So, what do ya think? No, really!


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
After having moderated the forum for a month or so, I feel it is time for some feedback concerning what you would like to see more of on the forum, or less.

Please, now and at any time, feel free to pm me with thoughts and feedback concerning the forum. My ears are wide open.

I have some thoughts.

One of which is that I feel that I am posting too much. I love posting, but am going to slow down for a few days.

This is YOUR forum and I want to be sure you all feel comfortable making it your's, not mine.

I will save other thoughts for a later date.

Please, remember, everyone has an opinion and this thread, as well as my pm box is open to those opinions.

I am hoping we can have this discussion without hard feelings and by utilizing the mutual respect that we all deserve.
Richard49 said:
I do not feel you post to much.

Get your butt back in here and keep posting...there is no such thing as too much posting!
your threads are thoughtful and well kept as you do not abandon them to survive without your direction. I suggested when you first took this not burn yourself out...take care of YOU!
psht, posting too much?
The point of this is a discussion between people. Moderator or not you still are a person and are still able to discuss. So, discuss away! Nothing should stop you from having your opinion.
I don't think you're posting too much. You can moderate as well as contribute, and you haven't been doing too much of either.

What would I like to see...hmm...more naked men!! :)

I can't really think of anything off hand that I would want more or less of.
I think we're all insane

Oh really? Then there's no such thing as insanity or normalcy. ;)

Well then, Miss T, I don't think you're posting too much and enjoy reading what you have to say.

Having been on Lit for only a little more than a month, I enjoy this board emmensely. There's nothing too frivilous; it's thought provoking and I think some wonderful ideas and words have been exchanged.
when it comes to people with actual thought-provoking insights and sharp wit like you, MissT, there's no such thing as too many posts! (i know, it was said about a zillionjillion times already, but i'm adding my voice anyhow!)

as for the actual moderation duties, well, you stuck a post of mine where it belonged, and i haven't seen any insipid flaming going on, so i'd say you've got the place well under control! ^_^
Thank you, everyone. However, my post was not intended to garner attention and adulation.

As for the calm and openess on the forum, that isn't because of my spectacular moderating abilities. That is the result of the posters.

*hugs to all*

Now, at the risk of opening a can of worms, I will be more specific:

1) Do you feel there is an adequate variety of threads? Thread starters?

2) Is there any population that you feel you would like to hear more from or less from?

3) Do you feel that threads are managing to stay on topic, or is there too much chit chat and flirting?

4) Would you, have you recommended this site to your friends?

5) Are there any policies or guidelines that are NOT part of the lit- wide guidelines that you feel need to be revisited?

Let me know!

Oh, and how can I ignore a directive from Shadowsdream, as well as the rest of you. But please, if you feel my posting is excessive, you must say so. The balance between mod and poster can get a bit tricky.

My posts are not representative of lit policy or thinking, unless I point that out. Hmm sounds almost like a Surgeon General's Warning!

Shadowsdream said:
Get your butt back in here and keep posting...there is no such thing as too much posting!
your threads are thoughtful and well kept as you do not abandon them to survive without your direction. I suggested when you first took this not burn yourself out...take care of YOU!

What she said!

Besides, resistance is futile!
MissTaken said:

Now, at the risk of opening a can of worms, I will be more specific:

1) Do you feel there is an adequate variety of threads? Thread starters?

2) Is there any population that you feel you would like to hear more from or less from?

3) Do you feel that threads are managing to stay on topic, or is there too much chit chat and flirting?

4) Would you, have you recommended this site to your friends?

5) Are there any policies or guidelines that are NOT part of the lit- wide guidelines that you feel need to be revisited?

1) No I do not. However I have not start many either

2) Less from those that just want tot stir stuff up ... I am tired of unsubscribing from what were good threads cause of those that are just negative. More from female subsmissives

3) I don't think to much chit chat or flirting but I have seen a number of them hyjacked

4) Yes I have recommended literotica to a number of people ... I was sorry to see many of them gone when I came back from being ill

5) no comment
As you can tell from my post-count, I'm new to the community. I've lurked for a while, but finally decided it was time to post.

Not knowing anyone on this board makes me a little less biased than many of you may be. It also gives me less room to criticize since I'm new here. But there's very little to be critical about.

