Should 11 year olds be able to say "damn"?


Jul 29, 2000

Dear Justin,
Hi! What's up? I was wondering if you could do me a HUGE favor.This means everything in the world to me.I have asked you and the guys this for a really long time but it never happened.I was hoping it would happen this year because all my friends are like you couldn't get NSYNC to come.I always say well I try but it doesn't help.If you and the guys did this favor for me my friends would all be so happy but I would be happier.The favor is will you guys come to my birthday party???!!!I hope you can. I pray ever day for you guys to come but it just don't work.
I'm going to 12 on May 22.Oh by the way my name is Amanda your #1 fan.PLEASE come!!!!!!!!!!Every year I write and you guys don't come I cry and cry and cry.If you guys wrote to me a week before my party I wouldn't invite tons of people and I'd tell everyone not to make a big fuss over you guys so you could do something with out having to act like you were backstage at a concert.I love you guys so much but I love you the most Justin cuz you are so DAMN hot!!!!!!Oh if you guys can come my parents said ok.If you do come call me at (xxx) xxx-xxxx or (xxx) xxx-xxxx then I'll give you directions. By the way I live in Rhode Island.Alright I have to go now ok Bye.

LOVE your#1 fan,
Amanda Xxxxxxxxx
Spin, didnt' we tell you to stop writing to them?

I believe the restraining order made it forbidden as well.
BgMma99 said:
Spin, didnt' we tell you to stop writing to them?

I believe the restraining order made it forbidden as well.

I didn't write them. Amanda did.
Spinaroonie said:
I didn't write them. Amanda did.

Oh...right....Amanda;) Gotcha. SHE wrote them..

Good cover by the way, the cops will neve catch on.
crud, my seven yr old looked at me the other night after I was done arguing with my mom on the phone and says "daddy, nana is bitching again, right?". I have never been more proud of the boy...
I was a little taken aback a few weeks ago when my 16-year old daughter refered to a recently disposed of boyfriend as a "prick." I don't think I ever said that in front of my folks. I never heard my father say anything worse than "G.D." (for God damn). On the other hand, my mother could curse like a sailor (and she's not even from Philly). Maybe it's a trait that runs in the female line?
I don't think kids should be allowed to swear. To hard to control at school with friends but in the home I think it shoud be inforced.
That she used "cuz" and had that annoying no-punctuation thing going on is more offensive.

But, Justin's dreaminess makes us all a little grammar-veklempt.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Depends where you live

11 year olds in the west bank, transport bombs, train in suicide camps and dance in the streets when a few more jews have been blown up

But do they curse while doing it?
My parents told me that cursing was a crutch for people who were too dull or uncreative to think of better descriptions. No curse words, including "shut up," were allowed in the house. Now I curse, but I still have never said a single bad word around my family. I'm trying to cut back - the idea that cursing is dampening my creativity is still in the back of my head...
I don't see damn as a bad word. I'd be surprised to hear my 11 year old use the word "fuck", but I'd hardly be surprised to hear a 6th grader use damn. I mean c'mon, they've heard them all, and using them makes them feel grown up. How they view swear words also depends on how their parents use them. I would imagine I would discuss swearing with my kids and generally put it in terms of "the more you use them, the less power they other words, saying damn every three seconds takes away any impact the word might it for when you drop something heavy on your foot." I have no illusions that they won't swear at all.

And I'd rather hear my kids say something sucks than that it's fucking whatever.

I've actually been allowed to swear openly since late high school. I don't even think twice before calling a guy an asshole, much less a prick in front of my mom. But then I'm fine with telling my mom anything.

the headline was just an excuse to post the letter ;)

P.S.: 7301st post.
Everyone knows that kids curse all the time. The thing is, they ought to know better than to do it in front of their parents.

And parents who allow it or think it's cute do their kids a disservice.
medjay said:
Everyone knows that kids curse all the time. The thing is, they ought to know better than to do it in front of their parents.

And parents who allow it or think it's cute do their kids a disservice.

It's not about thinking it's cute. It's about what you think about our society and what constitutes something as "bad" or "innapropriate".

Personally I think our society is way too uptight about many things, words being one of the them. By making swearing forbidden, we only make kids want to do it more. Same with drinking and sex. Countries that aren't all puritanical about it have lower instances of teen pregnancy, teen drunk driving and teen alcoholism than we do...drastically lower. Maybe if we concentrated more on thing like geography (in a recent study, Americans scored 11th out of 12 countries when adults were tested on fact something like 14% of Americans tested couldn't find the US on a globe) instead of inculcating puritanical views about other issues we would be making a much better use of our time as parents.

Personally I'm much more concerned about raising kids who are open and honest and who have been exposed to a variety of lifestyles and choices than I am about whether or not they slip up and use damn in front of me when I know they use it anyways. It's much more important for me that they meet and know people of other religions, ethnicities and lifestyles than the one they lead.
When I was a kid, growing up with my Grandmother
she considered the words guts to be inappropriate
language. Visiting an Aunty in the hols with said
Grandma, it was so much fun when their cat was called guts.
"Here, Guts, guts, guts." :D

I don't consider damn is a swear word.
Yet I don't like shut up. It's not a swear word
either as far as I am concerned, I just think
it is mean and rude.
deliciously_naughty said:
It's not about thinking it's cute. It's about what you think about our society and what constitutes something as "bad" or "innapropriate".

Personally I think our society is way too uptight about many things, words being one of the them. By making swearing forbidden, we only make kids want to do it more. Same with drinking and sex. Countries that aren't all puritanical about it have lower instances of teen pregnancy, teen drunk driving and teen alcoholism than we do...drastically lower. Maybe if we concentrated more on thing like geography (in a recent study, Americans scored 11th out of 12 countries when adults were tested on fact something like 14% of Americans tested couldn't find the US on a globe) instead of inculcating puritanical views about other issues we would be making a much better use of our time as parents.

Personally I'm much more concerned about raising kids who are open and honest and who have been exposed to a variety of lifestyles and choices than I am about whether or not they slip up and use damn in front of me when I know they use it anyways. It's much more important for me that they meet and know people of other religions, ethnicities and lifestyles than the one they lead.

I'm afraid I'll have to disagree. It's about respect. I've been cussing since I was six but I always knew better than to bring that kind of language around my parents. Not because they told me not to but because I knew it was gutter talk and they would be disappointed to hear it from me.

I'm almost 30 and I still have never used foul language around my parents even though they do it all the time. I also refrain from cussing around anyone I consider to be an elder. Yeah, it might be old fashioned but it's a habit I taught myself. And it's one that I think is valuable.

I'll quit now. I don't want to sound like a prude. Particularly not on a porn board. ;)
medjay said:
I'm afraid I'll have to disagree. It's about respect. I've been cussing since I was six but I always knew better than to bring that kind of language around my parents. Not because they told me not to but because I knew it was gutter talk and they would be disappointed to hear it from me.

I'm almost 30 and I still have never used foul language around my parents even though they do it all the time. I also refrain from cussing around anyone I consider to be an elder. Yeah, it might be old fashioned but it's a habit I taught myself. And it's one that I think is valuable.

I'll quit now. I don't want to sound like a prude. Particularly not on a porn board. ;)


You certainly have a right to have your opinion and to teach that to your kids. Nice to discuss with you...haven't seen you in a long time