Someone explain to me...

The Plunger

Really Experienced
Oct 20, 2002
I get the BDSM board, How to Boards, Writer Feedback Board, the personel ads and the ampic board. What is the playground?

I've read through a few of the I missing something?

Is it a General Board for people who have been declawed?

That is a very apt description, plunger!

A nice place to hang out and socialize is what it is.

Ah, but watch out, declawed or not, some of us there have very sharp teeth!

The playgrounders didn't like the GB so they usurped the personals forum. Eventually enough people bitched about not being able to do anything with personal ads in the personals forum and the general boardish threads were slapped into a new forum. There was a lot of bitching and whining, but most of us just ignored that and went on to have a great time.
Thank you for the replies, I will unload my firearm prior to going in the playground.