Simple Question about Feedback


Nov 1, 2002
Just a simple question concerning feedback.

Is it possible to require someone to include an email address when they send you feedback about a submission? I'd just like to know because asking in my profile for people to leave an email address doesnt help a whole lot, I havent got anything against someone sending me negative feedback, assuming they can put it politly, but sometimes what they say doesnt make sense, and when they dont leave an email address, I cant respond asking them what they meant. I think I've seen it done in some peoples profiles, but Im not 100% sure, so if it is possible, could someone please explain to me how?

Yes. Sort of.

In your author's profile under options, you can choose to make email public, but disallow anonymous feedback.

The user can click your name for your bio and send you an email, but it forces them to enter an email address.

Since it's a form, people can enter anything that resembles an email address. It doesn't matter if it exists or not.

You can't put your email address in your stories. Lit policy is to remove them since you have very little control over that address once the story has been posted.
I never really thought of that, I guess someone could just put in something that resembles an email address. Makes me wonder if I still want to go that way, but thanks anyways
One thing you can do is put your email address in your biography and shut everything else off. If someone wants to contact you, they must do so from a valid email address of their own because there are no forms to send it to you through.

You should note that doing so will seriously cut down on the amount of feedback you receive. The pluses of the forms are the convenience and ease of use. One click, a little typing, and another click. It's all finished without opening up the mailbox. The downside of the forms is that getting a valid email address with them is not guaranteed.

Best of luck to you! I hope you find a workable solution.