So Sad


Literotica Guru
Oct 8, 2002
It was so sad that there have been no posts in the last thirty days I just had to start a thread. I have been a member here for just about 10 years now and I wish I could recapture the enthusiasm that I had when I first started. I have been so massively blocked for the past couple of years that I can hardly squeeze out a word.

I need some ideas to help me get back on the Chyoo horse again and start cranking out the good old smut I used to be able to deliver.

In any event I enjoy many of the newer authors and encourage everyone to keep on writing and posting.

Appreciate your few words.

I'm checking in more frequently and am interested by the new Wiki effort, though the core site looks like it's still the place.

Replying to thank you for your work.

Down with the spammers!

I check the forums a couple of times each day. I've posted a bit, too, and could post more, but there was a sense that no one was listening. I suspect there's a lot of lurkers though.
I have been a member here for just about 10 years now and I wish I could recapture the enthusiasm that I had when I first started. I have been so massively blocked for the past couple of years that I can hardly squeeze out a word.

Funny you mention that. I'm a longtime member, also wish I had the same enthusiasm, & also have been massively blocked...

...However, in my case, it's largely due to actual blocking. Mainly:

1] Threads I wrote a long time ago (under varied names) that are still awaiting approval, at which time I'd be able to continue them.

2] Threads that are approved, but have gotten low feedback scores, in many cases connected to attacks on my grammar/spelling/etc., all of which I later checked in online dictionaries & whatnot, & found to be correct. (Many of these attacks are repeated on these same boards by members whose own threads are full of errors!)

I'd be willing to co-author something on CHYOO following this pitch:

So, I was surfing on the web the other day and came upon an interesting little blog. It was about a pastor's wife asking a question---about how, sure, when church wives would go work out at the gym/go for a dip in the pool, places where there'd be other people, they should wear modest versions of the appropriate clothing (ie a tankini for swimming, or having a skirt worn over the tight spandex pants). But what if one was just working out in private? Would all that "man-tempting" stuff be a-okay if you were by yourself/around family?

I was surprised to see that a lot of the comments/answers on it, from other church wives, said that sure, if she were by herself, a church wife could wear a form-fitting, skimpier swimsuit for a dip in the backyard pool/rock the spandex for the gym.

It got me thinking about all the married women in my church---from the newly married twenty-somethings to those pushing forty (older than that isn't my thing). Fantasies about what if they too followed this philosophy---in the privacy of their backyards, wearing the sexiest swimsuits that showed off their gorgeous bodies (some of them, even the modest clothing can't hide that they've got curvaceous bodies..especially the younger ones).

I'm asking if someone could do a story based on this fantasy---maybe from the persepctive of a young man of the church, in the backyard of one of these ladies for one reason or another (hanging out, doing an errand, etc). The church wife doesn't realize he's there for the day, however, and decides to take a dip in the backyard in a more revealing swimsuit (not even a bikini---maybe just a one-piece swimsuit, which is pushing it for some Christian circles). Perhaps it's later revealed her husband is reluctant to even let her wear it in private, so she's doing this while he's not home. Maybe she doesn't even agree with the modesty thing in general, but does it to keep everyone else happy.

When she steps out, she is surprised to see that the guy is there, and is understandably ogling her like crazy. Instead of stepping right back in and changing however, she continues on to swim. Perhaps likes the attention...after all, she's never had the opportunity to have her figure admired in a swimsuit, since even her husband doesn't want her wearing it. And she decides to maybe provide more, subtle opportunities for the guy to admire her body, like bending over to set the towel down, or taking her time in drying off, or just repeatedly walking around the pool deck. She pushes the boundaries little by little. Perhaps, by the end, she's pushed herself far enough that she's willing to have sex with young guy, because she likes the very fact that it was her swimwear seduction that led up to the point.

Perhaps some backstory can be given throuhg her dialogue with the young guy--maybe she doesn't like the modesty thing, and is willing to go this far, due to her not being a Christian till shortly before she married, and before that gained much sexual experience (but not like with everyone...maybe with like 1-3 guys).
Avast, spammers!

Quit trying to get top conversation link. Ah, who am I kidding.

Popping in to say hi. I'm not much of a forum kind of guy, so it's been awhile. Still active on the site, though. Particularly lately. The Muse has managed to smack me around recently, prolly cause I've cut time back from WoW. Yeah, I'm one of those. Anyhoo, just saying hi after a long time of quiet on the forums. And a word of notice: Messages can't reach me. My email address for the site is dead - filled up with way too much spam. Didn't want to deal with it. Plus - it gives me another layer of anonymity just in case. No idea if anyone has message me about the threads I haven't approved. I've been picky lately about what I approve and none to happy when threads I've denied come back without any changes, suggested or otherwise.

Until the next time I post, Z.
Hi there!

I discovered chyoo a few months ago thanks to a writer promoting his work on reddit and only recently worked up the confidence to give it a go. I've started two stories (but one is hanging out waiting approval), have written a couple of thread additions to other stories, and would be interested in doing more.

