report illegal guns.....get cash reward


Jan 23, 2011
Don't hold your breath while you wait for Obama to disarm the Niggaz, Mafia, and Mexican gangs.
There are people who are prohibited from owning guns.

There is no such thing as an illegal gun.
Of course . . . if you have all the proper paperwork and have paid your fees.
They ask ol' Jack, "Jack, have you paid your dues?" and I always tell them...

The Check is in the Mail!
As opposed to the two eastern Europeans who were eaten by the gorilla pair at the zoo . . . the Czech is in the male.
Владимир Владимирович Путин
(Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin)
Ja wohl, or some such nonsense.

I have to get busy early today. We need more caulk at the stimulus site.
I doubt I will...

:D ;) ;) Today I am going to wear a shirt that has "THIT" on it in huge letters.

There were a couple of jobs that I just walked in and quit. One guy threatened to give me a bad reference, so I wrote that one right out of my resume.

People and their silly little resentments . . . like he would have warned me he was going to can me.
Yeah, suddenly I have two fellow supervisors who are fascinated as to whether or not I am working hard enough.

I walked out early on one of them Friday.

Today, no difference...
I figure, a guy gives two weeks notice, and he's already quit mentally, so why not let him leave physically also.

I was working out one notice, and on my last day, the supervisor (a total idiot) came out and picked some shit with one of the other flunkies. We,, at one point, the boss asked me which side of the story happened. I looked back at this asshole and said I didn't care, and that it was my last day and the last thing I was about to do was to inject myself into their bullshit. The boss was so pissed he didn't know what to say and left sputtering.

I'm a much better vendor than I ever was an employee.

Off to vend . . . .