response to previous spite voter notice


Jul 25, 2000
I want to thank those of you who responded to my spite voter complaint yesterday and voted on my story 'Naked She Died' -- non-erotic --bringing it back up out of the gutter; no doubt the spite voter{s} will hit again, but it's nice to know not everyone is an asshole out in cyberland. Thanks again, mucho.

If you suspect fraudulent votes (one person voting five 1's in a row, for example) you can contact Laurel or Manu and ask them to take a look.
Yeah Laurel and Manu are really cool about taking a look and fixing the problem if there is one. Just shoot them a pm.
With all due respect, bogus voting works two ways....getting people to vote for your story either way is defeating the purpose.

I had two of the top ten stories on Literotica, not just the catagory...the entire site, for two weeks, until they were voted down to 200 or so.

I complained on the boards, and vented, then realized I wasnt that into being I disabled the voting option on my stories.

Heres a tip........the guys you are trying to beat, are either A) way better writers than you with a much larger fan base, or B) they are better at beating the voting system than you are. Or, C. both a, and b.

Either way, you are going to lose.
Star of Penumbra said:
If you suspect fraudulent votes (one person voting five 1's in a row, for example) you can contact Laurel or Manu and ask them to take a look.

First of all, the guys that are good at boosting their stories by bogus voting the competition, dont do it all themselves.....there is more good ways around boosting your story here, than there are holes in a piece of swiss cheese.