shiiiit, I guess I Fucked-up!


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
There is this hot lil young thang at the place where I work, the store slut I suppose she can be described as. Convinced her to send me a URL of a site with her on it with "naughty" pictures of her on it. She said she was gonna wait to give me the link cause she wanted to fix some things and update it a little, ect. channge some things around, so on and so forth.

The ONLY good thing about that crappy job is I made a friend from working there (well, one or two real friends and some acquaintances). So I told him, he told her about it, probably asking her why she hadn't told him about it since he has known her for a year now and I less than 3 months.

Anyway, she said she couldn't believe I told anyone about it and now she wasn't going to give it to me. I explained to her he was my bud so I had to tell him, I pointed out she had a best friend she told everything to as well. Well, didn't fly, maybe she's a hypocrite but she feels different about it since her bud is related to her (a cousin) while my G is not *cough* double-standard.

So, how many believe:

1.) I fucked up a chance to see nude pictures of her (possible sex pictures as well) because I told my pal/co-worker that she was on the net.

2.) She's fucking with me, never had any pictures of herself on the net and is just getting some friendly revenge by tantalizing me because I tease her with pictures of Vin Diesel and How she will never have him.

3.) She's playing me, she DOES intend o give me the URL but is gonna make me wait and squirm over it and BANG, surprise me someday with an email and a link to the site.

Oh yeah, did I mention she is Bisexual or at LEAST highly bi-curious heading to pussyville any time now? She's said to have banged like four or five fellow male employees at my store now and so far many of these rumors and urban-legend like gossip actually checked-out when I asked around (like the fact that liked girls which was confirmed from the horses mouth so to say). She told me she had a gf too and I don't think she was joking, I have only been there like two and a half months and she has already had like three or four bfs since I have been there (two of them guys she meet on the Internet in the last three weeks alone-one just yesterday).

So which is it, 1, 2 or 3. I am like 8 years older than her which might be too much in her book, plus I think she likes the tall skinny kind of guys mostly. I hope I can at least finagle those pics outta her. :)
I'm not going to venture a guess. That might reveal your glaring errors, and that in turn might lead to a better understanding of women. I think I prefer keeping you utterly in the dark about such things.
Mischka said:
I'm not going to venture a guess. That might reveal your glaring errors, and that in turn might lead to a better understanding of women. I think I prefer keeping you utterly in the dark about such things.

Well done counsler. :D
I would suggest walking around the work place with your dick hanging out of your pants. If that doesn't work, and it won't, try writing to Dear Abby.
Frimost, leave the gals at/from work alone.

NO, I refuse to, fuck them if they don’t like it (Walmart management) the attention is NOT unwanted this time so they can shove it up their ass if they have a problem with it. Besides, she's a Lit kind of gal if ya know what I mean.

As for going for girls at work, they are not biting at the bars so what CAN I do? Where else can I go? I'm not gonna go into sexual hibernation just cause I'm chicken to get in trouble for flirting with gals at work (where company dating IS allowed anyway and sexual joking and innuendo is common).
I'm surronded by assholes

Geez, what is it 'Act Like A Fucking Bastard to Frimost Day'? Damn.... :(
Frimost said:
Besides, she's a Lit kind of gal if ya know what I mean.
Translation: She's comfortable with her sexuality, flirtatious, outgoing, and rejects mean-spirited, disrespectful people.
What exactly is a Lit kind of gal???

Do you read what you post?
Do you even comprehend how you come across?

No wonder the girls in the bar aren't biting....They are probably laughing and pointing....:rolleyes:
Agree's with April. Read back at what you said and then understand why your getting the reaction you are...
What exactly is a Lit kind of gal???

A horny, nymphet, exhibitionist who likes to flirt, admires the male body, and likes porn. :)

I have been here long enough that I thought many of you the regular posters pretty much had me figured out by now, how my messages my come across meaner or more depressing than they really are, I guess not. People who have talked to me in person know what I am referring too.

MOST boards when you hang around them long enough offer you support and camaraderie, not abuse. I guess I couldn't get that here, apparently too much to ask for from many of you.

When I was gone I had some emails asking me where I was and stuff, which comforted me a bit when I was feeling lonely. I don't get that feeling here at all since I got my net access back and returned.

so long~ :(
Originally posted by Frimost (edited)
As for going for girls at work, they are not biting at the bars so what CAN I do? Where else can I go?

Church, health club, library, mall, coffee shop, political rally, beach, concert, game, civic meeting... use your imagination for something other than mentally undressing coworkers.
Frimost, i don't know ya and im not judging you on the person you are because i have no clue. All i am going by is what and how you posted it. Sorry if you took offence.....
So, I assume you were only interested in her to get those pictures and then to get in her pants, assuming she wears any?
She certainly doesn't sound like long term relationship material. But it does sound like she fits what you're looking for.

Change what you're looking for and you may find what you really want.
Frimost said:
When I was gone I had some emails asking me where I was and stuff, which comforted me a bit when I was feeling lonely. I don't get that feeling here at all since I got my net access back and returned.
Since you returned, you've seen angrier than ever. Every thread you start refers to women in extraordinarily disrespectful and insulting terms.

Communication is a two-way street. If you're not getting the reactions you want, then try changing your tactics. We can't spend all of our time trying to discern the true meaning behind your angry facade.
I have come to the conclusion that no male over 17 is this incrediblly lacking in social skills. It is just not possible and therefore I believe this guy is yanking everyone's chain. I might think he is this big a putz, but for the fact that I have read his other threads.
Frimost said:
I explained to her he was my bud so I had to tell him

You're an idiot. Just cus he's your friend doesn't mean you HAVE to tell him. And even if she was playing you, the whole text of your post makes you sound like a bit of a dolt for caring so much about seeing some slut online. There are lots of sluts online. Go find them.
A Desert Rose said:
I have come to the conclusion that no male over 17 is this incrediblly lacking in social skills. It is just not possible and therefore I believe this guy is yanking everyone's chain. I might think he is this big a putz, but for the fact that I have read his other threads.

I concur with A Desert Rose. And, judging by the AV, I'd sure like to run my tongue up the inside of her thighs.
i think shes lying.

where do you work man?

sounds like a crazy place.

guys fucken girls fucken guys who fuck girls too...hmm
Mischka said:
I'm not going to venture a guess. That might reveal your glaring errors, and that in turn might lead to a better understanding of women. I think I prefer keeping you utterly in the dark about such things.

Damn you are wise! Nice insightful reply.

Frimost if I was the woman concerned i wouldn't give you the time of day. You betrayed her trust... end of story.