Social Experiment - Ladies, Send a PM to a Random Man on Lit for a Change

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Yep we all here, SUP tonight

Just working, should be easier than yesterday. I took the shit job, so now nobody can say squat when I assign one to them tonight.

We will keep you company, distract you , well I might :D

You are ALWAYS a distraction.

Well... I haven't yet.

Some of my musical choices have had a theme this morning. :cool:

Looks like you aren't going to let any opportunity for dirty jokes slip by tonight. Should be fun.

So long as actual work doesn't get in the way...
Looks like you aren't going to let any opportunity for dirty jokes slip by tonight. Should be fun.

So long as actual work doesn't get in the way...

I try not to let those opportunities go by most nights. :)
Hi rusty how has your day been ?

Yeah I had to laugh today, Tuesday, The work I did last week was all required to be changed, because the Boss's idea would work. ( I did tell him before I started it wouldn't work) but he wanted it done anyway. So he redesigned the job yesterday, I set it all up yesterday did the changes last night heheheh, I knew it wouldn't be accepted by the staff, but I didn't argue, so today Wednesday, I went to a staff meeting to talk about the changes I did last night, got completely rejected at the meeting. Ah Back to square one tonight.

:D:D:D I just laugh now cause you can't tell the boss, he fucking knows everything. (except what will work) :D:D
Just working, should be easier than yesterday. I took the shit job, so now nobody can say squat when I assign one to them tonight.

You are ALWAYS a distraction.

Looks like you aren't going to let any opportunity for dirty jokes slip by tonight. Should be fun.

So long as actual work doesn't get in the way...

I hope I'm a distraction in a good way lol
Froyas song choice made me smile :D
I'll have 3 please. One from a blonde, one from a brunette, and of course a red head.
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