Renversement des tempéraments


Dec 29, 2023
bonjour, je voudrais avoir une histoire de couple, d'un homme et d'une Femme mariés, un couple ordinaire et uni, un couple amoureux évoluer lentement dans une inversion des tempéraments. Le mari avec le temps deveint progressivement un homme bêta, tandis que son Epouse, Isabelle, prend peu à peu conscience de sa Féminité, de sa vie de Femme. Elle se rend compte de l'état dans lequel son époux se trouve, ils ont de moins en moins de relations sexuelles, son mari est de plus en plus frustré. Cela plaît à Isabelle qui prend de plus en plus de plaisir à frustrer son mari. Elle le fait avec amour parce que ça l'excite de conserver son couple, conserver son mariage et de se sentir libérée. Elle prend beaucoup de plaisir à rendre son mari dépendant, Ellle aime le candaulisme de son mari, aime le castrer cérébralement et va songer peu à peu à faire sa vie sexuelle en accord avec son mari mais sans lui.
Salut. Une très bonne idée mais malheureusement on n'est pas permis ici d'écrire en français... c'est l'anglais qui règne. Vous avez le forum 'French Literotica' à votre disposition. Evidemment s'il s'agit d'une 'story idea' il vous faudrait trouver un traducteur!
Hi. A very good idea but unfortunately we are not allowed to write in French here... English reigns. You have the 'French Literotica' forum at your disposal. Obviously if it's a 'story idea' you'll need to find a translator
If using Chrome, highlight text, right-click pull down, and choose translate to English.

To the OP, your idea isn't something I would enjoy. I like a little femdom, but that is bordering on cruelty and I'm not into such things. Good luck finding a writer for it.
Why would i want to read such a scenario. He looses his sexual prowess. She does not really gain much. A dead marriage. Some stories are win/win some are win/lose. This is lose/lose. As reader I want to identify with a character in a story. This offers none.
I believe the scenario could have been created observing what happens in many in real life marriages.
His professional carreer stalling at some stage, creating that beta male impression. Her disappointed, that he is not the winner type she had seen in him. Unleasing her disappointment by subduing and frustrating him. He is too polite or too tired or hopeless to stand up to her. Sex dries up, but maybe it is just her toxic behaviour that killed it, because assholes like her are just not attractive. She castrates him and then seeks other lovers. Will she cheat secretly or humiliate him openly? What if he finds another woman who instead boosts his confidence and he grows out of his frustration ?
I really want to see how someone turns this into a good story.
It is more of a piece for a marriage counsellor.
I believe the scenario could have been created observing what happens in many in real life marriages.
His professional carreer stalling at some stage, creating that beta male impression. Her disappointed, that he is not the winner type she had seen in him. Unleasing her disappointment by subduing and frustrating him. He is too polite or too tired or hopeless to stand up to her. Sex dries up, but maybe it is just her toxic behaviour that killed it, because assholes like her are just not attractive. She castrates him and then seeks other lovers. Will she cheat secretly or humiliate him openly? What if he finds another woman who instead boosts his confidence and he grows out of his frustration ?
I really want to see how someone turns this into a good story.
It is more of a piece for a marriage counsellor.

Not in real life, perhaps... but this forum is about ideas for fiction...

... and a "good story", whilst probably given a setting which closely mirrors real life, can allow us to indulge a fascination for people whose character would otherwise deter us.
I have tried to write a story to this idea. If anyone volunteers to beta read it, please contact me. (English, 6500 Words)
Yes. I felt challenged to think through the dynamics of such a relationship. Then there is the challenge to create varied spicy scenes, since just a series of cuckolding encounters is not appealing to me. And then the story must have a conclusion. The original post sounded like the plot would go on a downward spiral, asking where this might lead.
The translation of the OP:

hello, I would like to have a story of a couple, of a married man and woman, an ordinary and united couple, a loving couple evolving slowly in an inversion of temperaments. The husband, over time, gradually becomes a beta man, while his Wife, Isabelle, gradually becomes aware of her Femininity, of her life as a Woman. She realizes the state in which her husband finds himself, they have less and less sexual relations, her husband is more and more frustrated. This pleases Isabelle who takes more and more pleasure in frustrating her husband. She does it with love because it excites her to keep her relationship, keep her marriage and feel liberated. She takes great pleasure in making her husband dependent, she loves her husband's candaulism, likes to castrate him cerebrally and will gradually think about creating her sex life in accordance with her husband but without him.
The idea has been done over and over again, and it will keep being done over and over again. It will never die.

One of the first stories I've read on lit, many years ago, was exactly this. It's usually something like: Husband is revealed to be some sort of sub, the woman takes over, then she fucks others, she cuts him off, reduces him to emasculated, sexless domestic servant -- possibly forcing him to service other men.
The idea has been done over and over again, and it will keep being done over and over again. It will never die.

