Shakespeare and Much Rejoicing


I would think it's to be expected. :D

Oh, good then!! There wasn't skipping so much as cursing and the need for liquor. But seriously though, still nice to be off of one job for awhile. Part-time gigs are certainly easier by far.

Cursed abbreviated links...

So, in case you don't like to click on random links on here without knowing what they are (I tend to agree with you on that count - many an unasked-for penile picture that way lies)...

The link I posted above is titled, "What Your Favorite Shakespeare Play Reveals About You". It's on Flavorwire.

Well partly right

''You’re an unabashed romantic and have, at some point in your life, worn glitter.''

Glitter clashes with the shade of blue in my woad;)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream

You’re an unabashed romantic and have, at some point in your life, worn glitter.

True, too true :)
On this glorious Friday, I'm a teacher on the last day of school. Is it bad if I ran out the door, skipping and cursing? :)

June!?!?!? Already!?!?!?. Time got away from me this year. I'm not ready for teenagers infesting every corner of the ville for the next three months.