Saving Face


Loves Spam
Feb 26, 2022
After blowing off their mouths and making all sorts of threats re. the Pelosi visit to Taiwan, exactly what is the CCP going to do? Make no mistake, they are going to have to do something and something dramatic. God forbid those worthless sons a bitches in Beijing lose face.

Of course, as I've posted elsewhere, starting a war works in Xi's favor in the short term.
I think it will probably play out over the next several days. I don't see the Chinese taking it laying down. Could be actions or just more threatening words. We'll see.
China would never be able to occupy. It would be another Afghanistan. Name one country that has successfully occupied Afghanistan. If I was China....I would sit back and bide my time.
Thinking out loud about a step that China could take short of unleashing their weapons. Stop and seize a container vessel headed towards, or away from, Taiwan. Their stated premise would be that the vessel was in violation of China's import/export laws. The effects on the international supply chain issues would be profound.
Thinking out loud about a step that China could take short of unleashing their weapons. Stop and seize a container vessel headed towards, or away from, Taiwan. Their stated premise would be that the vessel was in violation of China's import/export laws. The effects on the international supply chain issues would be profound.
The exact reason the Us will do nothing no matter what China does. They stop exporting this country is a third world country in a year if it takes that long. Covid taught us nothing, more product then ever being made over there, and with a country full of people who no longer think they need to work, we'd never be able to manufacture what we need like we could have decades ago.

Not to mention their partner Gates will starve us out by shutting down all the farms the Government let him buy...nah no security threat there.
It is entirely possible that China does nothing of any consequence beyond burning a shit pot of fuel driving around the Ocean shooting various munitions at make believe enemies. If that is the case then all of Xi's saber rattling and fiery rhetoric is designed for domestic consumption.

It's no secret that Xi is going for a third term at the party congress this Oct. and given the state of the Chinese economy he's on shaky ground. His primary supporter is the military so this may be seen as an attempt to rally their support. Secondarily is the support of the people with whom reunification is a popular subject.

Xi's problem is that in his effort to secure that third term he risks "losing face" on the world stage.
After blowing off their mouths and making all sorts of threats re. the Pelosi visit to Taiwan, exactly what is the CCP going to do? Make no mistake, they are going to have to do something and something dramatic. God forbid those worthless sons a bitches in Beijing lose face.

Of course, as I've posted elsewhere, starting a war works in Xi's favor in the short term.
I had to laugh when the breathless report was that tanks were running up and down China's east coast...

Those things don't float and they don't have transport capability.

They're probably just going to continue to violate Taiwan's airspace hoping that someone will take a shot at them so that they have justification for some sort of token missile muscle retaliation. Of course, they'll be employing the technology they stole from us when Clinton was in office.
Regardless, they are creating a dangerous situation. All it will take is one over-zealous jet jockey to escalate.
China has already announced military drills and trade actions. More actions are expected but it’s anyone’s guess what they’ll do. Perhaps military aid to Russia in Ukrain.

The other big question is what will a weakened Biden do after Pelosi openly defied and humiliated him on the international stage? His mixed messaging on Taiwan policy that his supporting cast walked back didn’t help. Nor did his passive objection to the Speaker’s trip. China, Russia, and Iran will be watching closely.
China has already announced military drills and trade actions. More actions are expected but it’s anyone’s guess what they’ll do. Perhaps military aid to Russia in Ukrain.

The other big question is what will a weakened Biden do after Pelosi openly defied and humiliated him on the international stage? His mixed messaging on Taiwan policy that his supporting cast walked back didn’t help. Nor did his passive objection to the Speaker’s trip. China, Russia, and Iran will be watching closely.
Trade actions? I can't see that working out well for them, a nation wholly dependent on foreign commerce for it's income?

So why is Biden going against his earlier moves??
He initially was into declaring Saudi Arabia a pariah state and ended US support for Saudi operations in Yemen.
And now he's ........ selling them weapons?

WION Dispatch: US approves massive $5 BN arms sale to Saudi, UAE to counter Iran | English News​

This shouldn;t be viewed from the Biden bad versus Trump bad Literotica angle
This is clearly an overreaching US decision

So why?
Iran? Need for Saudi oil cause war with Russia?
will someone on the Right or Left
-- other than the Trump Good Trump Bad spamming crew --
start a thread on it?
China doesn't care about "face" outside of China. Get real
Trade actions? I can't see that working out well for them, a nation wholly dependent on foreign commerce for it's income?
Exactly. It is really simple...when China stopped buying soybeans from the US because some president tried to tough on them ..did they stop buying soybeans? Fuck no. Other countries went running to them and said....we have soybeans....higher quality soybeans...and at a cheaper price than you were paying....want them? And China said sure. Has America found a replacement market yet 5 years later? Nope. Has their sales to China reached pre-tariff level? Nope.

