Sienna's Erotic Lounge

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Quite a lot of bi-fem relationships are private, many women/girls don't want to come out in public. It is like myself and Jules, over the past years we both love each other like crazy. Yet, Jules now does not want me to tell people (on here) about what we do or atleast did together.

There are reasons for this which is understandable. She was subjected to male abuse, she is a single Mum and now she is a devoted Catholic, looking for a stable male/female relationship sealed by marriage. I will still be her lover and she mine no matter what :) One day we will meet up and make up for the time we have missed being together :)

Some girls/women go into denial after exploring their bi-sexuality. What they find tends to scare them, because they discover that "identical sameness and empathy"... they simply want to be individual and do not want to share the exact same things they have with other females.


I have deep empathy with your words Sienna. While I find many of my own sex attractive in truth there are only three situations where I have felt such deep loving passion. One of those includes you my love when we both set our boundaries free and we experimented 'safely' in cyber for many years. As you well know you were to me the substitute of the love of Noreen, the physical love I was blessed with while at uni and I think that I filled that emptiness in you that had been Jules. Looking back I think we were a perfect match at the right time and proof, if ever it was needed, we are still in contact with each other to this day (12 years? lost count).

My third encounter was with a friend (Sue) where we kissed spontaneously in the middle of the street, tongues and all. I loved that experience because it genuinely was in public and really opened my mind to who I was and what I was.

Yes, I love cock but I also love the tender kiss of another female tongue!

And Noreen? For those who don't know the story it is here on LIT...


Students are always broke, it is difficult to make ends meet. And so it was that after my first year at university in lodgings and eager to have even more freedom to do as I chose, the only way to afford a flat was to share. The course we were on was very small in number as it was a four year sandwich course that took us out from the acedemic world for two periods of six months in Years 2 and 3; returning for the final full acedemic year in Year 4. Out of 24 of us that started the course we were already down to 16 by the end of the first year, and we were not to know then that only 12 would complete the full four years. So there were a limited number of potential flat mates, and friendships had already been forged in the first year limiting the combinations even more.

Our group of four was finally chosen consisting of myself, Noreen and Richard from our course and another guy Derry who was on the normal 3 year course. Noreen and I were to share a flat regardless as we had become good friends but the inclusion of two others meant we could get a bigger place. We were very lucky to find what we did and we were to spend our remaining 3 years living in Eccles in a quiet tree-lined avenue. The flat had two floors but was an upper storey flat consisted of a large lounge that we never used except for parties and a smaller dining area with a pantry kitchen where we spent most of our evenings together. Upstairs were two single bedrooms, a twin-bedded room and a bathroom. It was a natural choice for Noreen and myself to share while the boys had their own rooms. The address was 13a Belgrave Crescent and became affectionately know simply as 13a.

Life was fun as we quickly adapted to our new routines and got to know each other better, we were all chilled and became good friends. There were no rules in the flat apart from the one. Myself and Noreen instigated this, there was no way that we were going to end up doing all the cooking, so we had a rota whereby each day one of us shopped, the second cooked, the third washed up and cleaned, while the fourth had a day off. Other than that the evenings were spent playing cards and games, often with a final dash to the pub for last orders. After lights Noreen and I would laugh and chatter ourselves to sleep.

There were many members of the opposite sex that passed through our portals as each of us courted our way through young life. Boyfriends and girlfriends came and went like a never ending stream but both Noreen and I began to settle with our respective men, so much so that she became engaged to Paul. Sadly he was I guy I didn’t like, he was cockie and arrogant, I tried to advise her but soon learned that she would always shoot me down when I did. I thought it wise to keep quiet and leave them to it. What was worse he was an old school pal whom she had met one weekend when I took her with me to Chorley to meet my parents and friends. So I knew him pretty well and I had never liked him, and now my best friend was engaged to him!

But the acedemic year wore on and the moment approaching when we would all split up temporarily as we would venture out for our first 6 months working in some scientific field. I had asked my tutor for the opportunity to work in some medical field and with the local contacts they secured me a post at Hope Hospital, literally just round the corner about a half mile away. I was to start working there on April 1st (don’t say it) through to September 30th, and it was perfectly suited because I already had accomodation and its location was perfect for me. And then came a wonderful surprise, Noreen had secured a job as a lab technician at the university . The beauty of this was that I had someone else with me in the flat during the two weeks of the Easter break and the long three months of summer. The thought of being alone didn’t scare me but, after the mayhem of a university term the silence would be a shock to my system and outside of university life I had no friends in Eccles.

Richard was off to work in the sugar industry in Kings Lynn and now we had a vacancy for the Spring term that we quickly managed to fill with a guy called Mike, a very likeable friend whom we all knew would fit in well. And as Easter edged ever closer Noreen and I started our new jobs and then suddenly found ourselves living together without the usual hustle and bustle of 13a. We quickly took advantage of the space and moved into our own separate bedrooms.

It happened the Easter weekend in the attic bedroom that I had staked a claim on. I was sitting on my floor mattress beneath the sloping roof reading a book when I heard her knock. She asked if she could come in. Of course I said “Yes” and thought it strange that she should ask.

“You OK to talk?” she asked.

“Of course,” I sensed that something was troubling her. “What is the matter?”

“Promise me you won’t say anything to patronise.”

I promised her and began to listen. She told me that she and Paul had split up, that their engagement was now officially over. I was in a torn mind, sorry for her and at the same time pleased that the inevitable happened.

I opened my huge mouth and put my foot in it, “I have always said that you were better than him.”

At that she stood up, “I knew you were going to say something like that,” and started to walk out of the room.

I leapt from my mattress and grabbed her hand, “I’m so sorry, I won’t say anything like that again, please come back,” I pleaded.

