Sex & Shenanigans

I may need to figure out tenor soon. Quality GIPHY ones are getting scared. Hey @OrdinaryPerson, got any tips?
1) Copy from Tenor.
2) Upload to Giphy
3) ???
4) Profit.
Hey @crazychemgirl I was reminded of this book that I bought for my daughter a couple years back. Thought you might enjoy it.
I mean, I'd read this.

I used to know a guy whose day job was SFX and worked with this company as a side gig. Never got any free samples. Fucking bogus.
We were laughing about this one time when they introduced the "you can now record your name" so that the doll would say your name during fun fun sexy times. But all we could imagine was that the doll would be moaning in a quote unquote feminine fashion and then a deep voice would pop in as the recording of the name.

"Oh oh yes, like that. Give it to me" <deep voice>Josh.
I mean... "Companions" is pretty broad....
And speaking of....
There's some classifications missed here....

Sorry, that wasn't a joke at your expense. When I hear companion in any sort of sexual capacity, my brain immediately goes to that.

Just kidding. I am a geek, I go to Firefly references.