Serious Thread about Trolls.


Anti-M 0derator
Jan 2, 2002
Trolls are as popular. good, bad, evil, infamous, irritating as you/we/us make them.

You/we/us give them more power and prestige by making specific references about them.

You/we/us give them more power and prestige by making threads about them.

This is my last thread concerning the vile ones.

Some trolls, the flattering ones, are nice to have. It shows a "fanfare" a following. But they are not a cult or yet "evil"

If I go on a troll's thread, it'll be to post something completely off track and not related at all about what's going on.

Keep yelling at them, keep getting upset and posting how you hate them. That'll irritate you more than them.

You should have an idea of who the dangerous trolls are, and who the slightly disturbed (yet humorous) are.

Choose your troll battles wisely.

Ruby says don't choose them at all, and let them suffocate on being ignored.

We have the right to do what we want.
Ohhhh so now you wanna talk to me huh? :)

I thought you were mad about the comment I made concerning your AV.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I fucking run this game.

Don't waste my time, my life is AK and 9's

I prefer beef over chicken and red wine over white.

I like the AL over the NL and the AFC over the NFC.

I think Bob Villa is over rated and Norm needs a different shirt. (Has he worn anything but plaid)

Something's you can't keep score on and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
HeavyStick said:

You should have an idea of who the dangerous trolls are, and who the slightly disturbed (yet humorous) are.

The front page currently has a half dozen completely stupid and offensive troll threads started by ....You.

You feel your threads are funny, so you don't see yourself as a troll when you make an unwanted pass at women with avatars showing lots of skin, for example.

You are no more or less a troll than Hanns callling people cunts and fantasizing about his guns. Or the TexasMarine dude who raves about "packing heat" and defending his country. Or the union dude who talks about emptying his clip into a raghead. Or PC when he slices up a newbie. Or Miles when he tells someone he doesn't like (most everyone) to fuck off. Or me when I respond to Lav, Cartstruck or KM's man-hating faux-feminist baloney.

So, please fuck off with ther sermons.

It's a free forum, hypocrite.
