Can a fetish be genetic?


Literotica Guru
Dec 24, 2012
If a parent has a fetish do you think it can be passed along down to your children?

Think about it; fetishes are all mental as so is sex. Yeah a physical contact of some sort feels good, but if mentally you are not into it then your body won’t be either.

So if a parent for whatever has a fetish which isn’t necessarily physical as much as it is mental, do you think your child shares that fetish?

I wonder because my fetish while there was a movie in the 80’s about it I never saw that movie prior to discovering my fetish and as such I don’t see how it ever become a fetish for me.

I learned of my fetish after reading a story but other than being turned on by older woman especially moms growing up I never put two and two together. Then after reading a mom and son story I was hooked.

Also maybe like myself the child hasn’t discovered it and like myself it was always there just never saw or had something to make light of it.

Just a thought.
If a parent has a fetish do you think it can be passed along down to your children?

Think about it; fetishes are all mental as so is sex. Yeah a physical contact of some sort feels good, but if mentally you are not into it then your body won’t be either.

So if a parent for whatever has a fetish which isn’t necessarily physical as much as it is mental, do you think your child shares that fetish?

I wonder because my fetish while there was a movie in the 80’s about it I never saw that movie prior to discovering my fetish and as such I don’t see how it ever become a fetish for me.

I learned of my fetish after reading a story but other than being turned on by older woman especially moms growing up I never put two and two together. Then after reading a mom and son story I was hooked.

Also maybe like myself the child hasn’t discovered it and like myself it was always there just never saw or had something to make light of it.

Just a thought.

I don’t think so but they can be inadvertently taught.
If a parent has a fetish do you think it can be passed along down to your children?
It seems scientifically possible (the topic you are asking about is called epigenetics) but absent actual studies, anything we post here will be speculative.
If a parent has a fetish do you think it can be passed along down to your children?

Think about it; fetishes are all mental as so is sex. Yeah a physical contact of some sort feels good, but if mentally you are not into it then your body won’t be either.

So if a parent for whatever has a fetish which isn’t necessarily physical as much as it is mental, do you think your child shares that fetish?

I wonder because my fetish while there was a movie in the 80’s about it I never saw that movie prior to discovering my fetish and as such I don’t see how it ever become a fetish for me.

I learned of my fetish after reading a story but other than being turned on by older woman especially moms growing up I never put two and two together. Then after reading a mom and son story I was hooked.

Also maybe like myself the child hasn’t discovered it and like myself it was always there just never saw or had something to make light of it.

Just a thought.
my son has smoking and heels fetish he told me when he was still a little kid saw me mastur.... smoking in heels
I was never comfortable discussing any of this with either of my parents, so I have no idea if mine are genetic.
I think it's a lot more plausible that it's conditioned, perhaps unconsciously. Being raised by people with a fetish, it's more likely that if one develops the same fetish, it's the result of some kind of signals one picked up on in the environment, rather than it being transmitted genetically.

Someone mentioned epigenetics - that's a thing but it doesn't create genetic content which wasn't there to begin with. I don't think there are genes for "likes shoes" or "spit" or "paddling," and there would have to be, for them to be influenced epigenetically. It doesn't make sense to postulate epigenetics as an explanation for kink preferences while disregarding regular genetics to explain the same thing.

Does anyone know any separated-at-birth scenarios where a child raised in a different, separate environment from the kinky parents developed the same fetishes?
My mom strongly disapproves of some of my fetishes. And we aren't exactly sure who's my dad but all her friends are just like her. So there's no way my fetishes are inherited.

Unless it's one of those things that skips a generation