I think the range of topics is quite good. Between this and the How-To forum, I've already gotten my money's worth. Well, okay, it's free, but you get what I mean. :)

And I think the Library is a very valuable sticky to have. It has been great for a newbie like me to come in and be able to lurk around and see some of the more informative threads in one place.

The only complaint is that there need to be more dommes on the board! (I wouldn't be saying that because I'm a male hetero sub, would I???)


This looks like a really fun place, MissT and it looks like you're doing a fabulous job. Keep it up, and I'll be happy to "enlighten" you with any other newbie impressions as I think of them (for what they're worth).
Did I hear...

the words I love to hear, male hetero sub?

Welcome Martini Man!:p
Thanks Ebonyfire.

It's so nice to be wanted! It feels like there are so many of us and not enough Dommes to go around!
Martini Man said:
Thanks Ebonyfire.

It's so nice to be wanted! It feels like there are so many of us and not enough Dommes to go around!

Not enough female submissives either

Shall we now get back to our regular schudled programing?

Like answering the 5 questions Miss T presented
Re: Did I hear...

Ebonyfire said:
the words I love to hear, male hetero sub?

Welcome Martini Man!:p

* peeks over Ebony's shoulder *

Welcome to lit, Martini Man!

We do need more male hetero subs around here. :devil:

Helena :rose:
1) Do you feel there is an adequate variety of threads? Thread starters?

I think getting some of the newer people to start threads and share what they think would be a lovely idea. I'm not sure how you could vary the people who start threads.

2) Is there any population that you feel you would like to hear more from or less from?

More male hetero subs would be nice. * wicked giggles *

3) Do you feel that threads are managing to stay on topic, or is there too much chit chat and flirting?

I think there is less off topic posting and flirting than before.
Either that or I am missing all the fun. ;)

4) Would you, have you recommended this site to your friends?

Have and will continue to do so.

5) Are there any policies or guidelines that are NOT part of the lit- wide guidelines that you feel need to be revisited?

Nothing that I have noticed.
Of course, I very rarely leave this board while I am at lit.

I have always thought of you as one of U/us, MissT.
You are another poster on this board who shares and makes U/us think. Now that you are wearing the Mod Pants, I do not see you in a different light. You are still MissT, who posts and makes Me think. :kiss:

Helena :rose:
Thank you, Martini Man for posting. An objective view from a new person is always welcome. :)

Welcome to the forum.
We try to balance fun and serious discussion.
People posting here have all varieties and degrees of experience and no post is wasted.
We are also trying to maintain a certain openess to the forum and I am glad you have recognized that.

Thank you everyone, for your input.
To anyone who hasn't posted yet, I look forward to hearing from you whether it be here, or by pm.
I don't expect or see a need for any drastic changes. I do wonder if there is any tweaking to be done.

Feel free to be candid with me. I have thick skin and chances are that if you have a concern, I may have some idea that the concern exists.
I feel a moderator should be involved with what they moderate, not simply watch from the wings, and then come in to make corrections or make peace every now and again. I didn't actually know you were moderating, and I think that's good.. it makes you available to people, and I like that.
MissTaken said:

1) Do you feel there is an adequate variety of threads? Thread starters?

i think we cover many different aspects of the bdsm lifestyle, and sure, from time to time there are duplicate threads, but even then, people always have something new to say. so yes, i'd say thread variety is quite adequate.

2) Is there any population that you feel you would like to hear more from or less from?

well, just personally, i'd like to hear from male doms on issues concerning them. but that's prolly just cuz i'm a femsub looking for insights into the mindset of the "kind of guy" i get involved with.

3) Do you feel that threads are managing to stay on topic, or is there too much chit chat and flirting?

sometimes, i do unsubscribe to a thread because of excessive flirting between posters, but this happens rarely. the playful conversations are a part of the forum! it's fun to see a little back and forth between two members, and to engage in some as well!

4) Would you, have you recommended this site to your friends?

under where is here strictly on my recommendation! (basks in the credit) and i know i've got a couple more friends lurking around here. (hi guys)

5) Are there any policies or guidelines that are NOT part of the lit- wide guidelines that you feel need to be revisited?

nope, it's all good! ^_^
bunny bondage said:
2) Is there any population that you feel you would like to hear more from or less from?

well, just personally, i'd like to hear from male doms on issues concerning them. but that's prolly just cuz i'm a femsub looking for insights into the mindset of the "kind of guy" i get involved with.

Why not start single issue threads that we male Doms can respond to ?