RNC announces program to ‘help future voters’ prepare for naturalization test


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
The Republican National Committee is creating a program to help immigrants prepare for their naturalization tests, marking the party’s latest effort to expand its influence on minority groups before the midterm elections.

Under the newly announced Republican Civics Initiative, members of the RNC will hold 10-hour training courses in which immigrants can learn U.S. history and politics featured in the civics portion of the U.S. naturalization test. The program is meant to increase support among minority groups, particularly Hispanic voters in battleground states that may determine which party will gain control of Congress in November.

"The RNC is growing our Party through purposeful education and engagement," RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement . “Our commitment to provide opportunities for all to live out the American dream is broadening our base because our ideas transcend all backgrounds. Unlike Democrats, Republicans do not take minority communities for granted and we will continue to work to earn each vote ahead of November.”

There are more than 9.2 million lawful permanent residents in the United States who are eligible to become citizens and vote but have not been able to do so as of January 2021, according to the RNC.
Meanwhile the DNC says why do they need to take any tests, just let them vote the second they get off the bus.
Damn Republicans thinking only citizens can vote.
Oh, and I almost forgot to yell muh racism!!!!!!! Because its obviously a racist act to help immigrants become citizens.
Can we institute programs to teach visa holders not to overstay their time here since that's the majority of people in the country illegally or no?