Taiwan will find a new market to sell their products...and will find a new market to buy from.
Exactly. It is really simple...when China stopped buying soybeans from the US because some president tried to tough on them ..did they stop buying soybeans? Fuck no. Other countries went running to them and said....we have soybeans....higher quality soybeans...and at a cheaper price than you were paying....want them? And China said sure. Has America found a replacement market yet 5 years later? Nope. Has their sales to China reached pre-tariff level? Nope.

Taiwan will find a new market to sell their products...and will find a new market to buy from.
Canadian farmers say "thank you President Trump".
Exactly. It is really simple...when China stopped buying soybeans from the US because some president tried to tough on them ..did they stop buying soybeans? Fuck no. Other countries went running to them and said....we have soybeans....higher quality soybeans...and at a cheaper price than you were paying....want them? And China said sure. Has America found a replacement market yet 5 years later? Nope. Has their sales to China reached pre-tariff level? Nope.

Taiwan will find a new market to sell their products...and will find a new market to buy from.
OK, so what?

Trade involves transportation. Shit moves in, shit moves out.

You can have all the money in the world and if that shit don't move, you're fucked.

The only reason China is where its at today is because of the US and the Breton Woods Accords. And those accords are dependent on the US Navy for enforcement.

China has an Achilles heel and they know it, it's the Straits of Malacca. If those Straits are blocked in 3 months their trucks stop running, in six months the lights go out, and in a year several hundred million Chinese are dead of starvation. One of the reasons that within the past month the CCP has funded no less than 17 new coal mine start ups. (Yay green energy.)

It is true that China now has the largest Navy. But they're little ships with restricted range. They can sail a 1000 miles at 10 knot cruise but would be hard pressed to get even 1/3 that distance in war conditions. Point being they are incapable of defending their critical trade routes.

It wouldn't take a great deal of effort to block the Straits and our allies, including India, would join in the effort.

So you can jabber on about Soy Beans or Pig Snouts or whatever. The fact is that we are NOT dependent on China for anything. On the other hand they are dependent on the rest of the world for damn near everything.
The fact is that we are NOT dependent on China for anything.

yeah, uhhh....


So, your very life is dependent on 'rare earth' elements? Life, as you know it, cannot exist without these things?

Or could it be that you cannot achieve your political goals without convincing the 'unenlightened masses' that these elements as as essential to life as Oxygen?

So, it is elemental my dear shit for brains that you are addicted to these elements. These elements allow you to be the keyboard/IPhone warrior you are and without them you are diminished to a state of mediocrity even lower than that which you already exist. Your response to virtually everything that you don't agree with is to throw up some animation of one sort or another. You, of course, think it's all quite clever. I, on the other hand, see nothing more than juvenile mental masturbation on display by someone whose mastery of the English language never got past the 8th grade.

If the entire notion that a picture is worth a thousand words were to be a fact then human race would still be in the hunter/gatherer stage of development. Petroglyphs/pictoglyphs inscribed on a sandstone wall leaving for posterity how significant the size of the animal you hunted down was. The irony is that at least the hunter was making a real contribution to his/her group, you are lacking in that virtue.
China has significant internal troubles with mortgage debt repayments and a slowing economy.

It suits XI to manufacture an external threat and enemy to take people's minds off their own pain.
So, your very life is dependent on 'rare earth' elements? Life, as you know it, cannot exist without these things?

Or could it be that you cannot achieve your political goals without convincing the 'unenlightened masses' that these elements as as essential to life as Oxygen?

So, it is elemental my dear shit for brains that you are addicted to these elements. These elements allow you to be the keyboard/IPhone warrior you are and without them you are diminished to a state of mediocrity even lower than that which you already exist. Your response to virtually everything that you don't agree with is to throw up some animation of one sort or another. You, of course, think it's all quite clever. I, on the other hand, see nothing more than juvenile mental masturbation on display by someone whose mastery of the English language never got past the 8th grade.

If the entire notion that a picture is worth a thousand words were to be a fact then human race would still be in the hunter/gatherer stage of development. Petroglyphs/pictoglyphs inscribed on a sandstone wall leaving for posterity how significant the size of the animal you hunted down was. The irony is that at least the hunter was making a real contribution to his/her group, you are lacking in that virtue.
None of that was implied by Zumi's post, you drunk old dumbfuck.