show me some good stroke material (and tell me what's good about it)


Literotica Guru
Aug 3, 2019
I've gotten some comments that I write stroke material and I'm thinking of leaning into that a bit. So, show me some good stroke material, and if you've got the time, say a bit about what made it good.

Bonus points for femdom shoe fetish stuff, obviously, but I hope many of the lessons will transfer well from kink to kink.
Elaborate. You want a cut-and-paste excerpt scene here? A link to a story?

'Good stroke material' varies from reader to reader, I think. Personally I regard the scene that builds the sexual tension prior to the 'good stroke material' the thing that makes the 'good stroke material'. Also it's not something that can be rushed. But, I've seen high-scoring stories that just go straight into the sex too.

Well... here's a suggestion. This series is sex-heavy in parts 1 and 2, (with femdom in part 2, although I don't do shoe fetish, sorry). I'd say it's probably good stroke material.
I've gotten some comments that I write stroke material and I'm thinking of leaning into that a bit. So, show me some good stroke material, and if you've got the time, say a bit about what made it good.
Meh, stroke is a quick and dirty shorthand for erotic fiction that doesn't "waste" time focusing on usual fiction things (characterization, motivations, settings, etc.) and prioritizes teh sexxors.

As the reader is assumed to have their attention divided between the reading and self-pleasuring, requirement for much cognitive function is severely frowned upon.
Bonus points for femdom shoe fetish stuff, obviously, but I hope many of the lessons will transfer well from kink to kink.
I find stroke + kink fans rather funny. They actually want the buildup and some backstory and sure do love anyone versed in the fetish's vocabulary and culture.

I think it's more about what they deem needless conflict/motivation/characterization that brings out the pitchforks. But if you actually gave them what they asked for, it wouldn't be what they wanted (and they'd complain about that too)

It's almost like people hell bent on getting off might not be a good judge of their actual wants and needs at that particular time. 🤔

Not sure how many suggestions you will get from AH people. As far as I could tell, most of us prefer more developed stories rather than some pure stroke stuff. I can recommend some femdom and foot-fetish stuff but it is not exactly stroke, even if it contains a good amount of sex. Also, if those are your kinks, you should have checked my stories out while they were up. :p
Meh, stroke is a quick and dirty shorthand for erotic fiction that doesn't "waste" time focusing on usual fiction things (characterization, motivations, settings, etc.) and prioritizes teh sexxors.
I set out to write a quick, efficient "stroke story" that didn't fuck about with character depth and story, but focused primarily on a fetish and extended sex scenes.

Despite my best intentions, it ended up with one of my more memorable characters, Ruby, and comments like this:
Props be damned, I could use a cigarette after that. (And I haven't smoked since college!)

I love these two. They feel so desperately human. I'm very jealous of them. I can't wait to explore more of their sumptuous relationship.
Then I wrote a follow up. All done in 6100 and 6300 words. Seems I can't write stroke to save myself!

Garter Belts and Cigarettes

Garter Belts and Whiskey
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I've never claimed to make sense, or dollars and cents, or to have good sense, but I do have a sixth sense.
I was (mostly) teasing you so I could get visually abused by your insufferable way of quoting. I am feeling so masochistic tonight :D
I set out to write a quick, efficient "stroke story" that didn't fuck about with character depth and story, but focused primarily on a fetish and an extended sex scene.

Despite my best intentions, it ended up with one of my more memorable characters, Ruby, and comments like this:

And all done in 6300 words. Seems I can't write stroke to save myself!

Garter Belts and Whisk
I think most of us fall in love with writing for the storytelling and the sex parts are in furtherance of the relationships we built.

Then we write inefficiently b/c we're new and it feels good.

Then we tire of that and understand the power of efficient narrative and pacing.

At some point, we trained ourselves to run middle to long distance and it's just how we now operate.

Sure, we'll sprint it out that last backstretch to the finish line but we aren't really sprinters anymore.
Bonus points for femdom shoe fetish stuff, obviously, but I hope many of the lessons will transfer well from kink to kink.
I nearly forgot:

Rather ugly non-con femdom: Dungeon 101

Intended as satire, but seldom taken as such.

I’m about finished my working day (yes at 10pm), going home to crash.

Having enough of the literary parts of storytelling to allow the reader to visualize who's doing what when you get to a detailed sex scene. Said scene is as often as not the whole point of the story. It is the resolution.
I can't really define it, but when I find it, it's like a drug. There are particular authors that write stories that get my motor running like no one else.

It's not that they are writing anything especially different than anyone else, but there's something about them that clicks with me.
This is one of the better “stroke with a plot” authors here. Sex is hot, characters detailed, emotions flow well. Enjoy!

The stories linked in my signature might also work for you if you give them a chance. I work hard on them and try to shock the reader with unique realistic accounts of sex.

The most sex-filled one I’ll point out is Closer Than Six Degrees if you like lesbian orgies ( Beijing Streakers has a bigger mixed gender orgy, but it’s a longer story, not sure if you’re ok with that ( Please rate if you enjoy!
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My strokiest story is probably Drive-In Date With Mom, It's about 7000 words and it did decently both in terms of score and views. Even with "stroke" stories I like to create a semblance of setup and buildup, and the readers seem to think I did so, based on their comments.
Another non-incest mostly-stroker was Mrs Pillsbury At The Grocery Store,

Of course, we don't all stroke to the same thing.
Stroke story? Oh hell yes! This is an erotic story site after all. A good stroke story like a good porn movie needs a plot, but the plot shouldn't be the main attraction. It should serve just to tie things together. The characters too should be fleshed out, made real because real people (as opposed to automatons) fucking is the point. Like the plot they shouldn't take center stage, be the main attraction of the story. They are the actors making the real center come to life. In a good stroke story, the sex is the attraction, the center, the real being for the story.

I think this one:
Twelve Days of Christmas
is the best one I've done. A couple of the comments on it:

Invested a lot of time, but well worth it!
Invested a lot of time reading this and enjoyed every minute of it. Well done!
So surreal but so amazing!
I kept thinking he was making those horny housewives pregnant and then the younger ladies to boot! No protection, just cumming everywhere like before the 80s. So hot!

I set out to write a quick, efficient "stroke story" that didn't fuck about with character depth and story, but focused primarily on a fetish and extended sex scenes.

Despite my best intentions, it ended up with one of my more memorable characters, Ruby, and comments like this:

Then I wrote a follow up. All done in 6100 and 6300 words. Seems I can't write stroke to save myself!

Garter Belts and Cigarettes

Garter Belts and Whiskey
Yeah, you can, if one accepts my suggestion that we make an exception for your erotic take on intimacy.
A good stroke story like a good porn movie needs a plot, but the plot shouldn't be the main attraction.
If a story here on Lit doesn't aspire to this description, why is it called erotica? That is, what makes a stroke story differ from other stories, given your description? That the sex is actually well done???