

Oct 10, 2002
I just found a cute silver ring I bought forever ago. It's all tarnished and yuck! Anyone know what I can use to clean it besides silver cleaner? :D
SOmething to clean silver that isn't silver cleaner?

Is this a riddle?:p
Try this as an alternative:

Rub the ring with a paste of baking soda and water or soak silver in 1 quart water, 2 tablespoons baking soda, 1 tablespoon salt and small piece of aluminum foil.
Rambling Rose said:
Try this as an alternative:

Rub the ring with a paste of baking soda and water or soak silver in 1 quart water, 2 tablespoons baking soda, 1 tablespoon salt and small piece of aluminum foil.

Thank you! I knew you'd have an idea! ;)
Rambling Rose said:
Try this as an alternative:

Rub the ring with a paste of baking soda and water or soak silver in 1 quart water, 2 tablespoons baking soda, 1 tablespoon salt and small piece of aluminum foil.

This is a very good one and if I could have remebered the formula it'a the one I would have posted :D
You'll start to see the shine through the tarnish. At that point I would take an old toothbrush to it. Soak more as needed.
Take it to a jeweler. There's a really nice one where I live that would do it for nothing if you said you were from Lit.
louisiana hot sauce if you have any...just pour a little on and let it sit for a second and then rinse. works on copper and brass also.

i wouldn't shine you on about something this serious.
hotlittlegirlwv said:
No luck so far, damnit! :(

Now the water's all cold! LOL
Should I leave it or try something else? :confused:

Give the toothpaste a try. I went with the toothpaste thing (baking soda toothpaste, best of both worlds, LOL) It's not tarnished, but it's not shiny like it used to be either. Silver polish? Any other suggestions? Here's a pic.