Real life ghost experiences


Virginal Temptress
Apr 13, 2013
Has anyone here ever had any real life ghost experiences?

I know I saw a shadow man in my room years ago. Damn thing peaked around a corner and scared 10 years off of me.
Yes. Once I definitely saw an old woman in my bedroom four nights before my Dad passed. A few years previous to that I thought I saw my sister's dog in her hallway (he'd been dead a few months) but I wasn't really sure.
I've been reincarnated several times, so naturally I believe in ghosts.
I have never seen or heard a ghost, but I have talked to people who had plausible stories of their encounters. When I was in my twenties I liked to go into cemeteries after dark and smoke marijuana. The older the cemeteries were, the more I liked doing that. The scariest thing that happened during one of my cemetery walks was when I was nearly arrested. 😨
when I was a kidI once lived in a house where the pots and pans and shit would bang(not the house creaking, but metal things going *twang* in the kitchen), sometimes late at night there would be a shit load of foot steps, but when anyone checked the rooms, they'd be gone, once to start again when you closed the door. Had terrifying experiences in that house with pure black shadow folk and weird fucking apparitions. I had many weird experiences like couple of times shit flew, not dropped, flew across the room with no plausible explanation why or how. Like I've walked into the kitchen and a fucking tupperware lid, "jumped up" and flew right across the area rught in front of me and my bro fucking whirling perpendicular to the ground. I thought I was crazy sometimes, but when your family and friends see the same shit you did in that house, you don't know what to think anymore. There were worse experiences but I don't like to think about it. That house left me terrified of the dark until adulthood. I had to train myself to be okay with sleeping in the dark.

People can say what the fuck they want about whether ghosts, or "supernatural" exists or not, but that shit left me a full on believer. Thankfully I've only seen one experience like that since I left that damn place years ago. I feel bad for whoever moved in that house, but it's your problem now, guy.
It was more a paranormal experience. I asked God to send me a sign that I would make it through a bf's death. I didn't ask for signs again.:)
Yes, but it was a looong time ago. Although it might have been more negative energy than a ghost… a poltergeist type situation… apparition, noises, movement. The whole nine yards, so to speak.
Has anyone here ever had any real life ghost experiences?

I know I saw a shadow man in my room years ago. Damn thing peaked around a corner and scared 10 years off of me.
I have lost count of the sitings. From childhood onwards, and I am now 63. Spooks are real. It is just that not everyone actually sees them.