Republicans who lost elections because their anti-vax supporters died?


Literotica Guru
Apr 7, 2018
Any guesses on how many republicans lost close elections yesterday which they would have won, except for the fact that anti-vaxxers who died from Covid couldn’t vote for them? With so many small local elections for schools boards, etc., it seems highly likely that this occurred.
That right-wingers and red staters died at a much high proportion during the height of Covid and that they still were stupid about it wasn't kept a secret while it was happening. Too bad. They weren't just getting themselves killed; they were killing others as well.
Any guesses on how many republicans lost close elections yesterday which they would have won, except for the fact that anti-vaxxers who died from Covid couldn’t vote for them? With so many small local elections for schools boards, etc., it seems highly likely that this occurred.
No worries about starting this thread. It is a question worth considering.
I’m anti-vax and I’m not dead…unless I’m a zombie
I vote zombie. I'm sure you believe that you not being dead from Covid means you think that applies to everyone else too. I do read you to be someone who doesn't care about the welfare of anyone but you.
I vote zombie. I'm sure you believe that you not being dead from Covid means you think that applies to everyone else too.
You assume I think of other people. Bubbleheads are self absorbed and shallow.
This might be a bit off the 'topic'; however, did anyone catch on to the idea that after all the elections tabulations and outstanding votes for the past two days, America seems more at peace with itself?

No, rants yet about Italian satellites changing votes, no militia guys/girls howling around buildings threatening executions, no threatening of vote counters, and no lawyers making midnight calls asking to find votes ...

I rolled my wheelchair to the front of the voting line, someone held the door open for me, and no one objected to my cutting line. People in long lines voted and then went home to watch the results.

Refreshing. Life is almost like it used to be. Hopefully, it follows this path toward national healing of minds and spirits.
This might be a bit off the 'topic'; however, did anyone catch on to the idea that after all the elections tabulations and outstanding votes for the past two days, America seems more at peace with itself?
I think it's just a lull while the Trumpers get the memo on the new lines of attack. They had been counting on getting a lot of mileage out of the Red Tsunami, I think.
Can't wait till the "it's just the flu" argument kicks in.
Are any of you gentlemen public health professionals?
Are any of you epidemiologists?

all the experts are being ignored, yet everyone claims to be an expert.
Very few. Numbers don't work like that. Mortality was...and continues to be ( more than 1000/week) in Republican strongholds. Doesn't matter if half their population dies....they will still vote Republican. Same is true for Democrats that didn't get vaccinated. Inner city...will still vote Democrat. Where you have tight have diverse constituents. There are a lot of reasons why a person doesn't vote. Them dying is very far down the list. simply a function of demographics. It is figured into models.