Sioux City, Iowa


Equal Opportunity Enjoyer
Oct 26, 2001
I have been condemned to spend two nights there, and from the one previous visit I made to this wonderful town I can recall nothing positive to divert me during this sentence.

Anybody know how to make the time pass more... pleasantly? I already counted the holes in the celing tile last time, so we need something newer.
hrmph, never even heard of it. And as my father would say, "well since you've never heard of it I guess it doesn't exist".

Guess not.
Re: Re: Sioux City, Iowa

Emerald_eyed said:

SSioux city is terrible
I like Siren's answer better, even though I realize yours is reality-based.

Who's near Sioux City?
Masterbait... look at some porn, read some porn, masterbate... or, as Siren said, "meet someone and fuck her brains out."
I've been there...

If you rent a car just be careful of those whacky buggy drivers. They NEVER warn you when turning!

The Denny's is the best place in town. The chipped beef is to die for...
I resolved not to masturbate alone anymore, I am seeking a more social alternative to the "hole up in the hotel room" schtick. Still, I appreciate the creative ideas....
Shotgun Willys on the main drag west side of town. A fun tittie I heard.
Yhe few times I have been there didnt se much to do. I think there is someone on here from there you might check the heartland thread. a male im afraid but maybe he knows of some action. I think he was a massage shop owner??
A male massage shop owner is not exactly my cup of tea, but I will keep that in mind... ~LOL~

Damn, it's looking worse than I recalled.
The Smiths

The Smiths just got cable! Only house in town with it. Drop by if you get a chance -- 1112 Mulberry Lane.

[Hank controls the remote so don't even ask him to turn the channel if wrestling is on.]
Even Sioux City cannot drive me to watching TV. I can hang in the bar if nothing else presents itself, TV is right out.
I always thought Iowa was one of those places parents made up to scare young children. You know what I mean? "Eat your broccolli! Some child in Iowa picked that after kindergarten because it was either work or his whole family would starve to death! If you don't eat it, we're gonna ship you off to Iowa and make you pick broccolli, too! Then there'll be no more Chess Club after school for you, little boy!!"
Sadly, Nora, it's all too real. There are some really nice people from Iowa, but there are rumors they all wised up and moved away already, and I am getting scared...
I found a name Thomas Hinds on the heartland thread. Pm and ask if any parties going on!!
It's grown in secret orchards, not fields. Corn is for fields.

cycleman, I am the party, what I'm seeking is agreeable people, predominantly of the female model.
There is a Blue Bunny icecream plant in Lamars only a few miles away. Could have an ice cream social??
Emerald_eyed said:

I have never, ever seen a broccoli field

Hey, I'm just saying what mothers in the rest of the world use to threaten their kids! Maybe it was wheat or corn or something...what do I know? Hell, here in Texas I was too busy riding my horse to school over prairies filled with rattlesnakes. Of course, at the ol' one-room schoolhouse we didn't actually get us much in the way of booklearnin' ;)
Oh yes, Blue Bunny... I knew there was some redeeming feature about this trip. Damn. Maybe it's not too late to get out of it...