So tell me something...

*bratcat* said:
What motivates you to do and say the things you do? Do you have an internal force that pushes you forward? Do you rely more on external triggers?

I'll answer this only in the limited scope of what motivates me to say what I say and act as I act on the boards, because I think taking real life into consideration would make this a way too complicated question.

Most of the time I'm just me, and it's simple to do so (having had so much practice at it.). I see a post and respond to it with whatever my first reaction is. There aren't any external forces in Board-life, so every reaction is based on internal triggers. Well, I'll amend that. There are external forces in board life, but they are usually things that just make me cut short conversations like having to go make dinner, do some work, etc.

For me, I'm here to have fun. My idea of fun, not someone else's. My idea of fun is fluffy/semi-serious discussion with people wth whom I wish I could hang out in rl. Fun for me doesn't include gratuitous meanness (usually), trolls or political discussion. If that's someone else's version of fun, no skin offa my nose. I'm not required to participate in their version.

Meanness is something I've been thinking a lot about lately. There are times I *really* want to say what I'm thinking, but don't. Because my overall goal is fun, not because it's not expected of me by others. Once you cross into the meanness, it's hard to pull back and be fun again (fun from my definition, that is). So for the most part I keep it to myself.

In real life, motivators are sooooo much more complicated, Brat. Cuz life's not about one specific goal. Every facet of life has different goals, directives and outside influences. If you ask me "what motivates you at work?" it's simpler. Work is a game. The goal is to earn the most money you can! lol Is that internal or external? Well, it's both. The rest of it is how you acheive that goal. Outside influences include other employees vying for the same resources, impediments to your job like bosses, customers, outmoded hard and software, balancing home/work time, etc. The variables are legion and I don't think it's possible to say whether all of those motivators are "internal" or "external."

Unless I just made your question way harder than it was intended to be. Which, now that I reread your question, I think I did. Oops! ;)
I do the same thing, but usually I change my mind and don't post it if I think it's too smart ass. People who don't know me could take it the wrong way, and I wouldn't want that.

I was thinking about your original question regarding what motivates me, but I was thinking in reality, my daily life.

I'm self motivated for the most part, but sometimes need a push in one direction or the other. I'm neutral and easy going in most situations. Other motivations, like wanting to provide a good life and nice environment for my kids come into play though too.

Ok, boy am I rambling :D
IRL there are many factors to consider.

Here at Lit it usually boils down to:

* humour

* debate

* orgasms
*bratcat* said:
Good lord, my internet life mirrors my real life too closely then. I am experiencing a serious lack of all of the above online and off.

that is because you are a harlot. shameless hussy.