social rules in reguards to humor???


Sweet Rogue
Jan 29, 2000
The following came from a book written by a man with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism where one cannot pick up on the body language used by 'normal' people.


An autistic person's sense of humour is often about things which suggest silliness, ridiculousness or which appear slightly insane.

A non-autistic person's sense of humour is often to do with finding clever ways of pointing out faults in other people and causing them embarrassment. Everyone is a victim of someone else's humour at some time or another but some people are made to suffer more than others. Sometimes, non-autistic people can get quite ruthless with their humour. This is especially true amongst teenagers and younger adults who are perhaps less likely to care than older people.

In the eyes of many zoologists, humour is a human replacement for the violence which animals use on each other to establish an order of dominance (the pecking order).


Okay, I don't know about anyone else, but my sence of humor must be autistic, because I don't usually see anything funny about pointing out the shortcomings of others, just to embarass them. And since when was humor the human version of dominance/pecking order, other than in high school?
Definitely not my area of focus, but anthropologists think that humor is differentiated along gender lines. Females tend to appreciate jokes in which verbal cleverness (such as wordplay) are involved, whereas males like jokes along the lines described in your post, Ravenloft. They use humor that deprecates other groups in order to establish dominance.

Disclaimer: Not my personal opinion, but rather something I have read in regards to this.
I have never seen humor as being a tool to establish dominance, I think that to call that 'normal' is sick and wrong.

I'd rather hear jokes about the Dread Dunny of Bristol than about my ugly face... Am I all that weird? I mean come on...
None of these classifications are definite. I think these are subjective observations made by somebody who has been the butt of many cruel jokes.
Yes, I think the author has, in fact.
I have, however, seen humor used in the manner he describes though, and I hate to think that that is 'normal' humor.
Humour is a strange beast.

The best jokes of any given type are usually constructed by the people who are the butt of the joke.

The best Jewish jokes are usual coined by Jewish people, the best jokes about the Irish come from the Irish and the best jokes about people with disabilities are very usually crafted by disabled people.

Humour is often cruel and that cruelty is more than often directed inwardly to our own section of society.
Ravenloft said:
Okay, I don't know about anyone else, but my sence of humor must be autistic, because I don't usually see anything funny about pointing out the shortcomings of others, just to embarass them. And since when was humor the human version of dominance/pecking order, other than in high school?

I agree that “humor” that demeans another is not funny. Fortunately some schools have started to recognize this and actually address the issue. Unfortunately they do not do this in my school district. But there is always hope that we will learn acceptance rather than mere tolerance for individuals unlike ourselves.
I think you have a point Bluespoke, but when a joke is made by its intended target, it loses it's dominating effect in social groups, its no longer being joked to make the subject of the joke look bad in favor of the jokes teller, because in that case, they are one and the same.

Ryaine, that might be a good idea to have something done withing the school structure about it, and yet, by iliminating it all together, I think it could cause children to be slowed in their social development. If too many rules are placed on socializing, it could damage children's ability to cope with real life, later on.
Ravenloft said:
Ryaine, that might be a good idea to have something done withing the school structure about it, and yet, by iliminating it all together, I think it could cause children to be slowed in their social development. If too many rules are placed on socializing, it could damage children's ability to cope with real life, later on.

To ease your mind on the socialization part of it, the schools I have heard of that address it are more at the H.S. level than the lower grades. And yet I wonder if it was taught at all levels would the next generation be better off.

Example: the children of the sixties grew up in a social environment of tolerance causing certain forms of speech and actions to become intolerable. Now this is not to say that racism, stereotypes, or sexual discrimination does not happen. It is just no longer accepted as “the norm”

Wouldn’t the next step be acceptance?

As for social standing or the need to dominate, there will always be leaders & followers in any group or society. Weather it is based on strength of mind, body, or sprit every group will still diversify itself.
Frankly, I think those rules might apply to High School, but High School isn't like real life. It's more tempering before you go out and face the world. I don't think anyone does the storybook action of looking back on High School as the best time of their lives. You're still trying to figure out how you are, the people can be mean, and down right disgusting at points, you're expected to rebell, which makes it harder to rebell, and you generally don't get much out of your classes. True, you can hold your own, but that requires being able to be mean back.
Ryaine, I think you've got a point, we should change the 'norm' to something more positive, but, oh, that takes time, and co-operation from everyone involved in these childrens lives, its no quick fix...
I will concede that I am being idealistic LDF, but I am ever hopeful.

Quote from my Mom “Raising a child is easy, raising a decent human being is hard”
I guess humor is....funny to those who have the same humor?

but I do agree, belittling someone is never funny...and those who think it is...I'd like to throw in a big pit...with a rabbid squirrel.
I like campy humor and satire. If someone makes themselves a target, its no holds barred! There are groups that most people feel neutral about or have distain for- politicians, telemarketers, nazi's, crack dealers, Jerry Springer guests, etc.
I rarely laugh at anything that doesnt have a dark edge.
Ravenloft said:
The following came from a book written by a man with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism where one cannot pick up on the body language used by 'normal' people.


An autistic person's sense of humour is often about things which suggest silliness, ridiculousness or which appear slightly insane.

A non-autistic person's sense of humour is often to do with finding clever ways of pointing out faults in other people and causing them embarrassment. Everyone is a victim of someone else's humour at some time or another but some people are made to suffer more than others. Sometimes, non-autistic people can get quite ruthless with their humour. This is especially true amongst teenagers and younger adults who are perhaps less likely to care than older people.

In the eyes of many zoologists, humour is a human replacement for the violence which animals use on each other to establish an order of dominance (the pecking order).


Okay, I don't know about anyone else, but my sence of humor must be autistic, because I don't usually see anything funny about pointing out the shortcomings of others, just to embarass them. And since when was humor the human version of dominance/pecking order, other than in high school?

I have no problem doing this to others! and I do take great enjoyment in it as well. But, I CAN take it as well as dish it out and expect to or the humor isn't fun. I have been picked on ALL my life for being short! Mainly from famiely members :) so it's really a give and take sort of thing. Most of all one should know the person well enough before one starts pciking on them for humor sake. You just need to be smart about it :)
Rabbid squirrels, Lava? Hahahha! Thats so COOL!

Black humor, De Sade? Like in Heathers?

Oh, but Huskie, you've had the chance to learn how to counter with your own wit, some people havn't had that same chance, or simply cannot develope a wit like yours. What was it a friend called them... Word-swords. You don't fence with someone who doesn't know how to do you?

But, on the other hand, I don't think a safty pin to hold up society's diaper is the best solution either.
Ravenloft said:

Oh, but Huskie, you've had the chance to learn how to counter with your own wit, some people havn't had that same chance, or simply cannot develope a wit like yours. What was it a friend called them... Word-swords. You don't fence with someone who doesn't know how to do you?

yes. thats sorta what I was trying to say. LOL!!! I had my ass kicked so many times by jokes that I'v had no choice but to get good at :)

The only time I fence with some one I KNOW dosn't know how to reply back is when I'm looking for a fight. I.E. I hope it makes them mad and hurts there feelings, but thats a different thread. I do like to pick on those that "Can dish it out but not dish it in" it's fun to watch'm spin out :D
ChilledVodka said:
I like Chris Rock's nigger jokes.
Oh, you twit, thats not the black humor I was talking about.

Black humor, by definition is laughing about morbid things. A guy gets his arm off and pokes at the studd, thats black humor.