Sexual Harassment....& Weight Gain

I can't imagine anybody gaining weight for any reason other then 'giving up'. It'd make more sense to build rapist-ass-kicking muscle then to just... get fat. That lack of physical strength and the cardio required to run away would make it easier to rape you. In fact, don't rapey guys do that? Try to get their partners to gain weight or lose weight to an emaciated state through emotional blackmail to make them less likely to obtain a different, better, less rapey partner? The line of thought being that if she could leave, she would, but I'll just bully her into being out of shape so she can't?

I'm not saying that the strategy you're talking about doesn't exist, but if it does, it's a bad strategy. Being less 'attractive' won't make you less likely to get sexually harassed, it puts you in the 'obtainable' category.
"Gaining weight felt like solace to me… the more weight I gained, the less attractive I would be, the less likely I’d be to be harassed on the street."


Whatever, all those hysterical "HARASSMENT!! ZOMG!" women are sexually harassed every time an ugly/broke ass guy so much as looks at them. God forbid the busted ass janitor eye fuck ya, he ugly!!That IS harassment isn't it??

Sexy rich man though? He couldn't sexually harass a woman if he pistol whipped her into submission and fucked her in the ass dry against a dumpster behind some bar.

Sad thing is so many have gone so overboard with the dumbest fucking shit the women who really do get harassed start falling through the cracks, victim to all those who cry wolf b/c some busted dude asked them on a date.
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I can't imagine anybody gaining weight for any reason other then 'giving up'. It'd make more sense to build rapist-ass-kicking muscle then to just... get fat. That lack of physical strength and the cardio required to run away would make it easier to rape you. In fact, don't rapey guys do that? Try to get their partners to gain weight or lose weight to an emaciated state through emotional blackmail to make them less likely to obtain a different, better, less rapey partner? The line of thought being that if she could leave, she would, but I'll just bully her into being out of shape so she can't?

I'm not saying that the strategy you're talking about doesn't exist, but if it does, it's a bad strategy. Being less 'attractive' won't make you less likely to get sexually harassed, it puts you in the 'obtainable' category.

You read the entire article and wrote a reply in less than six minutes of me posting it?

Wow, that is impressive!

Being less 'attractive' won't make you less likely to get sexually harassed, it puts you in the 'obtainable' category.

For some, yes. For others, no.
Sad thing is so many have gone so overboard with the dumbest fucking shit the women who really do get harassed start falling through the cracks, victim to all those who cry wolf b/c some busted dude asked them on a date.

What cracks are you referring to?
For years I have believed there are many women who intentionally put on weight to make themselves less desirable to a majority of the male population.

Recently I read an article that tends to support my belief.


I don't know about women, not even in my wildest dreams would i ever attempt to put my self in someone else's shoes. But for me i gave up on life, gave up on caring, gave up on everyone and hoped that i could eat a plug to fill the hole inside. I stopped after I realized the only thing I could fill it with is nothing. Once i accepted the hole for what it was, I grew past it, and grew to live with it, and grew to love again. I joined the military and changed my life.

All and all you must know and understand this... No one... and I mean NO ONE, can make you do anything... you allow them too... even if your held tied and being forced, you can always fight.

I'm a survivor.
Sorry i didn't reply sooner that wasn't a fast read lol

No it was not a fast read. Though it is an interesting and extremely well written piece by an honest woman who apparently spent more time studying than partying during her college years.
No it was not a fast read. Though it is an interesting and extremely well written piece by an honest woman who apparently spent more time studying than partying during her college years.

Not everyone is so privileged to relax and have fun. for a few to be happy many must suffer.
You read the entire article and wrote a reply in less than six minutes of me posting it?

Wow, that is impressive!

For some, yes. For others, no.

It's half a page on some chicks blog. How long did it take you to read it?

I thought she was not only stupid, but racist. Everything she said she made a point of point out that the guy calling her a bitch slut ho was black. It was annoying and dumb. I was much nicer in my op then I could have been. I laid out the reasons she was wrong, but I didn't emphasize how fucking stupid she was. Would that have made you feel better?
It's half a page on some chicks blog. How long did it take you to read it?

I thought she was not only stupid, but racist. Everything she said she made a point of point out that the guy calling her a bitch slut ho was black. It was annoying and dumb. I was much nicer in my op then I could have been. I laid out the reasons she was wrong, but I didn't emphasize how fucking stupid she was. Would that have made you feel better?

I said it once ill say it again, the human words can be powerful, granted i slightly agree with you in some ways and not in others. but that is to be no one person can think the same as another.
I said it once ill say it again, the human words can be powerful, granted i slightly agree with you in some ways and not in others. but that is to be no one person can think the same as another.

She didn't think at all. She was all, "black woman power black black black TAKE BACK THE NIGHT". That's the summation of that entire post. It's about what you'd see from a teenager on tumblr. It doesn't mesh with reality and it doesn't HAVE to. She was just getting some negative feelings off her chest.

