Skull replaced with 3d printing


No Gentleman
Jul 14, 2005
We live in the future, folks. That is SO COOL!

The ramifications are enormous. PEKK isn't the strongest of materials, but there are ceramics... I'm betting they will be able to use the same tech to replace and strengthen other bones in the body too.
We live in the future, folks. That is SO COOL!

The ramifications are enormous. PEKK isn't the strongest of materials, but there are ceramics... I'm betting they will be able to use the same tech to replace and strengthen other bones in the body too.

In time, 3D printers will come way down in price and everybody will have them. But the damn cartridges will cost $100,000 each.
In time, 3D printers will come way down in price and everybody will have them. But the damn cartridges will cost $100,000 each.

Have you priced them lately? I haven't but they've dropped in price to the point where the geekily minded shooter can now print out the 'lower' for a Modern Sporting Rifle (AR format) entirely in synthetic that is fully as strong as the original alloy. BTW, the software is free. We live in 'interesting times' . . .
I can see this technology being used to help those suffering with Osteoporosis, especially the elderly, brittle bones can be made whole again.
Have you priced them lately? I haven't but they've dropped in price to the point where the geekily minded shooter can now print out the 'lower' for a Modern Sporting Rifle (AR format) entirely in synthetic that is fully as strong as the original alloy. BTW, the software is free. We live in 'interesting times' . . .

Just need to have an incredibly well ventilated area to put it in.
Have you priced them lately? I haven't but they've dropped in price to the point where the geekily minded shooter can now print out the 'lower' for a Modern Sporting Rifle (AR format) entirely in synthetic that is fully as strong as the original alloy. BTW, the software is free. We live in 'interesting times' . . .
It'll never have the soul of Tungsten alloy.
That really is amazing. Such technology must provide hope for a lot of people.
Have you priced them lately? I haven't but they've dropped in price to the point where the geekily minded shooter can now print out the 'lower' for a Modern Sporting Rifle (AR format) entirely in synthetic that is fully as strong as the original alloy. BTW, the software is free. We live in 'interesting times' . . .

Charles Stross's "Rule 34" had an interesting take on what happens when 3-D printing becomes a cottage industry; there was a hilarious bit where a guy foolishly leaves his laptop hooked up to the net during a print run, and ends up being spammed with thousands of tiny dildos.