Security question?


Literotica Guru
Mar 2, 2002
Can I arrange it so I'm not automatically logged in when I bring up Lit. Other people use this computer on occasion, don't want someone in under my screenname.

Thanks for any advice
I'm fairly sure that if, when you're leaving lit., you go to the main page on the forums and click "log out" then "clear all cookies and return to main page" that should do the trick.
Go to user cp and select edit options. One of the options is to log in automatically. Select no. Problem solved.

Saytur said:
Can I arrange it so I'm not automatically logged in when I bring up Lit. Other people use this computer on occasion, don't want someone in under my screenname.

Thanks for any advice

Simplest way to insure no one uses your screen name is to turnoff the auto-login cookie.

However, if you set up multiple users and insure you log-out (on your machine) before anyone else uses the computer and have them log into a guest name or other username, then lit maintains a separate cookie for that user.