So how is 2003 going so far???

T.H. Oughts

Oh the thoughts of Oughts
Nov 8, 2001
Mine is not so bad at all.... still in summer holiday mode here while working... I'm still in the black after Christmas spending.... all is well so far....

How about you?????
I'm doing good, Christmas debt will be gone in a maximum of 2 paydays.

I try a budget but that gets blown out of the water.

I see the year being good for me.
HeavyStick said:
I try a budget but that gets blown out of the water.

Being summer here with six weeks school holidays it's also the cost of entertaining the kids.... but the beach and fishing has been good and cheap this year...
Can't complain

Rent is getting paid, food is in my belly, and I get to look at your toosh every night.

Year's goin' fine. Thanks for askin' ;)
Re: Can't complain

JaymesBlond007 said:
and I get to look at your toosh every night.
You could try seducing me with cheesecake some time... :devil:
It's going pleasantly well so far which is good for me.
It's good so far. I have high hopes for this year.
Considering how 2002 ended for me 2003 has no where to go but up! So far, so good.
very nice...........

quite nice so far.........I still have a job that I enjoy......this year has the they all have.......of being the most significant of my life........I'm hopeful for myself and my close friends............I do dispair about the ever increasing militarism around the world, and the US response however........

Re: very nice...........

greybeard said:
I do dispair about the ever increasing militarism around the world, and the US response however........

It is a bit of a worry that one... :)
other than the ridiculous amount of snow and Xmas debt and not having any hotty like calypso or Nora, life is peachy.
What do you mean we are in 2003?? since when?? why didnt anyone wake me?? how long have i been asleep
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my new year

All things seem to be ok so far... new dog for Christmas....lots of work....just wish the cosat of fuel was lower! :cool:
T.H. Oughts said:
Mine is not so bad at all.... still in summer holiday mode here while working... I'm still in the black after Christmas spending.... all is well so far....

How about you?????

Not bad...busy, but not bad
Too busy and too cold! I need to go down under for the winter!

Been good so far, I'd rather be busy than idle. (I should be still working, got to have something that rocks by noon tomorrow)
T.H. Oughts said:
How about you?????
Not good; I didn't get the job I interviewed for, and who knows when I will get another interview? If things don't shape up by fall I will be moving south and working for my brother. :(