skipping the bullshit, an experiment


Sep 12, 2012
I was wondering what would happen if someone just straight up posted their cell # as a thread topic, with a brief description of themselves and what they are looking for. Obviously, if a female did it, that would be insane, but I am talking about if a dude did it. Like instead of spending endless time on here scouring, just throw your number out there for shits and giggles. For certain you'd get some curious inquiring texts most likely. The question is, what about the possible stalker factor. Although I'm pretty sure there a lot more male stalkee types then female. I am not saying I would do it(on a night of extreme desperation, maybe)but have any dudes on here done that before. Throwing put the line, see if anyone bites. Would any of the women possibly give him a whirl. Ha
Seems like I've seen a thread with phone numbers. I wouldn't post my phine number, but I'm sure there are people who would. Don't think it's the best idea myself.
I will volunteer... wish me luck!

*Removed for Safety*
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For all the shit I have done lately to piss off my job, this is nothing...
I thank you for the comment. I will now have to start describing how many replies I get. This ought to be interesting indeed!
LadyVer does have a valid point. It may only go so far...
Um, posting ANY personal info such as phone numbers or email addresses is an outright violation of Lit's rules (there's a link at the bottom of each page if you need to refresh your memory). And this rule especially has very good reasons backing it up: phone numbers can be traced, consider someone who's just been dumped and decides to post their ex's number or email so they're harassed by strangers, stalking by men AND women is definitely a problem, etc.

L8, you've put FAR too much personal info here, even without the phone number. You need to edit your post immediately. Someone who has a grudge against you at some point (maybe years down the line) can gather even bits and pieces of personal info you've posted and do their best to ruin your life. Lit members have actually gotten other members fired from jobs, in trouble with their significant others, given exes a vast amount of ammo to use in divorce and custody cases, etc., all because their targets shared too much, or just the wrong info in posts or privately with the wrong person(s).
Um, posting ANY personal info such as phone numbers or email addresses is an outright violation of Lit's rules (there's a link at the bottom of each page if you need to refresh your memory). And this rule especially has very good reasons backing it up: phone numbers can be traced, consider someone who's just been dumped and decides to post their ex's number or email so they're harassed by strangers, stalking by men AND women is definitely a problem, etc.

L8, you've put FAR too much personal info here, even without the phone number. You need to edit your post immediately. Someone who has a grudge against you at some point (maybe years down the line) can gather even bits and pieces of personal info you've posted and do their best to ruin your life. Lit members have actually gotten other members fired from jobs, in trouble with their significant others, given exes a vast amount of ammo to use in divorce and custody cases, etc., all because their targets shared too much, or just the wrong info in posts or privately with the wrong person(s).

Wow. Didn't know about rules, but it makes sense. Thanks for the info,Erika.
Debbie downer

Why? Because I'm concerned about the very real consequences another member could face by posting a bunch of personal info, and I felt the need to make him aware of such repercussions just in case he enjoys Lit and/or aspects of his current life? Or because I've been around long enough to see how even posting a bit of personal info here and there can get people fired from their jobs and derail promising careers, harm relationships, force people to change their lives drastically after they've acquired a stalker or someone from their personal life decides to get revenge? Because I'd rather see people enjoy themselves here while being relatively safe?

If that makes me a "Debbie downer", then so be it. :rolleyes:
Don't knock SweetErika- she is even more correct than LadyVer is. I will do so post-haste!
I know, she's right, I just wanted to use the phrase "Debbie downer". I've had identity theft happen to me so I agree.
Here is a great reason NOT to post information about yourself online.

I'll sum it up... Girl hooks up with guy. Guy has girlfriend. Guy regrets it and is devastated at his actions. Girlfriend takes him back. Girl is a lunatic and completely stalks guy and threatens him and such. Guy has a best friend who is batshit crazy vindictive. Best friend goes on a rampage collecting all her personal data. He sets up a Facebook page regarding her cheating exploits and sends it to all her Facebook friends, coworkers, friends and family. Her mailed evidence to her boss that she was doing bad stuff at work.

So, the next time you think it is a good idea to put personal information out there, have a read. You'll think twice.
For a guy, this is also a little bit like waving your johnson around in public. The people you are going to attract are probably not the ones you want to wake up next to.

Here is a great reason NOT to post information about yourself online.

I'll sum it up... Girl hooks up with guy. Guy has girlfriend. Guy regrets it and is devastated at his actions. Girlfriend takes him back. Girl is a lunatic and completely stalks guy and threatens him and such. Guy has a best friend who is batshit crazy vindictive. Best friend goes on a rampage collecting all her personal data. He sets up a Facebook page regarding her cheating exploits and sends it to all her Facebook friends, coworkers, friends and family. Her mailed evidence to her boss that she was doing bad stuff at work.

So, the next time you think it is a good idea to put personal information out there, have a read. You'll think twice.

So glad I could provide a public service to the fine members of Lit. :D

I'd guess that posting a cell number is probably almost as dumb an idea as posting your social security number. I do remember a case years back where somebody posted somebody's phone number on a "women looking for sex" type web page as a dirty joke or way to get even with an ex-girlfriend, girl rival, whatever. Sort of like that guy in Philadelphia a few weeks ago who called in that a passenger on a plane had a bomb. Unfortunately, it was difficult to trace and prove who did it and it takes an FBI order or the like to get a name or computer ID of the person who posted the ad. The only thing the victim could do after receiving a couple of hunded phone calls was to change her number.
HH's thread should be pinned as Community Service Announcement. Right next to the How To Cyber thread... oh the irony of that.

So snazzy.

Maybe a How To Cyber Safely thread? Ya know, safe cybersex. HH is a human condom.
Why is making the effort to get to know someone "bullshit?"

Speaking for myself: if someone considers it too much of a hassle to get to know me as a person, I'm not going to be inclined to make any effort to get to know them in return.
Why is making the effort to get to know someone "bullshit?"

Speaking for myself: if someone considers it too much of a hassle to get to know me as a person, I'm not going to be inclined to make any effort to get to know them in return.

Fuck that. I don't even bother to see if they are a woman. I'll just bend over the nearest warm thing and fuck it. It's led to some embarrassing moments (fucking grandpa), but I can't be arsed to check shit like gender, much less get to know somebody. Wake up bailadora.
Fuck that. I don't even bother to see if they are a woman. I'll just bend over the nearest warm thing and fuck it. It's led to some embarrassing moments (fucking grandpa), but I can't be arsed to check shit like gender, much less get to know somebody. Wake up bailadora.

You're scaring me, Pmann. You're scaring me.