Some quick ideas if possible.........


Oct 1, 2002
Ok.. in need of some extra ideas on bringing a temp. down if anyone's got them. Other than tylenol, ice, and a cool shower... if any.
Rubbing alcohol. Sponge it on or use a paper towel. But not too wet.
a 10 min bath with the water temperature 2°C lower then the body T°
Symptom of what?

Sore throat? Headache? Nausea? Monthly cycle? What's your temp? :D
use tylenol once then 2 hours later use motrin. This is what many DR.'s will do.
I have found that...

a wet compress in the high heat areas...frequently changed out and cooled...makes alot of progress in breaking fevers....I just use a wash cloth and place in on top of the head, the back of the neck, the arm pits, the stomach...the inner thighs...the back of the neck....over and over again....and if the combination of wet towels/bath and meds are not working to quickly get the fever to the hospital.

In my case, kids ear problems were almost always the cause (vice a flu or virus)..... good luck.
Chill your pulse points - under the ears, wrists, inner thighs.
i had also heard of sweating it out
apparently for adults itd better to get under covers and sweat it out
because it is a natural homeostatic mechanism by the body (the high temp) and its high for a reason (ie the body id trying to kill something), so thats my advice :)
Thank you everyone for your advice and suggestions. I truely appreciate it. :) ..... it helped tonight, and will in the future.
In answer to your question Lost Cause, I've been sick the last week and tonight my temp. spiked a bit high. Unforunately because of a small medical condition that I have, I have to get it down fairly quickly or go into the ER. I was having some trouble this evening, so everyone's suggestions really were a terrific help.
Thanks again.
Zaudika said:
I've been sick the last week and tonight my temp. spiked a bit high.

As long as it's you and NOT a child, aspirin or Motrin (tm) work better to reduce a fever than acetominaphen (Tylenol) does.

It's not recommended for children because of Reyes Sydrome, but aspirin is still the best anti-pyretic (fever reducer) of all the over-counter pain medicines.