:D

juicylips said:
PTrish....been wanting to tell you that I love your sig line and it is very appropriate for Lit.:D


Awwww shucks, thank you JL!!
Did you notice that I managed to get it into color and all??
It only took about a hundred different attempts to do it.
I always feel lost in the shuffle here. :D I've started my own threads long ago and gave up doing that because no one really responds to them. *shrug*

But I like participating in your threads JL, because you make a conscious attempt not to ignore anyone. Sooo awesome!
Tis all well to miss an answer or two in a thread.

Sheesh,sometimes I go off of the board and dont even come back to see what was posted. Tis life,what can you do?

But there are people here that wont even acknowledge that you took the time to answer their question,vote on their polls,give them the info that is asked for,whatever it is.

I cant stand ass kissers who only answer to whom they perceive as being "cool" or "fluff-less", ya know?

Skip me a couple of times,thats cool.

Make it a habit and no matter if they were on fire,I wouldnt stop to pee on them to put out the flames.
lovetoread said:

Make it a habit and no matter if they were on fire,I wouldnt stop to pee on them to put out the flames.

Please tell me that I have never ignored you!!
Not that I want to be peed on but if I were on fire ............ ya never know.

Love the current AV ltr ........ you have scuh beautiful hair!
SXCRgirl said:
I always feel lost in the shuffle here. :D I've started my own threads long ago and gave up doing that because no one really responds to them. *shrug*

But I like participating in your threads JL, because you make a conscious attempt not to ignore anyone. Sooo awesome!

I remember when you were posting threads in the mornings when I do. I enjoyed them! Don't Just shuffle along with the rest of us.:)
PepperminTrish said:
Please tell me that I have never ignored you!!
Not that I want to be peed on but if I were on fire ............ ya never know.

Love the current AV ltr ........ you have scuh beautiful hair!

heh...nope you havent. ;)

Thanks,tis longer than that now.