Satisfying the Needs of Snuggly People


pee aitch dee
Dec 21, 2001
Has anyone been, or is presently, in a relationship with someone who is less or more snuggly than you are? How do you figure out a balance between two people, when one is very snuggly and the other much less so?

Furthermore, is there an amount of touching that is considered "normal"? Is it weird to not want to be touched a lot? How does a snuggly person find satisfaction with someone who prefers a lot of private physical space?
My ex was big on cuddling and touching, whereas I am not. Particularly, I can't stand to sleep in the arms of someone else. Our compromise was that he got to cuddle a little after sex, but then he had to move to the couch or somewhere else to sleep (the bed wasn't big enough for two people).

He also was big on PDA's, which I tolerated only to a certain level. Holding hands, leaning against me, okay. Wrapping his arms around me or major smoochy sessions had to be limited.

(P.S. The severed head would have made a better av. :D)
I like to sleep spooning with my womans breast in my grip.

and then we flip and she holds my cock.
Snuggling is everything to me. I will never again be with someone less cuddly than I. I will flee from them in fact.

Just once I'd like to meet someone snugglier than I so I could suck up all the snuggliness I've given away gratis over the years.
It varies, depending on how at ease I feel around my lover. Sometimes, falling asleep with his leg across mine is great.

It's been a long long time since I was that comfortable though.

Currently, I'm not big on cuddly snuggly stuff. The compromise is a lot like Pyper's. There's a certain amount of cuddling I'm comfortable with... but when it's time for me to sleep, I want my side of the bed all to myself.
Mr K and I are fortunately both major snugglers, no problem there. The trouble is that while he is generally pretty content to cuddle, I am a lot more sexual, so I get very frustrated that I can have the physical contact, but not be physically satisfied (often).

:rolleyes: *sigh* we're working on it...
so yeah.. my boyfriend LOVES to be cuddled and hugged and slept with...
It's so uncomfortbale sometimes...
i also have weird issues with breathing in the hot air that someone else has just exhaled (including my own so i can't be all covered up... )
i move a LOT in my sleep and so i need to have space and be comfortable... he also has this thing about his chest and upper half being on his side of the bed but than his arms and feet go straight out right across where i lay...
i like being cuddly in other ways.. and i don't mind PDA'ing
*looks at Olivianna's av*


Oh wait, I requested that. :D
Pyper said:
My ex was big on cuddling and touching, whereas I am not. Particularly, I can't stand to sleep in the arms of someone else. Our compromise was that he got to cuddle a little after sex, but then he had to move to the couch or somewhere else to sleep (the bed wasn't big enough for two people).

He also was big on PDA's, which I tolerated only to a certain level. Holding hands, leaning against me, okay. Wrapping his arms around me or major smoochy sessions had to be limited.

(P.S. The severed head would have made a better av. :D)

We would have gotten along a few years ago...I lived with a woman, and usually slept on the couch after the obligatory cuddle time. I prefer couch sleeping, and have had to work hard to sleep in a bad at all.

Unfortunately, I'm a big cuddler now...sorry!
I like to snuggle when I am in the mood, but sometimes I am not in the mood to be touched at all - so I can understand both perspectives. It all comes down to learning what your mate likes, when they like it, and when they don't.
I feel that cuddling and touching is a sign of affection, and even preliminary foreplay. I think that touch is so important, any and every touch, even just while walking past your lover.

Snuggling? Forget it. That's what all day Sunday is for.
This has the potential to be a disastrous coupling. Usually, the one who likes to snuggle gets the short shrift. The one who doesn't care for physical closeness normally doesn't tend to compromise.

A touchy-feely person who likes to demonstrate love or attraction is going to be unfulfilled and dissatisfied if their partner doesn't feel the same way. This can lead to frustration, loss of self esteem and a desire to look elsewhere for affection.

My ex was the kind of man who didn't particularly care for hugging or hand holding. But he always wanted sex! I needed more but felt like a nag when asking for a hug. My best friend's husband doesn't like to kiss and I know that hurts her. But he isn't the only one I have heard of like that.

I think couples can get away with being different in many facets of their life, but I believe they really need to be simpatico when it comes to physical expression and affection.
Agent99 said:
This has the potential to be a disastrous coupling. Usually, the one who likes to snuggle gets the short shrift. The one who doesn't care for physical closeness normally doesn't tend to compromise.

A touchy-feely person who likes to demonstrate love or attraction is going to be unfulfilled and dissatisfied if their partner doesn't feel the same way. This can lead to frustration, loss of self esteem and a desire to look elsewhere for affection.

My ex was the kind of man who didn't particularly care for hugging or hand holding. But he always wanted sex! I needed more but felt like a nag when asking for a hug. My best friend's husband doesn't like to kiss and I know that hurts her. But he isn't the only one I have heard of like that.

I think couples can get away with being different in many facets of their life, but I believe they really need to be simpatico when it comes to physical expression and affection.

Eggs Ackley
A snugly woman is an absolute neccesity for me...i like to be emotionally and physically connected when ever we are together in some way...its hard to find.
I purchased a body pillow recently. Now, I can snuggle as I want to or not.

Yeah, I know it's not the same.
My SO can stand about 2 minutes of any type of snuggling. Then, it's "I need my space".

At first I felt like he was rejecting me. Now I know it's just his personal space. I've also found snuggling in bed can only be kept up for a short amount of time, cause it just never ends up comfortably.
my ex did not like cuddling
where I love to cuddle
so now divorced with no sex for almost 7 months I am now use to not cuddling

edited forgot to add word in 3rd sent.
MAJOR frustration of mine... Mr Oughts is not the cuddly type and has trouble even using the words that might make up for lack of snuggling... as for a lover he is excellent... but then there is more to a relationship than the sex part......
Wiggles said:
I'm a snuggliscious person. With my most recent ex I just simply didn't get it at all. That was the 'compromise'.

When I'm not dating at all I feel seriously deficient of human contact. I need touch, and snuggling just makes me feel gooood.

Hopefully my next one will be a big teddy bear.
You rang? :D

I definitely equate snuggling with intimacy. If I'm not snuggled, I feel unwanted. It sucks. I'm told I'm very effeminate in that regard.

What I can't solve is how to naked cuddle and sleep at night without being sticky the next morning.
