How do you react to negative feedback about your stories?

I avoid the use of obscene words. nudity, and sex. Those looking for pornography find my stories dull and clinical. If that is the nature of their criticism, I do not care. If it is something I can change and improve my story I appreciate it.
Am I allowed to say that at my level I simply write my next story about a team of silent, black-clad, Ninja Assassins who "take care of" literary critics?


Never mind.
For the most part, feedback has been positive, but when I get a negative comment, I'll just reply with something like, "Well, sorry you didn't like the story."

IMO, most of the negative feedback I've received came as a result of my posting a story in the wrong category (A lezdom story in the Lesbian category, when the BDSM category would've been a better choice.)
I avoid the use of obscene words. nudity, and sex. Those looking for pornography find my stories dull and clinical. If that is the nature of their criticism, I do not care. If it is something I can change and improve my story I appreciate it.
With respect, I'm wondering what drew you here then? Stranger in a strange land.