I was so relieved as she stopped without any hesitation, and I realised that she desperately needed to talk to me about it despite my initial faux pas. And so we sat together on the mattress as she began to open her heart out to me. I held her in my arms as she cried her pain on my shoulder, squeezing her with sympathy and allowing my tears to mingle in her hair. Her long shiny jet black hair.

Noreen was a very attractive girl with wide brown eyes and perfect cheek bones and a figure to match. Her easily tanned skin I had always been envious of in contrast to my own pale complexion and I had never been so physically close to her before to share in her beauty.

I felt her raising her head and my lips moved away from her hair. Suddenly we were face to face as I saw her real tears of hurt. It was with love for our friendship that I began to wipe the tears from her cheeks and began kiss away the pain. Initially there had never been that intention between us, but now in an extreme moment our lips were hovering so close together and needing comfort.

The moment was intense. A few seconds that felt like minutes as we prepared ourselves for what we both knew was about to happen. A deep penetration into each other’s eyes searching for any hint of hesitation. The first tentative kiss on the lips to see if it is accepted. And then pure bliss as our mouths opened willingly and all barriers were cast aside.

The kiss was pure electric, no one had ever made me feel so aroused before in what had been just a few seconds.
Thank you for that post LORRAINE it's always nice to know a little of the past of old friends. :rose:

Wishing all well on Saturday / Sunday.

BrettJ in Canada
It's okay JENNY, it could go better but there have been no disasters. How about yours?

BrettJ in Canada

Work has kept me off Lit or at least limited. I may have missed something. How is the waitress at the coffee shop? Has she joined you in any "fun and frolic" yet?

Interesting comments about Jules. You are fortunate to have a husband that is so open with your bi-relationship. I wish her the best.
hello to all loungers especially our original sexy hosts. hope you Sundays are going well.
Hey y'all!!

Ugh! Arms and hands hurt! But at least I got some exercise in the form of putting in a garden. Yep!! All tilled up and semi outlined in timbers. Now I just have to think about what yummy veggies I want to grow! :D

So how is everyone else today?
((( Blu ))) :kiss::rose: :) ... ((( VIPER ))) :kiss::)

Having a dehydration break ;) Enjoy the music :)
Is that another term for 'I am drinking alcohol'? ;):rose:

Might be her way of saying she has lost too many bodily fluids and she needs to replenish

((( Lorraine ))) :kiss::kiss::rose::rose::heart::)

Ooops! He fell asleep so I'd better switch to wine. Thank you Lorraine my love for your suggestion... the night is young and a bank holiday Monday means I'm going to be around for a while :)
((( Lorraine ))) :kiss::kiss::rose::rose::heart::)

Ooops! He fell asleep so I'd better switch to wine. Thank you Lorraine my love for your suggestion... the night is young and a bank holiday Monday means I'm going to be around for a while :)


Let me know if I can help keep you company:kiss:
((( Lorraine ))) :kiss::kiss::rose::rose::heart::)

Ooops! He fell asleep so I'd better switch to wine. Thank you Lorraine my love for your suggestion... the night is young and a bank holiday Monday means I'm going to be around for a while :)

I feel the filth coming on...

I feel the filth coming on...
((( deft ))) :kiss::)

Let me know if I can help keep you company:kiss:

Well, he was supposed to have his meds. Just found him out cold snoring his head off, so I suppose he can do without :) If he wakes up fighting, I'll just sit on his face again ;):D

How is everyone out there?
Well, he was supposed to have his meds. Just found him out cold snoring his head off, so I suppose he can do without :) If he wakes up fighting, I'll just sit on his face again ;):D

How is everyone out there?

Tits been a great weekend Sienna my love.. happy bank holiday tomorrow... ! :kiss:
((( Lorraine ))) :kiss::rose::heart::)

Ooops! He fell asleep so I'd better switch to wine. Thank you Lorraine my love for your suggestion... the night is young and a bank holiday Monday means I'm going to be around for a while :)

He needs to sleep because I need a man, I hope he's refreshed when he awakes because there is me and this long garden fence that needs treating ;)

(((Sienna))) Hugggsss :heart::kiss::rose:
Tits been a great weekend Sienna my love.. happy bank holiday tomorrow... ! :kiss:

He needs to sleep because I need a man, I hope he's refreshed when he awakes because there is me and this long garden fence that needs treating ;)

(((Sienna))) Hugggsss :heart::kiss::rose:
Thank you VIPER :) We have lots of gardening to catch up with ourselves Lorraine. It's been a long winter and these nights are still cold. Where I am in the shade it is -1C ... that is ridiculously amazing because looking back on my diary, this time 0020 May 6 it was a nice 5C in the shade. Help! The Ice Age is coming if I'm not ;)
Tonight, we have been "dirty lovers" in the sense of that we have (I have) made a lot of washing for later. I was desperately in need and he was willing to do anything... the way I like it. Now I've zapped him out, bless him :)
OK, let's start the ball rolling, I call this Peek-a-Boo number two...


Rarrra Rarra Rarr


  • Peek-a-Boo number.2.jpg
    Peek-a-Boo number.2.jpg
    46.9 KB · Views: 66
OK, let's start the ball rolling, I call this Peek-a-Boo number two...
Rarrra Rarra Rarr
Peni .. warning Please!
:D :D

You mean, rarr rarr fucking rarr... that is so gorgeous Lorraine, thank you for reminding me of the past three hours... :D ((( huggss )))

Cum on guys! We need your sexy artistic cock pictures in here to brighten the place up. It doesn't have to be full on. Peek-a-boo is just great for the imagination ;) :kiss:
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