Send A PM to Your Crush



In honor of Mrs H, I figured it wouldn't hurt to restart this thread. The purpose is simply being transparent and sending your crush a pm. After you've done it, simply post "Sent". I'm under no delusions that this thread will be even a modicum as popular as H's was, but it did bring people together. So, crushers and crushees, get to sending those pm's. Let the litster you think is special know it right now!
I need to find a new crush. I'll send 1 to an old crush.

Good luck to you, as well.

just throw in a few lines of poetic genius. No mortal can withstand NS' s prowess!

I need to find a new crush. I'll send 1 to an old crush.

Good luck with both!

I think Im developing a crush ,

Funny how that happens around here, ey?

I'm dead sexy, so I'll send one to myself.

Good luck to you with yourself. Uh..yeah..I think that's right. ;)

Damn, why didn't I think of that?

Note to self: stalk the Bitch.


Or just send her a pm? Lol

Careful crush.....incoming!

Sounds like you're dropping a bomb on some poor defenseless little island. Well done!

Hmmm whoever sends me a pm.gets a prize x

Bribery? That works from time to time too!

Happy Monday, crushers! Spread some love today!
Hmmm... I think I'll come off as a creepy-stalky-admirer-from-a-distance, so I'm better off not doing it. :eek:

Anyways, Good Luck to y'all who are doing it. :)
I think something is wrong with my PM box. I'm not bombarded with crush messenges. What's up with that?
I think something is wrong with my PM box. I'm not bombarded with crush messenges. What's up with that?

Dude, as long as I've been here, I know you'll get hit with a couple hundred million in the next..uhhh....5 minutes.
yeah, me neither. is it because I didn't show my tits?

This must be my problem too. I don't show enough of the girls. :p

Dude, as long as I've been here, I know you'll get hit with a couple hundred million in the next..uhhh....5 minutes.

See normally I'd believe this but maybe I'm just losing my touch. What's happening, ladies? C'mawwwnn. I'm handsome and charming here! :D lol
I would need a crush in the first place. I'll say it is nice to remember Mrs H and will ideally send a PM to her
This must be my problem too. I don't show enough of the girls. :p

See normally I'd believe this but maybe I'm just losing my touch. What's happening, ladies? C'mawwwnn. I'm handsome and charming here! :D lol

Well shoot. What hope do regular blokes like me have?