Sex & Shenanigans

You know how sometimes you scroll down the homepage and a thread name catches your eye? Tonight that thread was 'Naming your dildos'.

I did not even scroll back up to see what sub it was in. I mean, if that helps you all keep 'em straight, god bless ya.
I just have the one. It's not named. It just gives me orgasms
Yet always better than Ohio

"There's nothing wrong with Ohio. Except the snow and the rain..."
I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone who has lived in Ohio and doesn’t hate it 🤷🏻‍♀️

Indie and I never start a new thread. If we want to communicate via PM we have to scroll back through a bazillion pages until we find the message thread titled “TWAT”.
As it should be! One message thread per person is the way to go

Does this mean I made it here?

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All that means is that he has a 6th sense for amazing tits. Don't let him hear you say that 😂
He really does

You have to summon the Bogey-man with boobs. I don’t make the rules

That's me brother.
Trying to figure out whether you mean to say “that’s me, brother” or “that’s my brother.” World of difference! 🤔

The penis prejudice is palpable.
Feel free to post a helicockter or other dick trick over in @morelikeasong ’s Siren Songs and Helicockters thread and we’ll ooh and ahh over it there 😉
I just get talkative...
My penis is forever being harmed.
Sorry, I’ll try to be more careful next time 🤭

I think I missed the party
The party never stops! 🎉

Shit, At what age am I supposed to stop spanking it? I must be getting close!

It's all good. I drink very very rarely these days. Tonight was just the last evening living with my ex so we made food and drank a lot of wine.
I kept fucking my last ex for 2 months while broken up, right until the morning he took me to the airport. The dick was THAT good 🫠