One of the first stories I've read on lit, many years ago, was exactly this. It's usually something like: Husband is revealed to be some sort of sub, the woman takes over, then she fucks others, she cuts him off, reduces him to emasculated, sexless domestic servant -- possibly forcing him to service other men.
But that is true of ALL stories. If you skim off the dross of any story, it can be placed into five different type of stories and that is it. BUT, how those five stories are word smithed out is how an author makes their story unique. As authors we can never use the excuse "it has been done before' because even our own stories have all been done before. Yet a million new books are produced every year in the United States alone. There is never a shortage of how these same stories can be told in a different way.

That being said, what if it was not about cuckolding? What if a wife was lamenting about her husband having cancer but surviving it, and it really affecting him even a few years later. She wants sex, but he is not that interested, until her best friend who is recently divorced and doing a series of one-night stands, starts telling her about all the different men she has been with, and all the different ways she is now having sex. The married woman then goes home and tries such techniques with her husband.

That would not be a cuckolding story, and if an author like @Andreas_Kreuz wanted to explore the phycological aspects of cancer causing a change within, they could write a slow-burn, phycological erotic thriller.
But that is true of ALL stories. If you skim off the dross of any story, it can be placed into five different type of stories and that is it. BUT, how those five stories are word smithed out is how an author makes their story unique. As authors we can never use the excuse "it has been done before' because even our own stories have all been done before. Yet a million new books are produced every year in the United States alone. There is never a shortage of how these same stories can be told in a different way.

That being said, what if it was not about cuckolding? What if a wife was lamenting about her husband having cancer but surviving it, and it really affecting him even a few years later. She wants sex, but he is not that interested, until her best friend who is recently divorced and doing a series of one-night stands, starts telling her about all the different men she has been with, and all the different ways she is now having sex. The married woman then goes home and tries such techniques with her husband.

That would not be a cuckolding story, and if an author like @Andreas_Kreuz wanted to explore the phycological aspects of cancer causing a change within, they could write a slow-burn, phycological erotic thriller.

Oh, I beg to differ.
Most of the stories here really had been told too many times. Of course, the readers will keep reading them. Especially the fetishists, who can read the exactly same story every day, and still get a kick out of it.

Then, there are some interestingly original stories on lit.

I myself see no point in writing a story that has been written 10,000 times before.
I've tried writing original stories, especially with the longer ones.
My words were not wrong, but your perspective is. I was talking about writing as a whole, and you are looking at it solely based on this site.

This is a story site for hobbyist writer's; of course you are going to have to wade through a ton of poorly written stories to find some really good ones. It is the Law of Big Numbers at work.

That does not mean writers are bad, as all of us started at the some point. We all sucked at one time because it takes practice to get better. But it also takes wanting to get better!

The story ideas forum is probably one of the smallest subforums on here, but that only stands to reason. A lot of stories on here are just people writing stories as they masturbated to their written words and then published them on here since there are few publishing requirements. If you are happy your last story just brought you a huge orgasm, then yes, you never will get better because its about the orgasm, not about the story itself. For others; like many on this subforum, we have a desire to get better, to challenge our writing skills, and pursuit creativity and parse out different story ideas.

Whining about the lack of quality stories on a hobbyist website for erotica is like going to the local bar on Karokie Night and expecting your neighbor's wife to sing like Taylor Swift. It is not very likely.
My story has taken a completely different route. I explored his path to becoming beta and subject to verbal degrading.
I just had fun posting the original idea to chatgpt. Asking if a psychiatrist would identify personality disorders.
GPT says: She is a sadistic narcissist. He passive aggressive. And that they should indeed get psychological help.
My story has taken a completely different route. I explored his path to becoming beta and subject to verbal degrading.
I just had fun posting the original idea to chatgpt. Asking if a psychiatrist would identify personality disorders.
GPT says: She is a sadistic narcissist. He passive aggressive. And that they should indeed get psychological help.

I've tried to do the same. I fed the OP (in english) to chatgpt, but couldn't get the same answer. What was your question? I only got some narcissism about the "she".
First I just asked: analyze the character for personality disorders. But that was too direct. In that respect chatgpt is almost human. If you ask it for disorders, you will get disorders.
If you just ask for personality traits, you will get that it is an unusual power dynamic.
So I added the psychiatrist to the prompt, which bent the answer to exploring their childhoods.
And to identify him as passive aggressive is a bit far reached.
Yeah, I tried various questions myself.

Then I tried to feed it a full story. It does not like it. Because of the adult content, no less!
It accepted something short and not explicit, then got offended when given something explicit. Amazing.
Yes of course, Chatgpt doesn't like explicit stuff. To controversial. However I found it quite open to bdsm. Total power exchange, submission, degrading, spanking all ok, as long as you do not use the terrible word nipple.
No self-respecting writer would use AI. Check out the artists corner where there's been an invasion of non-artist "image producers" lately, all claiming "originality" in what they do.

As if...