I share tnadnuder's frustration with the low scoring of threads. I give all of my threads a thorough look over before I post, however, I recently missed one small typo and someone ranked the thread as a "1" and called out the typo. It's frustrating when someone catches a typo in one of 20 threads that you've written and gives it a "1." I'd think 1s would be reserved for threads with numerous typos.

So it goes.

Anyway, I have lots of ideas and I'm going to keep on writing and I'll try to use these forums as often as possible.
I share tnadnuder's frustration with the low scoring of threads. I give all of my threads a thorough look over before I post, however, I recently missed one small typo and someone ranked the thread as a "1" and called out the typo. It's frustrating when someone catches a typo in one of 20 threads that you've written and gives it a "1." I'd think 1s would be reserved for threads with numerous typos.

Worse than that. I recently saw one of my threads had feedback with a "1", & a ton of quoted mistakes... Some of those letters, let alone words, weren't in my thread!! Also, it appears someone got drunk on St. Patrick's Day & gave "1"s to all my threads, some multiple times each.
It's too bad the site can't be set to only allow ranking for people who have contributed (I'm sure this was discussed years ago when the site was fresh).
Hi there!

I discovered chyoo a few months ago thanks to a writer promoting his work on reddit and only recently worked up the confidence to give it a go. I've started two stories (but one is hanging out waiting approval), have written a couple of thread additions to other stories, and would be interested in doing more.

I share tnadnuder's frustration with the low scoring of threads. I give all of my threads a thorough look over before I post, however, I recently missed one small typo and someone ranked the thread as a "1" and called out the typo. It's frustrating when someone catches a typo in one of 20 threads that you've written and gives it a "1." I'd think 1s would be reserved for threads with numerous typos.

So it goes.

Anyway, I have lots of ideas and I'm going to keep on writing and I'll try to use these forums as often as possible.

I've had the exact thing happen, where a thread has been ranked a "1", with the person giving the feedback just mentioning one misspelled work or relatively minor mistake in the thread, with no other indication that there was anything else wrong in the thread. Based on what others are saying, it sounds like I'm not alone, and it's possibly just one person doing it. I appreciate all constructive criticism I receive, and of course I love getting a five for a thread I've written. On the other hand, I think I may have accidentally given some authors "1"s on great threads just by not looking before I clicked. I wish there was a way to go back and edit votes you've given, or to see who voted for you, or gave you feedback.
Don't forget

the people who don't read the rating right and give you a 1 thinking it means the best. I have had many ratings that went great story, loved it---1.

As someone caught in the crossfire here, allow me to set the records straight.

tnadnuder, you're getting malicious feedback because you give malicious feedback. It's called turnabout, and if you don't like it happening to you, you should stop doing it to others.

DamianWhite and TAMS, I've gotten about a dozen feedbacks that either don't read what I write or harp on one tiny mistake, and they've all appeared whenever tnadnuder makes a new account, but before it gets "hacked." I'd be amazed if there was anyone on the site besides him and myself leaving malicious feedbacks since I've yet to receive any others since he stopped making new accounts, and I only give malicious feedbacks to him since he's the only user who deserves them.

Therefore, I know, for a fact that your feedbacks are not coming from me, the second of apparently two venomous users and strongly suspect that your feedbacks are coming from the first.
As someone caught in the crossfire here, allow me to set the records straight.

tnadnuder, you're getting malicious feedback because you give malicious feedback. It's called turnabout, and if you don't like it happening to you, you should stop doing it to others.


Therefore, I know, for a fact that your feedbacks are not coming from me, the second of apparently two venomous users and strongly suspect that your feedbacks are coming from the first.

When I give bad feedback, it at least has a reason, like grammar & spelling mistakes.

Also, a lot what you say matters, since you are posting using a hacked account. I say that as the person it originally belonged to, & also did on many unrelated forums.
When I give bad feedback, it at least has a reason, like grammar & spelling mistakes.

Also, a lot what you say matters, since you are posting using a hacked account. I say that as the person it originally belonged to, & also did on many unrelated forums.

Having found myself in Tim's crosshairs, I don't believe there was a hack. I think it's a sociopath's attempt to gain sympathy and justify the multiple accounts he uses to drive up his own numbers
When I give bad feedback, it at least has a reason, like grammar & spelling mistakes.

Would "Shit." be a reason dealing with the spelling or the grammar? That's the review you gave me each time with those 1 ratings.
Having found myself in Tim's crosshairs, I don't believe there was a hack. I think it's a sociopath's attempt to gain sympathy and justify the multiple accounts he uses to drive up his own numbers

There was a hack months-or-longer ago, which is how long that person has been using that account. Also, I don't have any "crosshairs" to be found in.
Would "Shit." be a reason dealing with the spelling or the grammar? That's the review you gave me each time with those 1 ratings.

I never use such language like that. I most-often say something like "LEARN TO SPELL!" (in all-Caps), following a spelling mistake found in the thread given in quotation marks.

Also, a reminder: I don't have control of this account outside of the forums.
Hmm - I just saw this small sub forum dedicated to 'chyoo' and honestly never heard of it or even seen it before. But I shall be having a look around and see what's up.