I am amazed that you were amazed with how fast I read it though. You must be a seriously slow reader because other people on here make fun of me for reading slowly.
It's half a page on some chicks blog. How long did it take you to read it?

I thought she was not only stupid, but racist. Everything she said she made a point of point out that the guy calling her a bitch slut ho was black. It was annoying and dumb. I was much nicer in my op then I could have been. I laid out the reasons she was wrong, but I didn't emphasize how fucking stupid she was.

Would that have made you feel better?

After witnessing your reading prowess and learning you type faster than an eaglet taking a poop, not much.

For the record, the writer is a black woman writing from her perspective. I'm guessing females from all backgrounds have had similar experiences that caused them to gain weight.
I wonder how many people can pinpoint what caused their weight gain. I've always had a tendency to be thick and when my husband wouldn't have sex with me and I found myself wanting to cheat, combined with starting a new job with women who were very frumpy and mean ass bitches, I just found it easier to get fat.

Food fulfilled the pleasure center need that was missing because i wasnt getting sex and when I was bigger less meN flirted with me, thus no longer tempting me (not sure if it was bc I wasn't as pretty or bc I wouldn't flirt w guys bc I felt fat and gross).

When I was bigger I dressed dumpier and the women I worked with and elsewhere were friendlier. I was less of a threat in their eyes.

I've since lost all the weight I gained and I look better than ever. I finally realized that I'm not happy when I'm big and by eating to avoid other problems I just make more and varied problems for myself (health issues, body image issues, etc)

I'm not going to lie, I skimmed the article and didn't read the whole thing but I'm sure that, for her, she figured out why she got so big. I'm glad she (and I) figured it out.
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After witnessing your reading prowess and learning you type faster than an eaglet taking a poop, not much.

For the record, the writer is a black woman writing from her perspective. I'm guessing females from all backgrounds have had similar experiences that caused them to gain weight.

I know. She only pointed it out a dozen fucking times in the half a page I read. "Black Woman's Guide to Weight Loss I'm special because I'm black, a blog by a black chick."
She didn't think at all. She was all, "black woman power black black black TAKE BACK THE NIGHT". That's the summation of that entire post. It's about what you'd see from a teenager on tumblr. It doesn't mesh with reality and it doesn't HAVE to. She was just getting some negative feelings off her chest.

I am amazed that you were amazed with how fast I read it though. You must be a seriously slow reader because other people on here make fun of me for reading slowly.

I read slowly Due to being in an IED impact rang and losing 25% brain function and about 65% of my memories, so I read slowly, and had to relearn the English language at the age of 24... I could care less about how fast I read.
I read slowly Due to being in an IED impact rang and losing 25% brain function and about 65% of my memories, so I read slowly, and had to relearn the English language at the age of 24... I could care less about how fast I read.

I don't are how fast I read either, I just thought it was weird that you called me out on being able to read half a page in 6 minutes. I'm known for reading slowly.
lol i didnt call that one out, scroll up :p

Well, whoever. You don't have a face yet I can't remember who you are. My point about her still stands. It's her blog, she's expressing emotion in a positive way via blogging rather then bitch slapping these black SUPER BLACK omg BLACK guys who harass her.

But as I stated before, her plan of gaining weight to combat it is not going to work. And her blatant racism isn't ok because she's so black, you guys omg you would not believe how black.

You don't have to be white to be a racism dumbass. You don't have to be male to be a sexist dumbass. I don't have to call you out on your dumbassery because you say some dumb shit on your personal, none of my business blog.
I am wondering how you will negate or demonize the author when a similar, more clinical article is written by a white woman?

That's an entirely different thing. This author is saying that people who experienced childhood trauma overeat and have health problems associated with that trauma. That's a clinical diagnosis. Saying that you gain weight not to be hit on is stupid. Saying that some people develop eating disorders is science. Neither of those have anything to do with the gender or race of the authors. You cannot base your analysis of a piece of writing on the gender or race of the authors. That's sexist and racist. Nor can you equate two completely different ideas and conclusions and try to make them the same thing because you don't like how some guy on a message board is posting.
That's an entirely different thing. This author is saying that people who experienced childhood trauma overeat and have health problems associated with that trauma. That's a clinical diagnosis. Saying that you gain weight not to be hit on is stupid. Saying that some people develop eating disorders is science. Neither of those have anything to do with the gender or race of the authors. You cannot base your analysis of a piece of writing on the gender or race of the authors. That's sexist and racist. Nor can you equate two completely different ideas and conclusions and try to make them the same thing because you don't like how some guy on a message board is posting.

Hell, she makes a point of saying that physical, emotional, and sexual trauma cause this problem. It's nothing to do with, "If I get fat guys won't like me! #black #smart #did I mention I was black?"
I cant say I'm with either of you. But i also cant say i disagree with either of you.
people will always be fools, and a fool by any other word, is still a fool.