Runners unite?

I run usually 6-12 miles per week, but I don't love it. It just makes other things funner.
Hey guys! I did my first half marathon this year and am doing another in February. I never thought I could run but started very slowly and can go for miles. My knees aren't overly keen on the really long runs but I mainly stick to 6 miles and that's fine. Can't say I enjoy it but it helped me get my body back in shape and love the feeling once I've done it. :)

Which race in February? I may enter just so I can run behind you for 13.1 miles! :devil:
I've been taking a couple weeks to resolve some chronic aches, but I'm looking forward to starting up again this weekend. I just need to resist the temptation to run too fast too long too soon in this nice cool weather.
I've actually enjoyed maintenance running lately. 3-4 times a week, 4-6 miles a day. It beats the heck out of marathon training.
Destroyed 7 miles yesterday in the warm weather! Rest day today and hitting another 7 tomorrow
Newbie runner

Beginner runner here, but I've been turning into an addict :) I love running, especially in the cold. My longest distance so far is 3 miles, but I'm working on building up my endurance.
Welcome Katie! Back home visiting my folks for the holiday and just finished a 7.3 miler. WAY more hilly up here than back home. Calves are really feeling it
Ran 6 miles yesterday. I've run in 3 half marathons over the past few years. I think I want to start training for another. March or April possibly.
I'm a keen runner. Just run 10 miles along the Hudson River in Manhattan yesterday and love women with slim, runners' bodies.
Half marathon coming round again, 2nd and weight loss well under way.

Looking to beat last years time by about 10 minutes.

5.5 miles run yesterday, long one tomorrow!

Meant to post this earlier but the running community tragically lost on of our own this week.

Meg Cross Menzies was tragically killed by a drunk driver while out for her morning run on January 13, 2014. As an avid runner, member of the Richmond Road Runners Club, and Boston marathoner, she was a member of the running family nationwide. In her honor, our hope is to raise awareness of drunk driving, texting and driving, and overall safety of runners and cyclists everywhere.

This Saturday, January 18, 2014, no matter what your distance, no matter where you live, run for Meg. Take in the fresh air, be aware of your surroundings, keep your headphones on low, feel the heaviness in your lungs, the soreness in your legs, and be grateful for it--for all of it. The sweat, the pain, the wind, the cold…everything. Be grateful for that moment.

Feel free to post pictures of yourself pre-run or post-run, post your distance, post your thoughts, prayers, condolences with the hashtag #megsmiles. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Let all runners unite together and remember the loss of a beautiful spirit. It's not a coincidence the hashtag reads either "Meg's Miles" or "Meg Smiles." She will be smiling on all of us forevermore
I've just completed a hilly 8 mile run as part of my preparation for my second half-marathon at the end of March. It went well! I now have an ice-bag on one leg, but only as a precaution as I have a long-running niggle there.
The weather has been a little nicer lately so I've been running outside a little more. Ran 6 this morning at a leisurely 10 minute pace