Saddam rolls over


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Just as U.S. troops were starting to move out in a major way, the Iraqi government caved in and agreed unconditionally to inspections, putting a monkey wrench in Bush's war plans. Instead of an attack being imminent, the inspections have their own timetable, set by the U.N., which Bush will be hard pressed now not to follow.

No doubt the U.S. government will now "raise the bar" and insist upon more concessions by Iraq, hoping it will reject them and thus furnish a pretext for war. It's pretty obvious which side is trying to negotiate and avoid war if possible, and which side is just making ultimatums and pushing for war. However, Hussein has at least gained some time.
As if he had much of a choice. Either comply or get his ass kicked (again). Personally, I preferred that he comply, but I had no problem if we went in. Besides I've got a lot invested in the defense industry.
he's doing the US a favor by stalling, more time to get materials in place. He'll play nice the Ramadan rolls around he acts like an ass, the US will be slow to attack suspected sites, he'll start to cooperate again when Ramadan winds down...... he'll wait 3-5 weeks and act like the fucking nut case he is. it'll be a cycle of delays and cooperation.
Re: War biz


War's good business, so invest your son.

what kind of rate of return will I get? a new country you say allllll righty thennnn:rolleyes:
Re: Re: War biz

HeavyStick said:

what kind of rate of return will I get? a new country you say allllll righty thennnn:rolleyes:

Sign up now and I'll make you a full partner!:D
Just as U.S. troops were starting to move out in a major way, the Iraqi government caved in and agreed unconditionally to inspections, putting a monkey wrench in Bush's war plans.

This was on the cards all along. Saddam always had this option and it does two things: buy time and cock a snoot at any invasion plans based on non-compliance of UN Resolutions.

What now?

On the face of it the US and the UK have got what they have set out to achieve but I think we all know that Saddam is not a man to be trusted.

I now see the emphasis for war being switched from the unconditional acceptance of weapons inspectors to the Iraqi 'support' of terrorist groups, especially al Qaida.

Now we will probably see the same old story of Saddam denying it and the US and UK saying they have proof. Then there'll be demands to produce it and statements saying it will be published in 'all good time'.

So around and around the mulberry bush we go.

To prove terrorist support will need a bit more than 'a leading al Qaida supporter was "spotted" in a Baghdad Street' mould. It's going to be a damn sight harder to prove than non-compliance with UN Resolutions.

The US promised to prove the stockpiling of 'weapons of mass destruction': she never did. The UK has promised the publication of an 'Iraq Dossier' showing the stockpiling has been taking place: she hasn't as yet. Neither country has what you would call a good track record when it comes to 'proof'.

Let's see what they do with 'proving' terrorist and al Qaida connections...

Give him all the rope he needs.....

We'll decide when to drop him through the platform! Read the cease fire agreement and you'll see we haven't even begun to up the conditions. The agreement states that there will be no place he can deny entry to the inspectors. I say we back that up with an air cap, and a division of troops in the inspection area, any trouble and out go the lights! UNR 687 sums it up, I believe it starts with item #8.

*Yes, my stocks in Boeing, Lockheed, FMC, and Raytheon have gone up! :D

Yep, the U.S. government has already rejected Iraq's offer (so much for acting "multilaterally" through the U.N.), and made new demands. The story's on the AP wire. Bush is hell bent for war.
Re: Already!

Yep, the U.S. government has already rejected Iraq's offer (so much for acting "multilaterally" through the U.N.), and made new demands. The story's on the AP wire. Bush is hell bent for war.

Yes, it's true folks. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

News through a clogged filter.

'91, '93, '96, '98, '99...

All were years in which Sadaam either did not allow Inspectors into Iraq, or let them in only to throw them right back out. You can sit here and blabber on all you want, but you are just taking a bathroom break from reality if you think he is going to actually let them do any real inspecting. It's all just a game. Testing the leash.

Lest we forget, those silly Democrats supported going into Iraq in '98, and nearly sent a bill through Congress over it, except Sadaam said he'd allow the Inspectors in, and thus eliminated the need for the bill. And then he changed his mind, but Clinton didn't do anything about it. :eek:
DeityMun said:
'91, '93, '96, '98, '99...

All were years in which Sadaam either did not allow Inspectors into Iraq, or let them in only to throw them right back out. You can sit here and blabber on all you want, but you are just taking a bathroom break from reality if you think he is going to actually let them do any real inspecting. It's all just a game. Testing the leash.

Lest we forget, those silly Democrats supported going into Iraq in '98, and nearly sent a bill through Congress over it, except Sadaam said he'd allow the Inspectors in, and thus eliminated the need for the bill. And then he changed his mind, but Clinton didn't do anything about it. :eek:

Actually there is a law on the books passed by congress, signed by Clinton, and fully funded, that calls for the removal of Saddam Hussein.

It's the law folks. Look it up.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Monday dismissed Iraq's unconditional offer for the return of U.N. weapons inspectors, calling it a tactic that would fail...

I don't understand this. I thought they WANTED inspections...
Ishmael said:

Actually there is a law on the books passed by congress, signed by Clinton, and fully funded, that calls for the removal of Saddam Hussein.

It's the law folks. Look it up.


Just an interesting sidenote, to anyone that likes to think Bush is doing any of this because of an upcoming election: It was just about a week after the whole Lewinski scandle broke that Clinton started making noise about taking out Sadaam.
Sandia said:

I don't understand this. I thought they WANTED inspections...

Iraq wants inspectors with no conditions attached... that is, if they kick out the inspectors, no one can do anything about it. And really, what is the point in that?
Sandia said:

I don't understand this. I thought they WANTED inspections...

Damn, why don't you take the time to read the text of the letters and the reasons for the dismissal. Or are you another fucking REDWAVE?

Tactics REDWAVE. As old as mankind. Sun Tzu. When your enemy wants talks and negotiations he is stalling because he is too weak. Attack. Attack at once. You have already won.