Sexual achievements


Anti-M 0derator
Jan 2, 2002
20 words or less.

I can go down on a lady for 1/2 to an hour at a time. With no problem.

(yes you, you are the reason for this thread)
I can make a man simply love a blowjob that involves teeth.

*grins toothily*
I can swallow a man's cock while one hand massages his balls and the fingers from my other hand tickles his prostate and not allow him to cum until I'm ready for it.

Yeah it's over the 20 words, so sue me. I can't help that I can be descriptive. Even just that bit was rough on me. lol
HeavyStick said:
20 words or less.

I can go down on a lady for 1/2 to an hour at a time. With no problem.

(yes you, you are the reason for this thread)

I couldn't handle it for a half hour.. I get way to sensitive.


I have no gag reflex. Deep throating has never been a problem for me.
Re: Re: Sexual achievements

freakygurl said:

I have no gag reflex. Deep throating has never been a problem for me.

Bless you, may you be exempt from taxes forever.
It's been a while (four years to be exact) but the last ex girlfriend and I used to spend entire days off in bed.. It gave a whole new meaning to "Morning, noon and night" :D
I've worn them all completely out! The closest anyone ever came was 15 times in less than 24 hours. - I was ready for more and he was done! :(
I love using toys.

Multiple orgasms guaranteed

here's two:

explosive multiple orgasms


different color same purpose

*stupid question*

I'd heard in the past that generally those that can have multiple orgasm's do so because they aren't as strong and intense as those that cannot multiple orgasm.

I was told that I was actually rather lucky because of how strong and long mine were.

I can however have mulitple orgasm's just rarely and not nearly as satisfying as the above.

True or not? lol
HeavyStick said:
You are butter, I'm the hot knife slicing through you.

Oh yeah! Did I mentions that the 15 times didn't include the oral!!!
