Scientists admit covering up lab leak theory to avoid being ‘associated’ with Trump


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
If you read between the lines, what happened here is obvious… A herd of quislings with scientific degrees allowed themselves to be so intimidated by the toxicity fabricated around Trump by the political, media, and academic establishment that they covered up something they believe to be true — that the lab leak theory is credible enough to warrant investigation.

So here’s what we now know… When given a choice between telling the public a vital truth or living through the social discomfort of being “associated” with someone the establishment loathes, to retain the establishment’s good opinion, moral cowards who call themselves scientists will cover up the truth.

Worse still, they covered up a truth because telling that truth would align them with the political right, which informs us that any scientific truth that validates a belief held by the right could very well be withheld.

If you think the pressure to silence so-called scientists about the China flu was extreme, imagine the pressure the scientific community is under to continue to mislead the public about Global Warming or Climate Change or whatever these charlatans call it today.
Let us please see no more cites from Breitbart, on this board or anywhere else.
I can't blame anyone for trying to avoid being associated with Trump.