smart people who just listened to Bushs Atlanta Speech please help


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
I actually asat down and listened to the whole thing from beggining to end.

Can you please explain what exactly is wrong with the principles he presented in this speech this morning on economics and Iraq?

Your help is very much appreciated
Economy, I've no huge issue with. I tend to lean more to the Republican ideals on economic policies, but not as far as the capital gains tax cut. I suppose I just feel they'll steal less from me than the democrats. I could be wrong though and expect to be raped pillaged and plundered by whomever is at the top of the power chart.

War on Iraq, huge issue. What is the reason in plain english without spin? Why this, why now, why our men and women? This has yet to be answered. Does Iraq have the potential, probably yes. So does China, Poland, Chechneya, Guam, the Balkans, the Fakland Isl., so on and so forth. He is contained surrounded and cannot poop without someone being right there with a spy cam. There are bigger fish to fry, but I guess a big ole catfish is an easier nab than a little bait stealer.
Another incoherent

BrokenDEADbrain post by a paranoid Anti American FUCKTARD!
brokenbrainwave said:
Economy, I've no huge issue with. I tend to lean more to the Republican ideals on economic policies, but not as far as the capital gains tax cut. I suppose I just feel they'll steal less from me than the democrats. I could be wrong though and expect to be raped pillaged and plundered by whomever is at the top of the power chart.

War on Iraq, huge issue. What is the reason in plain english without spin? Why this, why now, why our men and women? This has yet to be answered. Does Iraq have the potential, probably yes. So does China, Poland, Chechneya, Guam, the Balkans, the Fakland Isl., so on and so forth. He is contained surrounded and cannot poop without someone being right there with a spy cam. There are bigger fish to fry, but I guess a big ole catfish is an easier nab than a little bait stealer.

Don't forget to add Pakistan to that list. They have nukes and medium range ballistic missiles, not sure on the exact range though although I do know the Indian ballistic missiles have more range and Pakistani missiles can't hit all of India.

Pakistan is historicaly much more unstable then Iraq, multiple coups in the last 25 years in pakistan compared to Iraq which has had one gov't, and Pakistan has many people in its gov't that are sympathetic to Al-Queda and other terrorist groups.

It is much simplier for the US to go in and take over Iraq then it is for us to change the situation in Pakistan.
Re: Another incoherent

busybody said:
BrokenDEADbrain post by a paranoid Anti American FUCKTARD!
you sooo want me its not even funny.


sorry about this mess folks. I must feed my troll once a day with xoxoxo's or he gets cranky. Next time, I'll make him wear a Pamper.
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Azwed said:
It is much simplier for the US to go in and take over Iraq then it is for us to change the situation in Pakistan.
ding ding ding!

for it would give us the foothold our so called leaders are havings orgasm fantasies over.
I wish I'd been a heckler in Atlanta...

"That changed on September the 11th, 2001. Because the stark reality of 2001 is that America is now a battlefield, that the war has come home. And therefore, this nation must also confront not only shadowy terrorist networks, but the gravest danger in the war on terror, outlaw regimes arming to threaten the peace with weapons of mass destruction."

But some of those outlaw regimes have been in place for donkeys years. Why bother with them now? Why not attack Pakistan, or North Korea. Why does only Iraq warrant your undivided attention?

"After Secretary of State Powell's presentation to the United Nations Security Council, the world knows that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction,"

The world knows nothing of the sort and if you think a few artist impressions are going to make your case for you, you'd better think again.

"He is actively hiding the weapons."

After twelve years don't you think you should know exactly where he's hiding them by now?

"Military action is this nation's last option. And let me tell you what's not an option: Trusting in the sanity and restraint of Saddam Hussein is not an option. (Applause.) Denial and endless delay in the face of growing danger is not an option. (Applause.) Leaving the lives and the security of the American people at the mercy of this dictator and his weapons of mass destruction, not an option. (Applause.)"

Military action may well be America's last option now but a few months ago it was America's first. Nobody is trusting in the sanity or restraint of Saddam. We just think he's already restrained enough, and if you really have the 'liberation' of the Iraqi people at heart you would press for more UN intervention not threaten that you will go it alone if you don't get UN support. Killing what could be thousands of civilians and putting your own young men and women at risk is not the way forward. Ever thought of proposing that Iraq becomes a UN protectorate?

"We defend the security of our country, but our cause is broader. If war is forced upon us, we will liberate the people of Iraq from a cruel and violent dictator. (Applause.)"

From where I'm sitting it's you that's forcing the war.

"The Iraqi people today are not treated with dignity, but they have a right to live in dignity. The Iraqi people today are not allowed to speak out for freedom, but they have a right to live in freedom. We don't believe freedom and liberty are America's gift to the world; we believe they are the Almighty's gift to mankind. (Applause.) And for the oppressed people of Iraq, people whose lives we care about, the day of freedom is drawing near."

They have not been treated with dignity and have lived in an atmosphere of fear for many years. Why now are you suddenly interested in their plight? It sounds like you are trying to claim some sort of moral high ground. And if you must bring God into an argument to justify a war be honest and admit that freedom and liberty have always been won by man, nothing to do with the Almighty. After all, freedom and liberty didn't rate very high on the Deity's agenda when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden. Or when Herod ordered the massacre of the innocents.

"Instead of threatening its neighbors"

Jordan makes an awful lot of money through trade with Iraq, and others probably do as well. So who's he threatening? The Kurds? Turkey's not too unhappy about that.

"Iraq can be an example of progress and prosperity, in a region that needs both. If we liberate the Iraqi people, they can rest assure that we will help them build a country that is disarmed and peaceful, and united, and free. (Applause.)"

I take it you're talking about that American General you named last week who is earmarked to be the Governor of Iraq.

"Our goal is peace."

If past actions are to go by that phrase has to be regarded with a healthy dose of sceptism.

"May God bless you all. (Applause.)"
