SOCIAL MEDIA can be dangerous if you’re a douchebag. Mega Tee Hee!


Jan 23, 2011
SOCIAL MEDIA can be dangerous if you’re a douchebag.:D

Wait till you read this shit!
Meet Lindsey Stone, Self-Professed Douchebag


Lindsey Stone was at Arlington National Cemetery last month, having some fun at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, so she decided to post the picture shown above. She seemed a bit surprised that anyone could take offense at her stunning display of disrespect…


The internet being what it is has led to a deluge of comments on her employer’s Facebook page. Apparently they are going to apologize. Lindsey has just scrubbed her Facebook page. We caught this picture before she deleted everything.


Maybe instead of firing Stone, her company will do something positive and get her to understand the error of her ways and do the apologizing herself.

Via: This Ain’t Hell

Update: Lindsey Stone’s employer, Living Independently Forever, Inc. (LIFE), issued the following statement today:

On Nov. 19 at approximately 6 p.m., we became aware that one of our employees had posted an offensive, inappropriate photograph on her personal Facebook page. The photo was taken at a national historic site in October by a fellow employee during a trip to Washington, D.C. attended by 40 residents and eight staff. The photo has since been removed from Facebook, and both employees have been placed on unpaid leave pending the results of an internal investigation.

This photograph in no way reflects the opinions or values of the LIFE organization, which holds our nation’s veterans in the highest regard. We are proud to have veterans serving on our staff and board of trustees, and we value their service. The men and women who have selflessly fought and sacrificed their lives to protect the rights and lives of Americans deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. We are acutely aware that this photo has done a disservice to veterans and we are deeply saddened that it was taken and shared in a public medium.

I suspect she’s doing a bit of that right now…

Update 2: This really couldn’t have gone any more viral…

Gawker asks if Stone deserves to have her life ruined over this picture. Short answer no, long answer it probably will happen anyway.

WBZ-TV in Boston has identified the co-worker who took the photo as Jamie Schuh, who quickly scrubbed her Facebook page as well.


And the Fire Lindsey Stone Facebook group is, well, on fire… The Save Lindsey Stone Facebook group, not so much.

Update 3: Lindsey and Jamie have apologized.

Update 4: Lindsey and Jamie both lost their jobs tonight.
Lindsey Stone And Jamie Schuh Lost Their Jobs Over Infamous Facebook Photo

The non-profit where Lindsey Stone and Jamie Schuh worked yesterday no longer employs the two women behind the photo we first highlighted yesterday. LIFE- Living Independently Forever, announced the following on Facebook:

We wish to announce that the two employees recently involved in the Arlington Cemetery incident are no longer employees of LIFE. Again, we deeply regret any disrespect to members of the military and their families. The incident and publicity has been very upsetting to the learning disabled population we serve. To protect our residents, any comments, however well-intentioned, will be deleted. We appreciate your concern and understanding as we focus on the care of our community.

The Boston Herald is reporting the following:

Lindsey Stone — the Plymouth woman taking an online beating for posting a photo of herself flipping the bird at Arlington National Cemetery on Facebook — has lost her job.

“Lindsey resigned and we accepted her resignation,” LIFE Inc. CEO Diane Enochs told the Herald tonight.

LIFE Inc. of Hyannis — a Cape Cod nonprofit that helps adults with special needs — announced tonight that Stone, along with the woman who snapped the offending photo, are not working there.

They don’t mention whether Schuh resigned or was terminated. I suspect that they were both given the opportunity to resign before the non-profit fired them.

Happy now internet?
Well, isnt that special





Rejoice O Youth:)
Now you can take that picture and put Obama's face in it.

You need me to think of these things for you.



wonder if teh FAT CUNT, woulda THOUGHT about going to MLK grave and doing that shit:confused:
Who cares if she posed like that. It's her right. When did we become a nation of pussies?
Who cares if she posed like that. It's her right. When did we become a nation of pussies?

Of course it was her right. That explains why she hasn't been arrested.

It was also her employer's right to fire her. That explains why he won't have to worry about losing a wrongful termination suit if she happens to be stupid enough to file one.

That's the thing about "rights" which many people frequently forget. They don't automatically protect you from all unpleasant circumstances when you chose to exercise them.
Lindsey Stone loses her job

posted at 5:01 pm on November 22, 2012 by Jazz Shaw

While many of us take time out today to be thankful for all of our blessings, there’s at least one household with a bit less to be thankful for. It’s being reported that on the day before Thanksgiving, Lindsey Stone and one of her colleagues were fired from their jobs. In case you somehow missed the story, Lindsey is the woman who managed to exercise her right to free speech in a manner so incredibly offensive that people across the nation took to social media demanding she be fired from her job. If your love of civil liberties has you feeling sorry for her, you might want to hold back on defending her here.

