Series Cover Art?


Porn Noir
May 15, 2022
I've added cover art to my Story series. Whereabouts on Lit is this cover art visible to readers of my stories?
If you follow the link from the story itself to the series it belongs to, or if you browse series from the Categories page, then you see the public page listing the stories within that series, the description text, and the cover image.

I think the cover image is shown small, but editing the URL lets you get to the bigger size.

Ok, thanks. I found my series by navigating from the series link you posted, and the cover art is there!

But I can't seem to locate the series by following a link from individual stories within it. Am I missing something?

This story is in a series: - but there's no link I can see.
I'm not sure what your specific circumstance is, but if I'm submitting stories here that have cover art I want to share from when they were in the marketplace, I post the cover to the thread for announcing new works that can be found on the Feedback board. I don't do this often, though, because I don't believe people look at that thread much.