

Feb 15, 2000

A quick observation.. I'm new here to the Board. Just want to say Hello to all you.

One thing I find that turns me on more then anything, is my husbands scent when he's aroused. It's heady and deep... one of those scents that just drives the animal out which makes for fantasic sex, whatever you may be doing.

Lanna P.
Originally posted by Lanna_P:

A quick observation.. I'm new here to the Board. Just want to say Hello to all you.

One thing I find that turns me on is my husbands scent when he's aroused. It's heady and deep... one of those scents that just drives the animal out which makes for fantasic sex, whatever you may be doing.

Lanna P.

Well lady, my first post here, after many months of lurking and totally; and I mean totally enjoying all. My lady feels exactly the same way. When she is aroused by scent and is 'eating' me...well, she orgasms just on that. Hey I've no complaints.

[This message has been edited by Wetman (edited 02-16-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Wetman (edited 02-16-2000).]
The technical word is "Pheromones" they can basically be likend to "vibes"... but there more chemical. Its hard to explain with out a text book...

They are released in to the air and the theory is, that they have somethng to do with triggering your hormones though smell... Aparently women release more Pheromones then men, probably for the reason that... well to put it crudely, they're in heat!
Ok, kiddies, I went & did some research here, so now that I feel like I can write a short thesis on pheromones let me share what I learned:

"What is pheromone? It is natural glandular scented sexual attractants the body produces to attract the opposite sex. This natural attractant can also contribute to intense love making during sexual foreplay and sexual intercourse. They may also contribute to the dating phrase, "chemical attraction" that couples experience. They can enhance your love life. In modern times natural pheromone are not as dominant because of personal hygiene and the masking of the scent caused by using deodorants. Although pheromone would probably become more dominant without personal hygiene, it would not be advisable since most people do follow a personal hygiene routine and would be attuned to bad hygiene."

>>that's why we love the smell of him/her after a hard day's work...<<

and more:

"Pheromones are natural chemical scents the body produces to attract the opposite sex. They are well documented in the animal kingdom to precipitate mating between animals. Scientists now are finding that humans are not any different. Pheromones are chemicals that are secreted in our sweat (and other bodily fluids) and signal a variety of messages to others, including, "I want you now." Neuroscientists have known for a very long time that other animals use their own pheromones to signal one another, particularly if reproduction is the topic, but until recently it was thought that pheromones did not play any role in human interaction. Now, numerous neuroscientists have shown that, indeed, pheromones play a significant role in human interaction.

Pheromones are detected by a structure in the nose called the vomeronasal organ. It is a literal sixth sense that all humans have,
and its job is to detect pheromones, and not other normal scents like basil, mint, cinnamon, etc.

Pheromone are quite fascinating because of eliciting non-conscious behavioural
(and physiological) reactions. In the human brain processing of scents is more direct than of e.g. optical stimuli. The human animal emits pheromones on a lot of different sites on its body. Sweat and its bacterial catabolites is one of the predominant smells. Females produce an additional scent: volatile fatty acids in their vaginal secretions, called "copulins". The fatty-acid-composition changes in the female menstrual cycle."

OK.... so now do we all know wht a pheromone is & how it is secreted and what role it plays in SEX and attraction between the sexes???

DAMN, there's more?

"It is very important to remember that these pheromones are being produced naturally by our own bodies. They are the perfect aphrodisiac because they relax the wearer and the one being pursued, and they do it subconsciously. Unfortunately, most of us wash our pheromones down the drain right before we go out to find or meet a lover."

Ok, now I think that's it. The test will be tomorrow at 3am under the stars on the beach at Laurel & Manu's place. K?


[This message has been edited by hullo_nurse (edited 02-17-2000).]
Nurse, very interesting post. I have read similar; I did, and she still does work for a major international cosmetics/fragrance corporation. We both love 'au natural', as opposed to the company line; but hey, we need the money. Personally I believe the sense of smell is one of the prime motivators to really good sex. Screw Calvin Klein. OOOPS! When a mare has mated with a stallion and wants more, she will urinate on her legs and the magic of the sense will draw the stallion back for another round of pleasure.

PS. I have really enjoyed your posts over the last few months since discovering this gem of a site.