Shout out to HeyAll

Nov 16, 2019
Dear HeyAll:
Today I stumbled across your story cache; I read your outstanding and arousing story "Locker Room Shower." Looking at your story collection, I'll be quite busy reading over the next few days. :)
I retired 3 years ago after a 45-year writing career. I have posted 2 dozen stories on Lit, most with a non-consent theme. I mention this in the hope you might read those that interest you. And, if so compelled reach out. I would like to correspond - no, I'm NOT a stalker :) - about writing and story ideas.
Best regards.
Thank you! Appreciate you. I saw your comment this moment and literally just followed you a minute before seeing this.

btw, Locker Room Shower is based on that college scandal with rich parents buying spots for their kids.
Thank you! Appreciate you. I saw your comment this moment and literally just followed you a minute before seeing this.

btw, Locker Room Shower is based on that college scandal with rich parents buying spots for their kids.
Thanks for the follow. While I visit Lit regularly, I've yet to find a great way to communicate one-on-one unless it's in Lit Chat. I guess the Bulletin Board works well if I check it.
Also, I guess I didn't research thoroughly or check your bio. I assumed you were a woman. :) That's based on the number of lesbian stories. Plus, the stories I've read appear to nail the female perspective. Have you received any negative feedback from women?
Best regards,