Lindsey Stone, the Plymouth, Massachusetts woman who posted a photo of herself giving the middle finger in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, creating a firestorm of Internet backlash and outrage, was fired from her job Wednesday…

The photo, which has been taken down, was first posted last month on Stone’s personal Facebook page, and showed Stone giving the middle finger while pretending to yell next to a sign that read “Silence and Respect” at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arlington National Cemetery.

The picture in question (linked here with the offending digit blurred out) was enough to get people from all across the political spectrum up in arms. And I offer no apologies for saying I was among that group. But as the story unfolded, there were those speaking up in defense of Stone, such as Business Insider author Robert Johnson – a veteran himself – who argued that the young woman’s life shouldn’t be “ruined” over a “stupid Facebook post.”

But as outrage grows — leading to posts across the Internet and Facebook groups devoted to getting her fired — I feel compelled to defend her.

Stone was at the cemetery on an office trip. She’s pretending to be neither silent or respectful next to a sign that demands she be both. As in, “Look it says I can’t. But I am.” I get it. I remember standing on the wall of a deep gorge in high school that had the words Do Not Stand here painted on it. I took a picture of my shoe beside them. These are silly, immature, little rebellions.

More importantly, if Lindsey Stone wants to rip on the Tomb of the Unknowns, me, my service, or the hundreds of mutilated troops I served with at Walter Reed Medical Center, she should be able to do so without fear of retribution. Freedom like that is what we fought for, and respecting other opinions is part of what the military tried to teach all of us who served.

As part of his argument, Johnson points to an op-ed by Marine officer and Naval Academy instructor Aaron O’Connel. There’s too much to include here, but the basic thrust of the argument is that the national attitude toward our troops has reached the point where the “blind adoration of the military and its personnel is getting creepy.” They both also put forward the assertion that, “questioning institutions and individuals, including the military and its troops, is good and healthy.”

That last statement is obviously true. (And this is also coming from another veteran.) The military is composed of real human beings and some of them will, on occasion, deviate from the standards we expect or make poor decisions. Military policy is certainly up for public debate. But none of this changes what I see as the primary failing of both of these arguments when it comes to the specifics of Ms. Stone’s situation. There are two arguments here: one being the woman’s right to free speech and the other being the fact that the military is fairly subject to criticism just as much as any other institution.

On the first count, I don’t see anyone trying to deprive Lindsey Stone’s first amendment rights. If this had happened and the government – at any level – was trying to punish her, I fully believe that each and every one of us would be up in arms over it. But the government isn’t doing a thing to her. What she is dealing with is the reaction of the public and her employers by way of exercising their own rights to speech and action in response to an act she freely chose to perform and publish. We are all free to speak, but we also bear the responsibility for what other free citizens decide to say in response to us.

As far as the military criticism angle goes, with apologies to Mr. Johnson, this is complete malarkey (as Joe Biden might say). In her completely unpersuasive apology, posted on her Facebook page, Lindsey said that it was “a visual pun” intended to make fun of the sign. But for us to buy this, we would need to ignore the fact that she was on an employee sponsored trip specifically to visit Arlington. She knew precisely where she was and the importance of the ground on which she stood. She was within sight of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This is the important distinction which those seeking to defend Stone need to understand. She was not “criticizing the military” or “challenging authority” in that moment.

She was grossly and crudely insulting the Honored Dead.

As I stated above, anyone is free to criticize the military or debate Washington foreign policy. But if there is anything in this world which I hope every American citizen could agree on, it’s that those men and women buried at Arlington – and our family has three there, by the way – are beyond reproach. There is no criticism of the Honored Dead. They gave the last full measure for the rest of us and are not a subject for politics or pranks. This was no stunt or “visual pun.” It was a horrific act which rightly brought a collective scream of rage from Americans across the country. And while she broke no laws and is facing no punishment from her government, she should have expected the backlash which followed.

Apology not accepted.

And with that, I’ll step down off of my soapbox and wish each and every one of you a blessed Thanksgiving and hope you find peace, with a chance to reflect on all your blessings.
How does anyone know if the Unknown Soldier deserves any honor or respect? Sounds like a homeless bum who wandered onto a battlefield to me.
The Unknown Soldier has nothing to do with Women's Rights. A true soldier has nothing whatsoever to do with gender. Just saying.
How does anyone know if the Unknown Soldier deserves any honor or respect? Sounds like a homeless bum who wandered onto a battlefield to me.

And it is now proven that you are the biggest asshole that ever graced the poor people of earth.
Expect to see her gain an appointment from Obama: probably head of Veterans Services.
How does anyone know if the Unknown Soldier deserves any honor or respect? Sounds like a homeless bum who wandered onto a battlefield to me.

The only honor the Unknown Soldier deserves is known but to God, and not to you.

The “unknown soldier” ain’t singular, you know that right?

Singuarly, perhaps; collectively no.
