shaving...girls only


That's Professor to You!
Dec 30, 2001
ok this will sound a bit weird, but I am gonna ask it anyway because I haven't a clue....

I can't use creams like Nair or Neet.....I haven't tried magic because I'm too nervous to buy , if anyone , do you shave your pussy? Or are you blessed enough with non-sensitive skin to slather on the fireburning creams and just whip it away?
Do you trim before you shave or wax or slather? ( not an option...)

Please respond with advice or something like that....

An incentive so you will post,

If I shave I will post smooth pictures...(with my cheap camera)
I cannot use nair,magic or anything else either.

I dont know if I would be brave enough to shave myself. ;)

But yes,trim it up before you shave.

Some people use alcohol afterwards,I think.
I have pretty sensitive skin too. Still, I found that shaving bald was no problem for me - except at the bikini line where I inevitably develop a rash. I trim and then lather up and shave away. I apply something like tea tree oil or Vit E on afterwards.
Shaving gives me a horrible rash no matter what I do. Luckily I can use Magic with no problems. I will use my electric razor occasionally and it works pretty well and doesn't give me a rash like a regular razor.
I discovered that sitting in the bathtub for a while really helps. I use a razor, although I have had it all waxed before. If I put lotion or oil on, that helps with any razor burn.
i really want to use magic.....but the idea of me buying "black man's beard removal product" is kinda weird...i mean ....this is a conservative little town....and besides i am afraid of damaging my naughty bits with anything....even sometimes shaving cream messes me up....:(
lovetoread said:
I cannot use nair,magic or anything else either.

I dont know if I would be brave enough to shave myself. ;)

But yes,trim it up before you shave.

Some people use alcohol afterwards,I think.
Some people DRINK alcohol afterwards. Never spread it on sensitive skin right after shaving unless you're interested in pain.

Yah, I know, not the gender you were looking for, but I'm right.
I use witch hazel on everything I shave immediately after I rinse off.

I think Starfish suggested it, among a few other tips which seem to be working pretty well.
I've used Skintimate shaving cream. They have a raspberry rain scented one that has vit E in it. That works pretty well and a friend once suggested hair conditioner too. I've tried that and it works the best I think. Pantene conditioner was what I used. Made the skin super super soft afterwards.

Good Luck. :)
If I shave (sometimes I wax or use Magic), I do it last in the shower. The pores are open and the hair is softer by that time. Use a new blade and make sure you have a good lather.

Afterwards, to prevent a rash, I use Bikini Zone on it.
I use a razor. I've never even heard of the magic stuff, and I don't have the ovaries to try nair or neet. I imagine those would leave a pretty nasty rash.

Use a good razor and I will put a plug in for Mach 3 razors. Those will give you the smoothest shave and last the longest. I love those razors.
I get chem burns bad with that stuff. I am really glad that others can get the benefit, but I still have to shave manually.

I use gel soap to shave. If you are busy before you shave, trim it off with sissors or a beard trimmer or you'll rub your skin raw trying to shave that hair off.

Really, get it down as close to stubble type as you can.

Then shave with a new, sharp razor (I use Venus and I love it) and a good shave cream, or gel. Aveeno makes an oatmeal one that Irie uses on his face. I tried it, and I like it, but I just use my Kiss My Face gel soap, becuase it is like liquid silk on your skin when shaving.

Then, I used a half alcohol, half witchhazle blend for an aftershave and I let myself airdry, uncovered, fully so that no moisture around the just shaven area can cause chaffing.

Lickerish uses saline solution as an aftershave.

Good luck, and enjoy.... The feeling of a shaven pussy is so nice.
I do? :p

I haven't been using anything lately, I'm tired of razor burn from razors.. and the stubble that Magic has been leaving (never used to). Yes people, I've been going hairy. *blech*

I also recommend the Venus razor, it the womens version of the Mach 3.

Soak in a 'hot as you can take it' bath to make the skin soft. Then lather up with whatever (I've been using Skintimate w/ Aloe for sensitive skin). Shave WITH the hair growth, not against it (will reduce the amount of razor burn).

Afterwards, I hear witchhazel and/or rubbing alcohol works best. Dry off the area then dab it on with a cotton ball. Yes, it stings like hell, but it has a lovely after effect too (huh fishie ;)) Let air dry.

I've never tried bikini zone, but I hear it works well. Theres also this stuff you can buy at salons for dabbing on after you pluck your brows, it's a hair growth inhibitor, I'll have to ask my sister what it's called.. I bet that would work.
this is going to sound bad... and I'm prolly going to have things thrown at me.. but....

I do a dry shave with a schick disposable razor. it's the only way I can shave there without getting any form of razor burn or ingrown hairs. I dont put anything on it afterwards either. I've used the venus before (since I use that on my legs) and that makes me extra itchy and gives me razor burn there. Each person is different though in what they can use. I've tried nair and it didnt do a thing (didnt work on my legs either). so I wont bother buying magic either.
Willing and Unsure said:
I've tried nair and it didnt do a thing (didnt work on my legs either). so I wont bother buying magic either.
I won't use Nair but I do use Magic. They aren't the same product at all. $2.44 for a tube of Magic at Target. What have you got to lose but your hair? :)
Damn. :p :p :p :D

W&U dry shave? yeeeouch! Nair doesn't work on my legs at all.. but Magic is amazing, swipes everything off w/i 6-9 minutes. But I think I've grown immune to it, it's been leaving a stubble behind. :(
I tend to use some of Skintimate's Lavender Shaving cream...and a disposable razor...*new ones*

but now I'm out...and I have been too hair for too long...I love being shaved...its just I have to let it grow back into stubbly hair before i can shave irritating!

I never thought about hot baths...or "aftershave" hmm...thanks!!:kiss:
Silverluna said:
i really want to use magic.....but the idea of me buying "black man's beard removal product" is kinda weird...i mean ....this is a conservative little town....and besides i am afraid of damaging my naughty bits with anything....even sometimes shaving cream messes me up....:(
If you're afraid of buying it in your town, order it from :)