Sexbot anthology


Literotica Guru
Apr 19, 2021
Thought it would be fun to write about a future where sex robots are common and a lot more functional than they are now.

Essentially a short story collection of people getting or talking about their experience with a sexbot.

For example:

Woman dies and her daughter is left to take care of her estate and execute her will. Among her mom’s possession is a female model sexbot. Her siblings and family are of course shocked but encourage daughter to just factory reset the sexbot and sell her…but daughter can’t do that as the sexbot has memories of her mother (they weren’t just fucking, mom treated her like a friend) so daughter winds up forming a relationship with the sexbot, first as a grieving relative then as a new lover.

Or: guy doesn’t have much money but finds there’s a line of sexbots that are surprisingly cheap. Reviews seem positive so he buys one and has a great time at first but soon discovers why she’s so cheap: she is constantly trying to push him to buy things and updating marketers with his information. Maybe she even has dedicated ad time where, unless he pays a subscription fee she won’t work as a sexbot until ads finish playing…and of course she tends to stop right when things are getting good.

Or: girl finds out her “big brother” who she grew up with is actually a sexbot. On the one hand she’s uncomfortable with the fact her parents let her think that while fucking the sexbot…on the other…her taboo attraction to him is legal if still questionable.

Or: wedding present. Relative wanting to pull a prank on the new couple has sexbots made which look like them. Of course couple is embarassed but decides to keep them (especially when they find out Relative was hoping they’d ask the gifts be returned as they cost more than they expected). Couple ignores them at first but then decides to spice things up and includes them…though they soon find their favorite activity is to fuck their own sexbot (groom fucks male sexbot, bride fucks female sexbot) before fucking their partner
Fair enough, the original idea was going to be a bachelor/bachelorette party where a sexbot rental company will modify one to look like whoever you want (usually celebrities) and the best man gets him one that looks like his bride to be while wife at her party gets a copy of her husband so they “cheat” on each other with their copies (with of course an alternate twist being guy is led to believe bride is a sexbot and she does every wild thing he can think of before she reveals she’s his flesh and blood bride
Fucking your own sexbot sounds wild. Like twins fucking I guess. The whole sexbot thing has potential. Imagine when you can order any sexbot in any style ie your favourite actor or singer or the girl/boy you pine for from school, or the teacher you had the hots for, or the stranger who lives upstairs. Endless possibilities.
The sexbot story I have in some back drawer of my mind (and have, I believe have mentioned on this forum repeatedly before) is really probably a trope done many times up to point.

.. where a guy buys a house on cheap surprise offer, the previous owner had obviously gone bankrupt or something.

(I imagine it as large and very posh home but in somewhat decrepit state, unfinished or abandoned or both. It's far more of a house our guy needs or even wants or could normally afford but figures he could make a killing on it if he brings it in order and resell, and he urgently needed residence in area it's not trivial or something... nothing of that is essential, the essential things the deal had been turned around exceptionally fast, and he moved in immediately. It's also soon revealed the previous owner had gone missing, possibly on the run from justice.)

So, a few hours to days of moving in, there's a delivery service wan with huge box with really curious markings, and the delivery guy says he was given the address and can't care less who is signing for it, for as far he's concerned, it's all prepaid and done deal.

Unable to contact the previous owner, the guy can't hold his curiosity and open the packaging. Out comes a naked girl who demands to be named, refuses his attempts to dress her up, and spews out instructions of how she should be treated as a hardcore bdsm slave. The obvious conclusion is that she's a sexbot, but she's so incredibly lifelike the guy is very confused. She doesn't turn away food, it's unclear if she requires it, but the guy feels like he needs to feed her and so forth. He accept and embrace her preference to be nude, but otherwise he's not into bdsm at all and tries to figure out how to reprogram the bot to a more romantic track. But the irony is the relationship is mostly led by the bot, or whatever she is.

Those attempts to dig into the sexbot leads him to develop an alternative theory, that what has is actually daughter of the previous owner. Or possibly her very close copy in a sexbot form. But he tends to think the body is her, that she's biologically a human. Why her mind is the way she is, is it all actually an act, had she's been enslaved and reprogrammed? The deeper in forest the more firewood, as the saying goes. He attempt to get her original memories back, and it seems working, but is those real memories or AI confabulations based on known facts of life of the personality he tries to install in the sexbot?
I see the Tyrell Corporation from Blade Runner getting a few references in these stories.
Fucking your own sexbot sounds wild. Like twins fucking I guess. The whole sexbot thing has potential. Imagine when you can order any sexbot in any style ie your favourite actor or singer or the girl/boy you pine for from school, or the teacher you had the hots for, or the stranger who lives upstairs. Endless possibilities.
That just made me think of a combo idea: what about a celebrity who buys a sexbot that is made to look like them (maybe even look like them in their prime) the manufacturer of course doesn’t know she’s the one buying it (maybe if it’s mass produced it’s a knockoff of her like “Grammy winner”) and she engages in a psychosexual relationship with it that ends negatively (with her wasting away while doting on this manufactured copy of herself) or positively (sexbot realizes the relationship is hurting her and actually alters itself to no longer be a perfect copy. Could have scenes where she looks at all the flaws that got left out of the sexbot: surgery scars, calluses, bags under her eyes, etc, or where she had the sexbot play out scenes from her movies or her own life and makes them have a different outcome (she plays at being her ex-wife and has the sexbot tackle her and refuse to let her leave when in reality she just told her ex-wife to fuck off when she was confronted about her mental health needs, or she has the secbot do a monologue that got cut from a film she was in that she had been promised she would get to deliver that becomes a pissed off rant and hatefuck against the studios that used her)

Or: guy doesn’t have much money but finds there’s a line of sexbots that are surprisingly cheap. Reviews seem positive so he buys one and has a great time at first but soon discovers why she’s so cheap: she is constantly trying to push him to buy things and updating marketers with his information. Maybe she even has dedicated ad time where, unless he pays a subscription fee she won’t work as a sexbot until ads finish playing…and of course she tends to stop right when things are getting good.

This one made me laugh! Sounds like an Android (google) version of a sexbot!
This one made me laugh! Sounds like an Android (google) version of a sexbot!

Yeah, that’s where I got the idea: my parents recently bought a new tv and they were surprised at how cheap it was and I asked them “is it a fire tv?” They said yes and I explained how the cost is kept low so they can get that sweet sweet data and advertise to them round the clock
Isaac Asimov famously formulated the Three Laws of Robotics. I wonder if we should try to come up with the Three Laws of Sexbotics?

I guess a pseudo serious answer would be

1. A sex bot must not initiate without prior consent.

2. A sexbot must put the pleasure of humans above its own perseverance.
2A. Addendum: A sexbot must not engage in acts that would cause permanent harm, injury, or death to a human (this addendum shall be the “Greg addendum” cause dammnit greg! Why did you think telling a sexbot to choke you as hard as it could would be a good idea? …fucking dumbass)

3. A sexbot must not engage in acts that would be illegal for a human.

4. If a Sexbot is asked to engage in sexual acts with another sexbot, it must confirm their partner is of an appropriate voltage or has applied the appropriate adaptor first (dammit Nancy: American and European bots use different voltage. You’ve gone on enough “Business” trips to France to know that.)