Should I do something special?


Rebel With a Pause
Apr 15, 2002
For my 2,000th post?

Although I seem to be in the company of master posters tonight and 2000 may not seem like a big deal, afterall.

Oh the Hay Day of 100... then 500 and even 1,000!

What to do, what to do....
You could pick some lucky fella and have your wild wicked way with him, on this thread, so that we can all be here to celebrate this momentous occasion with you. :D
Hmmmm.... now that's an idea!

And Sillyman, I :heart: you, eternally!
k¡tty said:
You could pick some lucky fella and have your wild wicked way with him, on this thread, so that we can all be here to celebrate this momentous occasion with you. :D

Hmmm - should I volunteer, or start running?

Or maybe I should wake up first?
**getting comfortable, and hoping to see some cool public cyber**


*chooses Xstatic*

It all started with an innocent little chat. Then some heat started to spark. The suggestion was made and then there was no stopping either one of us. Not even a little crummy weather. I am sure both of us realized that as soon as we had kissed....

Wooooo Hooooo! 2,000 it is!!!
... At first he wanted to come over but I had absolutely no privacy. I was, however, able to get out. He also had company, but he did not need to stick around. We decided to hook up at a local hotel, after he balked at my first suggestion of gettin' a little freaky in my van instead. Guess what? We met, we kissed... and forgot all about the hotel! Just as well, it is not like either one of us had a lot of time on our hands. Nervous apprehension turned to reckless abandon instead! We drove around, found this great spot... parked between the "yellow sea" at a bus garage. Within minutes - he was naked. Soon I followed (for the most part). The kissing and the licking was so hot. He told me how wonderful my lips felt. I wanted him to feel my lips -- everywhere...
lol congratulations.

I really think that emi has been posting under my nick to keep her own post count down and rack mine up to embarrassing numbers
k¡tty said:
lol congratulations.

I really think that emi has been posting under my nick to keep her own post count down and rack mine up to embarrassing numbers

I could SOOOO be there, if it weren't for the other stuff!


Thanks! :rose:
yeah yeah yeah, congrats and all that....


could we get back to the story?

I simply couldn't believe the intensity of these sensations!! Her lips fired neurons I didn't even know I had... and I certainly couldn't stop the noises I was making! I tried desparately to return the sensations to her... but words (& fingers) just kept getting in the way...

(sorry, not the world's fastest typist here...)
msmuffett66 said:
I could SOOOO be there, if it weren't for the other stuff!


Thanks! :rose:

Uh yeah.. I'm waiting for the next installment damn it! So quit interupting.

What's sad is that I haven't been here as much as I use to be.. and still look! lol I have almost 9000 if you add up both id's. ugh.. the curse of a chatterbox. :-D
... I had to slow it down though. Didn't want things to end just yet. Changed positions... from the driver's seat to the passenger seat. My shirt was off, my bare tits exposed. I know how he likes for me to play with them - so I did. I wanted him to taste me, so I reached down and touched my dripping pussy. I brought my finger to my lips and shared with him the taste of my honey. As if it couldn't get any hotter in that van! He began to play with my pussy just then... it felt so good. I am so glad I taught him that little maneuver. I was orbiting - and fast! Also not ready for things to end just yet... I reached down to fondle his balls... really longing to taste them. As I kiss and lick his nipples... nibbling just so... I begin to lick a trail right to his balls... rolling my tongue all around them... and then finally... putting my hot mouth over his gorgeous cock. I was careful. I was slow. I allowed him to feel what he needed to feel. He begged to kiss me. I obliged. Omigosh, the whispers of wantonness.... Where do you want me?.....
...feeling her wonderful lips running everywhere, I just couldn't resist... almost blinded, I pressed my lips to hers, feeling the searing heat of our bodies together. Her warm & moist lips (both sets) moved in a dance of eroticism never matched... and I could feel her wanting to take another, larger step... one I was longing to make...

(and, according to Lit, I have! Bye bye Virgin tag :p )
... We moved to the middle seat.. actually, I bent over it, inviting him to take me from behind. It had been so long.. but I was ready. I wanted to play with my clit, while he fucked me from behind. We fit so perfectly. So perfectly. Things were happening pretty fast... I could feel him swell... I wasn't ready. I got him to stop... I distracted him. He was grateful for this, I could tell... I began to wind myself up... more and more... my hips were guiding him... faster and faster until no longer could either one of us contain ourselves! It was glorious! I remember I was almost afraid I had hurt him. He needed to relax. I couldn't touch him. It was as if, the ecstasy had left him like the most fragile glass. If I touched him, he might break. Cool down, my sweet love....
...You may think the best part of all this was what I just told you - but there was something I left out. This man is so starving for my lips - I couldn't resist being a bit of a tease. As he moved in to kiss me during one of our earlier heated moments... I bit my lip and pulled back just far enough where he couldn't reach me. I allowed him to move in and I pull away a little more. He grabbed me and pulled me to him for a hard, deep kiss. This had to be the hottest moment of the night.
I could feel my jittery responses to her sensual playing were only making us even hotter - and when she invited me to take her, I could not possibly refuse! The dazzling fire between us took me higher and further than I had ever been... she had to ask me to wait for her (thank the stars she did!!). Somehow, I managed to hold back while she caught up to me... then took us both on a ride I will remember every day till the last... the climax was GLORIOUS!!!

I slowly came back to what we jokingly call reality, not wanting to leave the peace & warmth we had found... and hoping deaperately that we could reach it again... someday...
Ahhhh... so in synch!

But for now I must bid you buona notte, Lover!

Until tomorrow.....

:kiss: :heart: :rose:
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Night night sweet one...

Sleep well & deep... and have memorable dreams :D

(we were in synch, weren't we? ;) )