Sienna's Erotic Lounge

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*...pours a coffee and wonders whatever happened to nancypanties ??...*


Age: 35
Biography: Long time reader, new to posting. I haven't decided what to write here yet... I'm a lesbian
Location: The wonderful north of england
Interests: Reading, writing, running, gaming, orgasms, hot showers, orgasms, orgasms
Occupation: Rock-it scientist!!

she came back later last night and said that she had someone at her door and missed out. She will probably be back though, she seemed to like the thread.
I know :( I felt really bad about that after a while. But, I'm back now as a regular :)

Hey Sienna et al. . .just popping in to say hello. Sorry I missed the big finish last night.

Contrary to popular belief, wasn't my Alpha male showing, more like real life impeding. . .:D
I know :( I felt really bad about that after a while. But, I'm back now as a regular :)

You shouldn't feel bad, real life has to take priority.
That said, the vibe is already improved with your sexy presence :rose:
Hey Sienna et al. . .just popping in to say hello. Sorry I missed the big finish last night.

Contrary to popular belief, wasn't my Alpha male showing, more like real life impeding. . .:D

((( morninwould ))):kiss::)

*...thinks it's good that it was not your alpha male side :D...*
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really happy your back with us the lounge is just not the same without you Sienna. I think it gets its energy from you even when your not here the whole time.
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