

...a curious sort
Mar 11, 2002
Mmmmmmmk. This is *NOT a rant. lol...I just wanted to see what everyone's thoughts were on the subject.

I've noticed something lately, (and perhaps it's gone on for quite a long time and I just never paid attention to it), that occasionally people will make a post and then after a few hours, or after sleeping on it, will come back and remove the entire post and put "." in it's place.

Of course by this time, someone invariably has quoted the original post. But, in the few instances that it has not been quoted...the conversation has carried on and it leaves the reader more lost than anything. (Which would be the author's intent, I'm sure).

Question is.......Why? Why remove your thoughts/feelings/opinions? You cannot do so in real life. What you say in your day to day activity is irrevocable. Once uttered, you can't just pretend that it never happened.

I feel as though the "Edit" button is an evil thing. lol...I use it sparingly, typically to correct my "Spelking" mistakes, of which I have several.

Do you "edit" in this manner? Why or why not?
I prefer ~

I only edit for spelling/grammar. If I'm posting to a serious thread, I will think through what I'm going to say before I start typing. I think people sometimes post without thinking, blurting out way more personal information then intended, and then regret it later, hence the removal of said post.
Usually I do it when I get too deep,give out too much info,or was too drunk and I shouldnt have posted it to begin with.
Vilac said:

I'd of figured Marxist or PC or someone to come up with that first....lol

Good form. :p

:D V~~~

They were still deleting their posts! :eek: