Real Life Harry Potter Story Idea


Literotica Guru
Jun 30, 2001
You may have already heard this one, but if you doubt my word, here is the URL to verify.


Harry Potter's Nimbus 2000 broom by Mattel might seem the perfect Halloween gift for a child.

Kids love to play with it. Boy, do they love it.

From parents' Web site "reviews" quoted last month in the New York Post and Toronto Star:

-- "I was surprised at how long (my daughter and her friends) can just sit in her room and play with this magic broomstick."

--The "only problem I see with the toy is the batteries drain too fast and (my son's) sister fights him over it, so now I need to buy her one. "

-- An Ohio mom wondered if her 12-year-old daughter wasn't too old for for the toy, "but she seems to LOVE it ... My oldest daughter (17) really likes it too!"

--A New Jersey mother, sensing a problem, said her daughter could keep playing with it, "but with the batteries removed."

--Still another mother, age 32, said she enjoyed it as much as her daughter.'s reviewer describes the toy thusly:

"A replica of Harry's broom from the movie 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone,' the Nimbus 2000 lets kids 'fly' just like the members of their favorite Quidditch team. It features magical swooping and whooshing sounds and nice detailing. Requires three AA batteries (included)."

It's the battery-powered "magical swooping" that bothers some parents.

Amazon apparently deleted or edited all controversial customer reviews after the toy's autoerotic attributes gained publicity.

©2003 Associated Press
I am not familiar with Harry Potter!

Ack! I am always the last to know.....

There just seems there has to be a story in here, somewhere.

Perhaps, the broom has seemingly magical abilities that could be benevolent or insidious.

i.e. Mom buys one of these and gets hooked on it. The broom renders every man within five feet of her madly in lust with her, thereby either a) improving her marriage or b) destroying it.

Babbling....but isn't that what brainstorming is? :D
:( and i wanted to *buy* one of those! <runs sobbing from the room>
when I saw the topic "Harry Potter" my first thought was "underage". Just think: A young female teenager has her first sexual experiences with this broom. But of course, this story would never end up on Lit because of the age thing.

But what about this: They mentioned a 17 year old sister ... make her 18 and it would work. She wants to give her 12 year old sister this broom as a birthday present. But before that, she wants to test if the broom is working (just think how bad it is to get a battery-powered toy as a birthday present - and then it doesn't work) .... well, she switches it on and then she pretends to be a witch, riding the broom. When the vibrating broomstick touches her crotch, her pussy gets wet .... she keeps on riding the broomstick until she reaches her orgasm.

But then, she decides that she can't give this broom to her sister - she has to keep it away from her - in her own room ....

Another idea could be: There is a birthday party, and a kid (male) gets this broom as a present. On the party, everyone is dressed up like Harry Potter and the other characters from the book. Well, his mother, his adult sister and his aunt all three are dressed up like witches. At one time, the mother jokingly takes the broom and starts to ride it like a witch. But then, the daughter tells her: "Hey mom, turn it on. According to the comercial, this thing also has some "flying sounds" and some realistic "flying motions". " - The mom turns it on and instantly, her facial expression changes when she feels the vibrating broomstick .... after some more riding, she hands the broomstick over to the aunt and then to her daughter .....

By the way, late in december, I found this newspaper clip on another message board .....
Yeah, God forbid 12- year-old girls reaching puberty and starting to explore their sexuality..!

(referring to the newspaper clip)
Last edited:

" does her 17 yr old sister" lol

how many of you owned squiggle pens?
by the way: according to the newspaper clip, Mattel stopped the production of this brooms ...

well, it's still available on for $19.99. But I also looked for it on ebay .... I found about 50 auctions .... I am really curious how many of the bidder wants the broom because it can be used as a sex toy ....

But there is one very strange auction. Remember, on amazon it costs $19. 99 - but there is one auction: The starting bid is $34.99 or you can use "buy-it-now" for $48.99 ..... the good thing is that no one placed a bid so far. The other auctions are much cheaper.

When I start to think .... imagine, your 13 year old daughter asks you, if you would buy her a dildo ... probably you would call her nuts. But if she would ask you for this broom, probably you would think: "My sweet innocent daughter still likes to play with toys .... so she isn't interested in boys and sex ....

Oh, but by the way: If anyone wants to write a story, I think I found a suiting name for it: "Vibrator in disguise" ..... (or maybe "Dildo in disguise")
Chicklet said:

how many of you owned squiggle pens?

It was my first vibrator. But, I was a hell of a lot younger than the broom girls.
squiggle pens?

Can someone give me some details about this pens ? It sounds interesting .... and horny, too.
A squiggle pen is a 5" to 6" (?) long pen that vibrates. It has interchangeable colors for it, and when you write with it the ink shows on the paper in small spirals.

All WE had was the bendable rubber fake pencils!

And my dad wonders why I prefer a black American guy over some nice, white Swede...:rolleyes:
All those battery operated toys. :rolleyes:

Modern kids don't know what they're missing.

In my day, horny twelve-year-old girls would dragoon a younger playmate, whom they could control, into helping them play 'Doctor.' :eek:

At eight, that was how I acquired my bedside manners.

I also learned that, when playing "Doctor," it pays to specialize. ;)
this is getting really interesting.

what other (kids) toys could be used for either masturbation or sex ? Not necessarily battery-powered (but it would add something) .... a long thin toy could also work ....

I try to thing about what other stuff could be used, but the only thing that comes to my mind is an electric toothbrush .... (and that isn't a toy) ....
The most recent video game systems all have a 'rumble' force-feedback feature in their controllers. I recall a cool pic by Satomi Mizuno featuring her using a PlayStation controller as a vibrator (those summon spell effects can go on a long time in those Final Fantasy games...). I myself tried the N64 and Dreamcast rumble controllers on myself (some games will let you test the rumble strength, so you can leave it on), but vibrators never seem to work as well for guys as they do for girls.
I guess, you don't have this picture of Satomi Mizuno anymore ?

Otherwise, I would love to see it (even though I don't know her)
Hey there, everybody.

A few people have contacted me with concerns about this thread regarding the under-18 Literotica policy. While talking about emergent sexuality and discussing how public policy ought to be isn't against Lit rules, it is a subject for another board.

For this forum, if you couldn't submit a story about it, it's off topic. That goes for all things underage-sex related, okay? Rather than land Laurel & co. in trouble with the government, let's keep the topic firmly in mind, okay?

Forum Mod
Well, RisiaSkye,

The story here, as I see it, is Mattel has discovered an untapped market for children's toys. :D

Anybody, who has worked in merchandising, will tell you that what may be designed for nice, neat niches, does not always remain there. :(

Just from the published article, we know that, aside from a slew of prepubescent twelve-year-olds, at least one seventeen-year-old sister, and a thirty-something mother, found an 'unplanned' game to play with this toy. ;)

If there is a story, and what shape that story should take, is what we are discussing on this thread, in this forum. If we occasionally lapse into nascent memories or ribald humour . . . well, this isn't brain surgery! :confused:

Should we decide to write this idea into a story for Lit. I trust that everyone here already knows to concentrate on the older sister, or the mother.

And if somebody just HAS to write about the prepubescent twelve-year-old, they already know to restrict themselves to the unrewarding exercise of submitting to :eek:
Re: Well, RisiaSkye,

Quasimodem said:

If there is a story, and what shape that story should take, is what we are discussing on this thread, in this forum. If we occasionally lapse into nascent memories or ribald humour . . . well, this isn't brain surgery! :confused:
No, of course it isn't. It is, however, a potentially actionable violation of federal law regarding free site content. Thus, the reminder to keep away from "going blue" in the discussion as it pertains to those under 18.

Should we decide to write this idea into a story for Lit. I trust that everyone here already knows to concentrate on the older sister, or the mother.

I would trust so as well. Or, if not, they would certainly learn when their story suffered the quick death of a summary rejection.

Hope that clarifies & best to all,
RisiaSkye said:
. . . It is, however, a potentially actionable violation of federal law regarding free site content. Thus, the reminder to keep away from "going blue" in the discussion as it pertains to those under 18. . . . Hope that clarifies & best to all,RS
No, not in the least!

If fair comment about an actual news story concerning the misuse of a National Trade Marked toy is to become actionable, it must first be actionable for the agency that carried the original news story.

If ‘a few people' become so ‘concerned' that we must begin to colour code such content as ‘going blue' . . . what colour is to be applied to threads - quite within the boundaries of Literotica's regulations - discussing which family members: Mother - Son, Father - Daughter, or Sister - Brother, would make the best Incest Story? As well as, whether allowing this breach of taboo to produce issue, would improve the story?

Having read threads quite similar to this, makes our possible story of some harried mother who encounters a ‘magical' lift of her spirits from one of her daughter's toys - either accidentally, or on purpose - to seem rather picayune, in comparison.
Quasimodem said:
No, not in the least!

If fair comment about an actual news story concerning the misuse of a National Trade Marked toy is to become actionable, it must first be actionable for the agency that carried the original news story.

If ‘a few people' become so ‘concerned' that we must begin to colour code such content as ‘going blue' . . . what colour is to be applied to threads - quite within the boundaries of Literotica's regulations - discussing which family members: Mother - Son, Father - Daughter, or Sister - Brother, would make the best Incest Story? As well as, whether allowing this breach of taboo to produce issue, would improve the story?

I'm not talking about "actionable" by Literotica. I'm talking about Literotica violating federal laws against posting sexually explicit content about minors, in violation of the COPA laws. While those laws are still in legal limbo, it's grey area. I'd rather not put Laurel, or the site, at risk.

Incest stories are not against federal law.
Minor stories are.

That's all. I appreciate your vigilance, but I think you misunderstand and misrepresent my concerns. I'm not trying to censor you, I'm reminding you to keep away from sexualizing minors on a free-content site.

Thank you,

"going blue" is common, if slightly dated, parlance for sexually explicit convo.
That is rather immoderate pedantry coming from a ‘Moderator' in spite of how Literotica threads through legal loopholes:

Incest is not only against the laws of most countries. It is - for quite sufficient reasons - against most society's taboos, as well. Incest ranks up there with cannibalism, as an unacceptable activity.

‘Minor stories' as you put it, or any other hint of the peadophille is also against the laws of most advanced societies. Its punishment is given lip service, even by those societies where such practises are not legally penalized.

It is probably due to the fact that certain parts of the world, which publicly renounce incest and cannibalism, remain loath to prosecute a proven paedophile, that its opponents are - justly - so vehemently against even a case of mistaken identity.

The discussion, in this thread - prior to your entry, RisiaSkye - was about none of these three abhorrent practises cannibalism, incest, or paedophile.

We were discussing autoeroticism. Specifically, the autoerotic as it was being assisted by the (innocent - I will accept) release of Mattel's ‘Harry Potter Wand.'

This led to several forms of comment, mostly of either adult posters' personal preferences, or of a statement regarding a personal experience of an adult poster's introduction to the world of autoeroticism.

In at least one case, a poster had already pointed out the necessity of increasing the age of any character in a story that employed autoeroticism to include only characters under the age of eighteen, in order to conform to the constraints of Literotica.

Once all had been reminded of this requirement, the post tended to turn rather silly - in my personal opinion - due to the fact that no one could imagine writing a character who does not ‘discover' his/her (autoerotic) sexuality until their eighteenth year. [ I won't say it has never happened. Truth is stranger, than any fiction, or unbelievable premise, that most writers outside of Sci-Fi & Fantasy can ever attempt.]

As a final note, for those who cannot differentiate between an autoerotic, and paedophilic, the latter require both an oppressor and a victim. In the former case, the subject victimises - as it were - himself/herself.

To any other thought police: autoeroticism is the ‘crime' that time forgot.

One hundred years ago, children - usually male - were institutionalized, diagnosed as chronic masturbators and imprisoned in insane asylums. Their only disease appears to have been the inability to differentiate between the laudable, which was to be performed publically, and the ‘unnatural' which ‘sane' members of society hypocritically conducted in private.

Once institutionalized, these unfortunates were permitted no access to privacy, and forced to sublimate - if they could - a normal stage of human development.

Finally, my real reason for initiating this thread [01-02-2003 PM] has provided mostly barren insight. Quite possibly, because it was curtailed by RisiaSkye's comments.

I had hoped that after the obligatory ribald comments, someone might have noticed that something less than laudable corporate citizenship was at work here.

I am willing to believe that it was accidental that Mattel - in effect - mass marketed an ‘Adult Erotic Aid' to the 6 to12 year market.

As always, it is not the crime (read error) but the coverup that rates the censure.

It may be worth re-reading the final paragraph, of the story I supplied

"Amazon apparently deleted or edited all controversial customer reviews after the toy's autoerotic attributes gained publicity."

Does that not qualify Amazon personnel for censure?

First, that Amazon edits any customer's review, to disguise a reviewer's legitimate concern, is hardly acceptable procedure by any company that professes to be a consumer's advocate. That Amazon edited customer reviews to hide their customer's concerns about a subject apparently shared by RisiaSkye, is at the very least, reprehensible.

I like to think that at least one of the intelligent posters would, eventually, have twigged to this report of corporate hypocrisy. Unfortunately, the chill from RisaSkye's ‘Thought Police' postings daunted any thoughtful posters.

I will leave ‘Story Ideas' with the following comment.

If we can expect this case to represent the future, expect safe, sophomoric, subjects to become the breadth of the output of the writers who gather here to discuss and exchange ideas on how to generate themes and plots which - in some way - are better.

Minds wearing another's straitjacket, never do develop well.
Quasimodem said:

We were discussing autoeroticism. Specifically, the autoerotic as it was being assisted by the (innocent - I will accept) release of Mattel's ‘Harry Potter Wand.'

I thought it was a broom?
RisiaSkye said:
Hey there, everybody.

A few people have contacted me with concerns about this thread regarding the under-18 Literotica policy. While talking about emergent sexuality and discussing how public policy ought to be isn't against Lit rules, it is a subject for another board.

For this forum, if you couldn't submit a story about it, it's off topic. That goes for all things underage-sex related, okay? Rather than land Laurel & co. in trouble with the government, let's keep the topic firmly in mind, okay?

Forum Mod

topic firmly in mind?
am I the only one that instantly got a mental picture of something firmly in hand?

how about an 18+ story of the quality control inspectors at the broom factory?
how about an 18+ story of the quality control inspectors at the broom factory?

Good idea. Or maybe, before the production starts, the broom is given out to some testers, who have to test if the toy is save for children.

So, this one lady pretends to ride it and switches it on .....